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  • Dinosaurs

    I have played civ games forever but I haven't come online to do any foruming with them, (though I was an avid Age Forumer).

    I was wondering, what are all the latest patches, tools and utilities, and where can I find them....?

    My AoM is way hyped up with mods, patches and a few add-ons, but I'm still playing CTP2 straight off the blasted CD. What's new?
    "Man with waterhose should not overheat and die"

    --A very wise man.

  • #2
    hmm, why post the same post twice?
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #3
      Take a look in the Apolyton CTP2 download section. There are numerous mods and scenarios that either totally redo the game or just fix a few common problems.

      Also there is a patch, from activision that you should have, before downloading any mods.

      Try them out they make the game 100% better.


      • #4

        1. Install the following in this order:
        - Activision CTP2 Patch
        - Modswapper
        - Super Apolyton Pack

        Play a few games. Basically the Apolyton Pack keeps CTP2 as it is, just fixes a LOT of problems, balances and makes the game good.

        2. Try the other mods:
        - Cradle
        - World At War
        - Goodmod
        - Call to Conquest
        - Any others I've forgotten about.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dale
          - Any others I've forgotten about.
          You forgot Medpack. And if I remember correctly, but I can't find it anymore: Ages of Man

          And by the way Dale it looks like your homepage is went to nowere, at least if I click on the links in your signature, I find myself not at the place where I actually wanted to go.

          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


          • #6
            Ages of Man is in "temporary hiatis".

            I'll change the sig link in a second. Thanks for that.

