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CTP2 not looking different enough....!

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  • CTP2 not looking different enough....!

    Judging by the screenshots does CTP2 look all that different to the original?

    It even seems that there is no "medieval" (castle) city style AGAIN! This really annoys me as around half the civs should use this. I know this is fixed with a patch in the original, but should we pay for a second game we only have to patch up again?

    And some units look exactly the same as the original too.

    Surely the whole point of a sequal is to change it!

    ...And if the British Commonwealth and its people live for a thousand years, man will still say "this was their finest hour"- Winston Churchill.

  • #2

    CTP2 not looking different enough....!
    sorry for the language, but...
    so f*********** what????

    the point is for the game to PLAY better.....


    • #3
      Of course the point is to play better, but it would be nice for them to supply new graphics as well.

      ...And if the British Commonwealth and its people live for a thousand years, man will still say "this was their finest hour"- Winston Churchill.


      • #4

        Originally posted by red_jon on 10-26-2000 06:29 PM
        Of course the point is to play better.
        glad we agree on that

        but it would be nice for them to supply new graphics as well.
        beware that not all screenshots(if some of those appearing the last few days) are of the latest builds
        you might want to check out our screenshots and art pages


        • #5

          Originally posted by red_jon on 10-26-2000 03:39 PM
          Judging by the screenshots does CTP2 look all that different to the original?

          And some units look exactly the same as the original too.

          Surely the whole point of a sequal is to change it!

          Like MarkG said, the point of a sequel is NOT to change the way the game works or looks, but to improve on the basic idea. It definitely does NOT mean changing everything, as you seem to imply.


          • #6
            I'm with you, Mark. I wish people would get over the graphics thing. It's tiring.

            - MKL
            "And of course Henry The Horse dances the waltz!"
            Shameless Plug:
            - mkl


            • #7
              Two things. One, I'm getting sick of hearing about people complaining how CTP2 won't be "different" enough from CTP1. Two, red_jon, if you don't like the graphics that much, then change them yourself.

              The Electronic Hobbit
              The Electronic Hobbit


              • #8
                The main thing that annoys me is that the city styles are the same- i.e with the absence of a medieval city style (like the un-modified CTP1).

                Sure we can change the graphics ourselves/ download patches and generally DO ACTIVISIONS WORK FOR THEM- they're producing the game, it shouldn't be up to anyone outside Activision to have to modify it to improve it.

                Don't get me wrong, I am eagerly awaiting the realease of CTP2, the lack of visual change in many units/ cities just dissapointed me a bit.

                ...And if the British Commonwealth and its people live for a thousand years, man will still say "this was their finest hour"- Winston Churchill.


                • #9
                  Activisions works very hard for a good gameplay and you are dissapointet, because there some same graphics from CTP? Brrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuu.......

                  Make it better and then we see....
                  KEEP EVIL SMILE }:-)


                  • #10
                    I don't get you all. If you wan't good game play, and not concerned with graphics, then why stray away from the original Civ's, or even Alpha Centauri?
                    Good graphics is the only card Activision has to play.

                    Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by MarkG on 10-26-2000 03:49 PM
                      CTP2 not looking different enough....!
                      sorry for the language, but...
                      so f*********** what????

                      the point is for the game to PLAY better.....
                      Usually I associate sequels with improved graphics and gameplay, you see, I like a full package deal. I haven't seen something of this order since, oh, Duke Nukem 1 and 2 or other side scrollers where the gameplay and graphics were similar. But you see, they were telling a STORY so they could get away with it...


                    • #12
                      ok, this is the time where we start to explain to darth why the sea is blue and the sun is shining....

                      darth, are you living in a different world where civers are like fps fans? well, in this world, civers have always cared about gameplay first. look at the last civ3 poll:
                      AI: 33%
                      Customisability: 12%
                      Diplomacy: 10%
                      Graphics Engine (3d): 1%


                      • #13
                        hmm....Let me think. CtP.....CtP2.....CtP.....CtP2. Something tells me that this is just about the same. CtP would still have been the same game if all the units had changed looks.
                        To expect a lot of fancy looking things in CtP2 would be like expecting Luke to have a light saber in all the rainbow colors in Star Wars V.
                        AND WE ALL KNOW HOW COOL THAT WOULD BE
                        The samurai has spoken


                        • #14
                          Let's once and for all explain to Darth why we don't care about improved graphics as much as other things.

                          Because by not wasting time redesigning the graphics, the Activision team can devote more time to something important, like the AI.

                          Let's face it - what makes me want to play CTP over and over? It ain't the "cool" looking Stealth Bomber, it's the AI that tries to beat me.

                          The Electronic Hobbit
                          The Electronic Hobbit


                          • #15
                            But the graphics do affect the game if they horribly slow doen the game (like the future ages in CTP1).

                            ...And if the British Commonwealth and its people live for a thousand years, man will still say "this was their finest hour"- Winston Churchill.


                            • Working...