Just a general observation on my part, but YOWZA!!!! What a totally overpowered unit! It'd be one thing if troops cost points of pop....in that case, capturing those lost pop points when you have a slaver in an army would be one thing, but with troops not costing points of population, and slavers able to "convert" fallen enemy soldiers into pop points as slaves for your empire, it *really* hyperinflates population growth!
Cradle has done some to address this imbalance by splitting the functionality (slavers that can only impact cities, and slavers that can capture enemy troops and convert to pop).
The city part is, IMO, relatively balanced. It requires a fair amount of time and patience to get a slaver over into enemy territory, sidle up to unsuspecting towns, and let the harvest begin!
Not so with slavers in the army tho....BAM! one battle, quick and dirty, and you net yourself 12 pop points. Rinse and repeat as desired.
Given how long it takes for cities to grow on their own, I'm thinking this is WAY overpowered. It'd be one thing if slavers converted captured troops to X amount of PW or something (makes sense, assign captured troops as work crews makin' yonder road or something), but to give them full "credit" as a full point of population (representative of 10,000 citizens) is IMO, far, far too much.
Cradle has done some to address this imbalance by splitting the functionality (slavers that can only impact cities, and slavers that can capture enemy troops and convert to pop).
The city part is, IMO, relatively balanced. It requires a fair amount of time and patience to get a slaver over into enemy territory, sidle up to unsuspecting towns, and let the harvest begin!
Not so with slavers in the army tho....BAM! one battle, quick and dirty, and you net yourself 12 pop points. Rinse and repeat as desired.
Given how long it takes for cities to grow on their own, I'm thinking this is WAY overpowered. It'd be one thing if slavers converted captured troops to X amount of PW or something (makes sense, assign captured troops as work crews makin' yonder road or something), but to give them full "credit" as a full point of population (representative of 10,000 citizens) is IMO, far, far too much.