Ok thanks to Maquiladora i can now actually play MM2 again (thanks to the XP patch)
I have been testing mplay now with Maq, default ctp2 works fine except i get the wrong city styles (i was america yet my city style was the japaness/chineese one) which is a shame really specially how buggered up it could get if your playing with citymod or whatever
Even worse is when i try MM2 2.2 Update (exact same one a Maquiladora) both clean game and mod installs. I get the following SLIC error before the multiplayer game initilizes:
What is this error and can it be fixed
I am running WinXp Pro (as u know) and running the game in xp mode (not 98 or 95 etc)
Oh yea and here is a screenie of the stupid city fault (which was with default un-modded ctp2)
I have been testing mplay now with Maq, default ctp2 works fine except i get the wrong city styles (i was america yet my city style was the japaness/chineese one) which is a shame really specially how buggered up it could get if your playing with citymod or whatever
Even worse is when i try MM2 2.2 Update (exact same one a Maquiladora) both clean game and mod installs. I get the following SLIC error before the multiplayer game initilizes:
In object DIP_InitDiploState, function _IsHumanPlayer: Wrong number of arguments

I am running WinXp Pro (as u know) and running the game in xp mode (not 98 or 95 etc)
Oh yea and here is a screenie of the stupid city fault (which was with default un-modded ctp2)