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Statistics, like in Civ?

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  • Statistics, like in Civ?

    Will we have a screen with statistics reports? GNP, land area, population, literacy, polution etc. I kind of like those!

  • #2
    I'd like to see these as well.


    • #3
      And I want to see a whole bunch of stats!
      I think it will not consume to many game resources or PC capacity.
      Not only the summary of last turns food-production but also the growth rate or the amount 100 years ago.
      For those who fight for it, life has a flavour the sheltered never know.


      • #4
        count me in for a: me too!



        • #5
          I was most fascinated with CivII's Length of Military Service statistic. I still don't know what it did, but the idea of having a combat bonus based upon military infastructure is appealing.

          Imagine a statistic that told you how you ranked in military infastructure. This could indicate how quickly other civs could build veteran troops or how quickly an enemy was amassing an army. In that way, you might be able to detect an impending invasion, and you would know if they were probably going to win the war!

          [This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited September 07, 2000).]


          • #6
            Agree with Slingshot.

            But this info should only be available by diplomacy or by spying.

            Woodstock was here!
            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



            • #7

              Originally posted by Slingshot on 09-07-2000 02:05 PM
              I was most fascinated with CivII's Length of Military Service statistic. I still don't know what it did
              [This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited September 07, 2000).]

              I think that all it did was divide the number of combat units to the total population of the empire and present the number as a fancy 'Length of Military Service'


              • #8
                I think that you should pay for the military, like in real life. when you build a unit you pay the normal support plus some money, the civ with the biggest military budget has slightly better units, and opponents can get their rivals military budget by spying


                • #9
                  From a certain point of view you already do pay for the military. I think you mean pay gold right? We all know it already costs shields to support a unit. Well a cost of 2 shields is an opportunity cost of 1 gold since 2 shields can be converted to 1 gold through capitalization.

                  If support was paid in gold all that would happen is cities would build capitalization to support the military costs. This means of course that the military potential of a nation would not be truly realized until capitalization was available. Personally I prefer to remove this middle step.

                  To be perfectly honest I would remove PW all together and make all tile improvements cost twice their current cost in gold. PW does not really add anything new IMHO. Also I do not understand how to stockpile work. Money yes, stockpiling is easy but work?

                  If PW were to be something different then it could work in reverse. You 'queue up' a tile improvement and then divert resources to complete it.

                  This would make it harder to build 10 farms all at once. You would not be able to stock up on shields in order to complete them all in one turn. It would also mean that when you Nuke that city and capture it with a paratrooper it will take time before the tiles around it are cleaned up. You can't use your last 10 years of stockpiled PW to clean it all in a few turns. You would have to set your PW to 100%.

                  Hmmm... not very statistic related anymore.



                  • #10
                    I agree with the idea to display other stats. One of the first things that struck me when I first started playing CTP, switching from civ2, was that the only way to tell how well you were doing compared to other civs was the ranking screen. And that was basically a one-dimensional measure.

