Does everyone think it will be better whithout space in CTP II? I know myself that I didn't fight any wars there, whoever gets there first usually has a monopoly on the thing. Ideas ....... ? !
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Why no space?
I think that's the point. There is little balance as far as I can see about the space system as it stands. Space-borne weapons are good enough to knock-off anyone who follows you into space, and war-walkers and tanks etc put into orbit can drop on foreign nations in sufficient quantity to render the first player in space almost always victorious.
Personaly I really like the idea of low orbit cities, and the space bombers I tend to use in some force against anyone attempting to build the alien life project. I happily drop armies next to foreign capitals. But it doesn't seem to do much for the game's balance!
I think that the focus on undersea development is a better option, but I'm going to miss the stars...
Chris HorscroftChris Horscroft
Heh, heh. Dave's my new favourite Actigrammer!
"I'm OK. How are you? Thanks for asking, thanks for asking."
Shameless Plug: mkl
I know that it's a little late, but I have an idea. The space layer in CTP was really useful for transferring military units from city to city. Does anyone remember the airlift feature from CivII? Is there any chance that we can get a similar feature in CTP2? With that addition I really wouldn't miss the space layer at all.
The Electronic HobbitThe Electronic Hobbit
It can carry 5 units. Enough to be useful in mobilizing large armies without being so many that you can freely move everything anywhere on the map. It's best used to move units from deep within your empire to the front lines, or from one continent to another.
Will the space plane be "invisable?" Is it possible to intercept it? I know that you said the space layer was cut out, so how will it work, in the game? Will it be like civII ("you cannot drop due to enemy air force") or some thing completely different?
"And it was destined that he should fall before the mighty hoof of our Lord and King of Spain."
I'm sad, I think space is funny. It's a new level, it's a new way to grow the number of cities. It represents a sort of evolution: colonize earth then, deep ocean, then space.
I like to see a star wars.
I'm not agree that first civilization in space always win the game.
double post
[This message has been edited by slamp (edited October 03, 2000).]
I'm absolutely new to the CtP2 forum - in fact I'm absolutely new to CtP2 at all. And a couple of hours ago I saw the promotion video and I thought "Wow! What a cool game!" Especially I like the underwater scene from the future. "So maybe I'll just browse the forums to see what it is all about". So I do, and the first thing catching my eye is the line "Why no space?" - "Yikes" I think "with such a cool video promoting future civilization and everything, how could they possible leave space?!?!" and I still don't get it. If anything, space colonies would come before aquatic settlements (more gains). How can they leave spaceexploration out "For gameplay reasons!?!" If it's unbalancing for the game then BALANCE IT! Don't care how - you're the programmers - you can do it. And no matter how you twist it, it's still impossible to model future societies without space exploitation!
I'm not buying the game if you don't have space exploration! I mean it!
Oh - that's clever!
Never thought of that.
(I'm being sarcastic)
Only thing is that I always thought sequels were supposed to improve and enhance existing games. Not reduce them!
(Seriously though - I really consider buying CtP1. I find the going to space thing exciting - but how about the rest of the game? Is it worth anything?)
first of all, sometimes you have to make something smaller to make it better
(Seriously though - I really consider buying CtP1. I find the going to space thing exciting - but how about the rest of the game? Is it worth anything?)
well, i found it worth buying(and i bought it)
some links:
our review
people reviews for the win, mac and linux versions
the very helpfull "which mods should i get" thread
if you search in the news archives you can find more previews (up to decemeber '99) (after decmeber '99)
[This message has been edited by MarkG (edited October 05, 2000).]
I wouldnt recommend buying CtP1!
It has way too many bugs and support was cancelled after second patch! Thats why I dont recommend it anymore! I was really mad when they cancelled all support. Also they said they would release some scenarios and such but NOTHING! In short: They left the game unfinished! There is a usermade patch available that corrects some features that the original patch 1.2 missed! That alone is a reason to not recommend it! When users have to finish their products. Doing unpaid work for the community whereas those at Activision just suck all the money out and then go away!
Nevertheless I forgive them (how nice *self-sarcastic*) and wait and see what the sequel can or cannot. Then I decide if I return the game or not.
Wait for CtP2! Even without space it will be fun! I mean it!
But if you find it at a low price, one that wouldnt hurt you, you could give it a try.
With the Med Mod 4.0 it is a pretty good game. The AI is much smarter in Med Mod! Therefor the game is much more challenging.
The AI in CtP1 is so laughable you can play CtP1 Original on Deity and you will still rule (if you are a halfway experienced player).
You know Diplomacy is so crappy in CtP1 and will be so great in CtP2!
Even without space I am sure CtP2 will be a hella more fun than CtP1 was!
So my advice: Buy CtP2 (when it comes out of course or do as i do and wait for some reviews and player comments and THEN buy it)!
The thing why Space was left out in CtP2 is that it overfeatured the game! IMO! Besides I were not a fan of space either. I just didnt like the idea everybody could land in the midst of my empire (where the weaker defended cities were). Also you couldnt really enjoy space since the game only "featured" 350 turns and that was way too little. (CtP2 features 500 turns).
You know nobody would like a feature like space if it wasnt properly implemented and you can have a look at CtP1 and see what features are not properly implemented and then tell me again that you want such features in CtP2!
If they do the underwater thing right CtP2 will be a pretty fine game (apart now from AI, I really really hope the AI is a LOT smarter)! If not it will suck!
I hope I could make my point clear!