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CTP2 Newbie

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  • CTP2 Newbie

    I'm a CTP2 newbie, I've played at the simpliest level and I've ended the game with the scientific victory in 2178.

    The game is realy cool, but I found strange things...

    1.I've "bought" from the Irish (AI) one of their bases, and payed 1000 gold. The base remained Irish. Why?

    2.I've asked a lot of times to the Irish of not stand in my territory; they accepted, but the units won't move. Why?'

    3.I've had a good reputation, but no one want to be my ally. Never. Why?

    NOTE: the CTP2 patch that can be found on the official site messed up my messages. I've reinstalled CTP2 to solve the problem. Anyone has a "good" patch?
    Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
    In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
    Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer

  • #2
    There are many bugs among the AI when playng the game direct out of box. The mods and codes help fixing it. I recommend you to get the pacth v1.1 and Apolyton Pack (Wich mostly fixes the AI's bugs).

    1)Did not understand. My Bad english probably.

    2)A bug. Fixed with Dale's withdraw code wich is included in the Aployton Pack. You will find the standing alonr code here
    or in his website.

    3)It is easier to make allies in the unmodded game by intimidation. When you are one of the most powerful civs in the game. If still they dont want alliance try threatning them i am sure they will be smart enough to dont avoid your anger
    "Kill a man and you are a murder.
    Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
    Kill all and you are a God!"
    -Jean Rostand


    • #3
      Re: CTP2 Newbie

      Originally posted by Vultur
      1.I've "bought" from the Irish (AI) one of their bases, and payed 1000 gold. The base remained Irish. Why?
      Are you shure that the AI accepted the deal and they really "sold" you the the city?

      Originally posted by Vultur
      3.I've had a good reputation, but no one want to be my ally. Never. Why?
      From the original diplomacy.slc the AI should reject everything that you suggest. To fix these problems you should try one of the mods if you like the original tech tree than you should use Apolyton Pack in combination with GoodMod that's the best sollution if you want to keep the original tech tree. If you rather like the acient time than Cradle is your choice, MedPack if you like the Middle Ages and World of War if you are a fan of the 20th century.

      Originally posted by Vultur
      NOTE: the CTP2 patch that can be found on the official site messed up my messages. I've reinstalled CTP2 to solve the problem. Anyone has a "good" patch?
      For such frequed asked questions we have a FAQ in this forum. It is question 24. But if you switched to a mod than you don't need the answer on this question as you have to start a new game anyway.

      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


      • #4
        Re: CTP2 Newbie

        Originally posted by Vultur
        I'm a CTP2 newbie, I've played at the simpliest level and I've ended the game with the scientific victory in 2178.
        Welcome to CTP2. Hope you have fun with the game and the MODS.

        1.I've "bought" from the Irish (AI) one of their bases, and payed 1000 gold. The base remained Irish. Why?
        This is a hard-coded bug. Anytime the AI "gives" you money for something, you won't receive it. We haven't found a fix for this one yet.

        2.I've asked a lot of times to the Irish of not stand in my territory; they accepted, but the units won't move. Why?'
        What Pedrun said. My withdraw code fixes this. BTW, all MODS contain this fix.

        3.I've had a good reputation, but no one want to be my ally. Never. Why?
        What Martin said. My diplomod code fixes this. Also found in all the MODS. Oh, and keep an ear out for Peter's NewDiplomod.

        NOTE: the CTP2 patch that can be found on the official site messed up my messages. I've reinstalled CTP2 to solve the problem. Anyone has a "good" patch?
        You MUST start a new game after the patch. Old saved games won't work.


        • #5
          Re: Re: CTP2 Newbie

          Originally posted by Dale
          You MUST start a new game after the patch. Old saved games won't work.
          Actually, just reloading SLIC will do as well. As Martin said, it's described in Q24 of the FAQ (Martin provided a link).
          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


          • #6
            Actually, just reloading SLIC will do as well. As Martin said, it's described in Q24 of the FAQ (Martin provided a link).
            Oh yeah. That's right, my bad. MODS are where you need to start new games, not the patch (especially when the MOD changes everything).


            • #7
              something similar to the original post in this thread happened to me once.

              It turned out that the diplomacy dialog window is a flaky at "remembering" what you chose if you use the "back" button.

              So, without rechecking the text of the message to be sent, I had actually ended up "giving" the empire money rather than offering money for a city.

              Since then I am very careful about re-reading the text of the diplomacy message before I click the send button.

              And since then, I have bought many cities from the enemy with no problem ( a good way to get someone off your land without starting a war)

