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  • Crash!

    well my problem is that my game simply crashs without any error mensage...

    first i thought it was a bug from the 1.0 version , so i download the patch and the apolyton pack and started playing very happy the game when the same problem happened , and it happens just when the game is getting good ( at least for me hehe ) in the modern ages...

    my saves if any want to take a look...

    this one is no patch and no mod ctp2 version and the game crashs when i pillage some stuff near a nicaraguan city...

    this one is patched and mod version ( mod with apolyton pack ) and it crashs when a soldier of mine walk...just pass the turn e he will walk and the game will crash...

    so as you can see the years are different but both are in the modern ages...

    any help welcome...

  • #2
    no one can help me?


    • #3
      Hmm i never heard of this happenin' sorry Despot
      Then i remembered thinking to myself "Holy Jesus what are these god damn animals"----> "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"


      • #4
        Sorry Despot, for the first crash I would think it is because you were trying to pillage a tile which is not on the territory of a city (this is a well known bug) but I would have identified other kind of bugs with a mod and the need to modify the DebugSlic=Yes line to DebugSlic=No in your userprofile.txt file.

        What is your Operating System?
        "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


        • #5
          Well, a lesson well learned always tells me to save it every 10 rounds
          However, sometimes it happens to crash, so that no saved game helps


          • #6
            Quick saving every turn with the Ctrl+S command before ending your turn should be enough. When you have such a crash, reload your latest QuickSave and then reload SLIC:

            - Type ' to open the chat window (usually used in MultiPlayer games)
            - In the text box type: \reloadslic
            - Hit Enter to run the command
            - Hit Enter again to close the chat window

            This command loads again the SLIC files and in many cases (though I can't assure you it will solve your problems) this is enough for the game to go on unhindered.

            "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


            • #7
              thanks everybody!!!

              i save a lot of times , but its the normal save , options > save game ( i think that is the way ).

              hehe and never knew that bug of pillage , but its true , the polution effects in the world made the water go up and destroyed some cost citys , like that one , so the title improvemets were left there and i tryed to pillage and it crashs...

              my debugslic is the readme file from apolyton pack says...

              so i will do the quicksave thing and the reloadslic and see if it works...

              my os is 98se , but im planing to change to 2000

              thats it , i will try to solve my problem with your solution and i will report if it works or not...


              • #8
                A last advice, even if you are doing a quicksave every turn, do a normal save from time to time (when you quit the game for example, or once every hour) just in case the quicksave would be buggy (though I have never encountered any problem with them some say the Quicksaves are not always reliable).
                "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                • #9

                  i did the quicksaved from a another save , and a passed the bug year without any bug , i didn't even used the reloadslic , just quicksave thing...



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Despot

                    i did the quicksaved from a another save , and a passed the bug year without any bug , i didn't even used the reloadslic , just quicksave thing...

                    You are welcomed!

                    "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                    • #11
                      and by the way , is there any way to fix the pillage problem or i just have to avoid pillage stuff on non-city areas?


                      • #12

                        I know there is a file somewhere that is preventing a unit to pillage an invalid tile, the bug is not solved (as you should be able to pillage such a tile) but at least there isn't a crash anymore (as you are simply told you can't pillage this tile).

                        I don't know if it can be downloaded from the directory as I have already searched it without finding the said file (which does not mean it is not there ). I am sure Martin knows the answer.
                        "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                        • #13
                          oh thats good...

                          lets wait Martin to show up so hehehe



                          • #14
                            Hey, what the heck is SLIC?
                            "Man with waterhose should not overheat and die"

                            --A very wise man.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by XGX_Stealth
                              Hey, what the heck is SLIC?
                              Look Here:

                              Hope it helps!

