quote:![]() Originally posted by Cyrius on 11-19-2000 03:03 PM 2. City management has changed; you can't place workers anymore which is frustrating when you consider tile improvements and specialists (to that earlier post, you can build things in cities of course ;-) ). ![]() |
Actualy i think the Worker system is a lot beter for one simple reason.
lets say you have the 3 most poluting cities when the an AI (or palyer) starts building the Gaia bomb wonder
pop open the cities you dont want to lose make sure the managers are turned off, then take all of your "Labor" and put them to work making you monie,
take all of your "Workers", and reasign them to Farming untill you get to the "Growth" you want (you may need to reasgne some of the specialists to farming, but so far, ive noted that i always end up with needing fewer farmers than workers) again, asign all of your surpuse labor to printing money of science as needed(this also works on the cities that are heavy poluters) and after the wonder goes off, reset your cities as needed
quote:![]() 2. Diplomacy is much better. Enough has been said about this already. [This message has been edited by Cyrius (edited November 19, 2000).] ![]() |
not gona argue whith that observation! Its just about the sweetest Diplomacy modle around