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Did I miss much?

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  • Did I miss much?

    Hello everyone. I just came back to playing CtP2 again. I just saw that there is a new Apylton Patch and have just installed it.

    I tried, I really have tried playing CivIII with the new patch but find the game still missing something, namly the stealth units.

    So here I am just reinstalled CtP2 and hoping the fun will return since there is not many good stategy games anymore. I played MOO2 and love the game but want to have planetary conquest and not galatic conquest. Just done it.

    What I would like to know is, did I miss much? I am going to play with the new Aplyton patch and just wundering is there any thing else I should try?

    I don't have much time to play so my first game would probably be my only game for a while since I like to play long games, I don't like to start one play a bit and start anthour.

    Thanks for any tips or comments you guys can leave me.



    I have just read Locutus's recap on the mods. Done really well.

    The only question I have now is, if I play the Medevil mod, does it end at the future age? I wasn't shure in the recap.

    Also if I play the Craddle mod, it was said that once you get into the later stages of the game it is incomplete with extra buildings and units that need to be installed later. Did i read this wrong since I am not shure what it mean. Is in unplayable to finish the game?

    My other question I just remebered is in both mods does the civopedia have all the correct entries for the new units, civs, advances etc?

    Thanks again for all you help.

  • #2
    Good to see you back

    To get a good idea of what happened in the last 6-9 months, read the last 3-4 pages of the CtP2 news archive. Although far from complete, that should provide you with a general overview of most of the important things that happened.

    Beware that the recap I wrote is quite old and very much outdated, a lot has happened since I wrote it. All mods have been updated, new mods have appeared (most notably World at War!) and others have gained in importance (GoodMod is rapidly growing in popularity, it would seem). I will write a new recap when I get around to it (and if noone beats me to it), but I have no idea when that will be.

    The MedMod ends in 2200 or 2300 (don't remember exactly), so yes, it goes into the near future.

    Cradle is more polished now than it was when I wrote that. Although I've not played a game beyond the late Renaissance, early Modern Age in Cradle since I wrote that (or at least not as far as I can remember), but it should be entirely playable until the endyear. But the mod very much aims at ending before the Modern Age, most players will end up conquering the world before that. There are even new Victory Options as alternative ModSwapper choices that make the game end (well) before 2300 AD. So although it's possible, don't count on using Leviathans a lot when playing Cradle...

    How accurate the Great Library is I can't say, all mods have had too many updates for that, I don't play enough for that and certainly don't use the GL enough...
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #3
      Super Apolyton Pack, and World At War have completely updated and correct GL entries.

