I remember from CIV2 that there were little goodie huts. Then in CTP there were the little ruins that had the same affect. I have been playing CTP2 for a while now and have yet to see one. I have explored 75% of the huge map with only 3 other civilizations...have explored much more territory than they and have yet to see one. Are they in this version of the game? Do I have to be playing at a certain difficulty level or certain barbarian level?
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Goodie Huts????
FYI - only time I've seen goodie huts on any level of difficulty is when I've turned barbarians to ruins only. Any other setting gives me barbarians, no ruins.
Of course I've had plenty of chances to try this out since every game, past a certain point, I've got to restart or start a new game because my loads don't load anymore.
I have tried a few things with this and think I have found another bug. If I play on the medium level, I get the huts. If I play on the beginner level, I do not. If I play on the easy level, I do not and it acts as if I am playing on the beginner level still. If I start a new game, it says that I am on the beginner level, but the easy level buton is clicked....very strange. But I guess the game level is one of those minor details that you wouldn't really double check during testing (he says sarcastically with a snear).