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3rd Apolyton CtP2 SP Tournament: 1 August - 1 September 2002

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Martin Gühmann

    I can only submit one game, so what should I do if I lose half of my empire? Or what is this method just using slaveres to increase your city size to extremly high numbers waiting until they will revolt and form a new nation and then you conquere them. Or what is if all your cities in the early game are conquered by Barbarians will you submit this conquerd by force loss?

    If you lost 4 cities on that main first island that would leave you with around 2/3 cities? I built 7 cities on the main first island, i think you would be able to retake those cities within enough time of rebuilding. Thats the challenge. I dont know the exact rules on reloading a turn though. Would i be able to reload if i lost 1 city? or what about 2? I suppose its open to interpretation. I dont mind anyway, at least its better than restarting the whole game.
    Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
    CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
    One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


    • #17
      you can restart right... just not submit anything after the first game right?????????... hope not... i probably can't win the try


      • #18
        As i understood it, thats what the unofficial ranking was for. If you restart the game because you lost your second city to a barbarian, that isnt such a big deal. But if you continually reload a turn or worse, restart the game just because something happened you didnt prepare for, then it should be only entered into the unofficial ranking.
        Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
        CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
        One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


        • #19
          Originally posted by HuangShang
          you can restart right... just not submit anything after the first game right?????????... hope not... i probably can't win the try
          In my opinion you can play as much games as you want and submit the best one, actual no one has to admit that he restarted it. I think it depends on the time one player has left if the tourny would be near the dead line then it is something different last time I hadn't the time to restart also I wished, so that's one diadvantage that have the late ones. For the submission thing you can only submitt one game for the official stats, but you can submit as much as you want. And I think Locutus will use the best one if you didn't said anything else.

          For the small invasion: I already decided as the AI got the first city to watch the results, so I didn't asked for peace, it could have been very likely that they accepted, but I wanted to watch the disaster, so in the end it were four of five cities on the mean island my Capital was only left, I already lost on another small island a city to that AI, so far I didn't retake it. So that left four cities on somewere on the map.

          Actual we all play this tourny game for our own fun, as long it is a single player game it is our own thing how we play. Maybe I would have to restart some turns earlier anyway, I already had some problems with the stability in the last tourny game, so how stabil is the game for you?

          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


          • #20
            The game is actually very stable for me. Except for that in the last tournament, when i crashed to desktop in the late game. But i carried on with that game and it hasnt made me restart.

            Yes, the tournament is for fun, but its also to compare our skills to other people. So i think its fair for someone to admit they reloaded continually. If they restart the game or reload more than once or twice the it should be unofficial. I can think of many ways to gain an advantage by knowing where all the other civs are, or where the first island is for example.
            Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
            CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
            One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Martin Gühmann

              I can only submit one game, so what should I do if I lose half of my empire? Or what is this method just using slaveres to increase your city size to extremly high numbers waiting until they will revolt and form a new nation and then you conquere them. Or what is if all your cities in the early game are conquered by Barbarians will you submit this conquerd by force loss?

              In the 2nd tournament game, creating a "new cheat" was of course not my intention. I was simply playing with the features that the mod provided. Yes, this caused a lot of revolts, and boosted the score, but the intention of taking slaves was definitly not to cause revolts. All of the revolting was a supreme pain in the a$$ believe me. After getting to the point that I had the max cities for my government, I had three choices killing all of the inhabitants of the newly conquered cities, expanding my empire, or enslaving. Since, I didn't want to expand my Empire to far past the max for the government, I chose slavery. This way at least some benefit would come from conquering the cities, and I wouldn't feel quite so Evil.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Maquiladora

                If you lost 4 cities on that main first island that would leave you with around 2/3 cities? I built 7 cities on the main first island, i think you would be able to retake those cities within enough time of rebuilding.
                Its about 450 AD and I am at 9 cities. I jammed 8 cities on the Island of the Mighty Viking Nation and have managed to mount a cross water attack to take Argos which was in the hands of the Barbarians. Early in the game, when I thought my land was Barbarian free, I left a city undefended which they destroyed and I rebuilt. Right now I'm third from the bottom overall and lagging behind in the important military and science categories. Fun game though.
                "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Maquiladora
                  As i understood it, thats what the unofficial ranking was for. If you restart the game because you lost your second city to a barbarian, that isnt such a big deal. But if you continually reload a turn or worse, restart the game just because something happened you didnt prepare for, then it should be only entered into the unofficial ranking.
                  DONE... i didn't get far before any how


                  • #24
                    yo... if anyone wants to know... heres how im doing

                    the polynese(purple) attacked the dutch(orange) and took the Dutch's smallest city.
                    by the time i lauch my first longship, the dutch already built the ramajana, the aristles place(what'dou call that, and the haga sofia. with many peacemeal attacks, i've conquer(long lost) that city many times over. the thing was... few unit were defending the city... but there were two 12stack just outside. finally... w/ one big push, i took the city for good. The first stack that tried to retake the city lost and the other ran... so much for moral .
                    i just discovered gunpowerer + canons + the ship of the line one. the greeks (green were already in indy )were already in indy ang w/ railroads. luckily... i threathened them into an allegiance!
                    purple already hated me b/c they and i are both on that island. purple's city on dutch's ilse revolted to Mayan and i musterd an allegiance with the one city nation.
                    oh yeah... i built a fortification just out side purple's caital but i have to get a unit over there... the AI were building fortifications too
                    didn't biuld any wonders myself yet... by the time i could leagally start... the AI already built it... ny wonders build list is always empty

                    so far so good... started bad b/c of barbs but havent seen them since

                    the greeks gave up the allegiance easy... but no one will give me any advances i have the worst sci and 7th even w/ 3 wonder

                    oh yeah... i couldnt fit more the seven on the starting island


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by HuangShang
                      purple already hated me b/c they and i are both on that island. purple's city on dutch's ilse revolted to Mayan and i musterd an allegiance with the one city nation.
                      Why you didn't take the city, if a city revolts in CTP2 all the units in are destroyed, so it was empty.

                      Originally posted by HuangShang
                      the greeks gave up the allegiance easy... but no one will give me any advances i have the worst sci and 7th even w/ 3 wonder
                      Can you already build spies if yes use them.

                      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                      • #26
                        OK the year 2300AD I have two Transports in front of Agros loaded with a total amount of ten Marines, just land them in Agros and the game is won.

                        Attached Files
                        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Martin G?mann

                          Why you didn't take the city, if a city revolts in CTP2 all the units in are destroyed, so it was empty.

                          Can you already build spies if yes use them.

                          1. i don't have spies so i'm trying to threathen the Mayans to give me advances

                          2. i forgot to add that the arabs(light blue) conquered another nation

                          3. and i just declared war on india... attacking peacemeal again... didn't get anywhere... they unlike the dutch... defended their cities instead of having stacks "on call"

                          4. so far... only 6 enemies left

                          its amazing how you won already... i cant play for a while though


                          • #28
                            oh and india's the one thats 8th W/ 3 cits

                            all the wonders except one is under me and greece

                            i have yet to meet the other wonder holding nation... although i've pretty much have the entire world mapped out


                            • #29
                              deleted DP


                              • #30
                                darn... why cant i delete that post

