What's going on here? I was playing CTP2 Cradle mod and the Assyrians attacked me and took a city. One the next turn I retook the city and destroyed their army.
When I went to call up my troop reserves, every unit in all cities, in the entire army, had taken some points of damage (all the same amount) they were all at 3/4 power. This held true for units that had been fortified in cities for hundreds of years and had never moved or been attacked!
Did I miss some plague message or what?
When I went to call up my troop reserves, every unit in all cities, in the entire army, had taken some points of damage (all the same amount) they were all at 3/4 power. This held true for units that had been fortified in cities for hundreds of years and had never moved or been attacked!
Did I miss some plague message or what?
