Hello, having watched the 1st CCTP board for six months before buying it and loving it, I have a questien based on playing my friends copy which may influence this purchase of CTP2.
In the first one you could just reach for anything it seemed that there was always time to build alot of stuff. In this new one for example, I set a goal target like Robotics, wanted my war walker :?) but I will be danged if by time I reached that or any goal the game was over with the score being tabulated. I know I could continue, but what fun is that. In the first one at least I could get acheive mostly anything I aimed for while heading for the Alien Technology. Isnt this a bit of a drawback. Would appreciate comments on this.
P.S. If you are in the USA Frys Electronics has it on sale for 30.00 US$. Would like to have reason to snag it at that price
In the first one you could just reach for anything it seemed that there was always time to build alot of stuff. In this new one for example, I set a goal target like Robotics, wanted my war walker :?) but I will be danged if by time I reached that or any goal the game was over with the score being tabulated. I know I could continue, but what fun is that. In the first one at least I could get acheive mostly anything I aimed for while heading for the Alien Technology. Isnt this a bit of a drawback. Would appreciate comments on this.
P.S. If you are in the USA Frys Electronics has it on sale for 30.00 US$. Would like to have reason to snag it at that price
