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Science Victory....?!?

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  • Science Victory....?!?

    I am a newbie, and I am playing my first multiplayer CTP2. I am going for the Science Victory, and I have started building the Gaia Controller. In the menu "Empire"->"Gaia Controller", are a list that states that the minimum requirements for the Gaia Controller is 10 Cores, 5 Obelisks and 10 Satllites.

    I have build twice the number of the required elements, but still haven't won. Is this a bug, or am I missing something?!?

    What exactly is "Radius" and "Area covered"?

    Could someone please help, as I am determined to win this multiplayer game;-)


  • #2
    You need a coverage at least 60%... Build more Obelisks and build them far enough apart to achieve this... (if this isn't in the FAQ already I'll add in in a minute)
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #3
      I allready have a coverage of 64%........?!? The radius is 8 (whatever that means....;-)).



      • #4
        Are you sure you're not playing a 'Bloodlust' game? If so (and that is probably the case), you can only win by destroying all other opponents (well, maybe diplomatic victory works too, not sure about that). You can set the bloodlust option at the start of a new game (under rules), make sure it's set to Off if you want to win with Gaia...
        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


        • #5
          What happens when you win with gaia controller. I think I once won and there was no video or anything, man it was such an anti climax. civ2 has a better winning video. Or was I just to pissed to notice.


          • #6
            I think I only won with Gaia twice, but I'm fairly certain that there *is* a video (it's on your CD: [drive]:\Setup\data\Max\ctp2_data\default\videos\GM002.AV I). Granted, it's still not great (only lasts about 15 seconds) but I guess it's better than nothing...
            Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


            • #7
              Hi Locutus,
              Just checked out the video, this did not show the time I won by gaia. Then again I was pissed and maybe I missed it. I still think the civ2 winning video was excellant, and made victory worth seeing. I even had to save one turn before reaching AC so my son could watch it again and again and again ad infinitem.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Boney
                Just checked out the video, this did not show the time I won by gaia. Then again I was pissed and maybe I missed it. I still think the civ2 winning video was excellant, and made victory worth seeing.
                Odd that you missed it. I agree, Civ1 and Civ2 had much better endings. Oh well, those games didn't have SLIC or stacking or... it's a sacrifice I'm more than willing to make
                I even had to save one turn before reaching AC so my son could watch it again and again and again ad infinitem.
                Hehe, kids...
                Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                • #9
                  This is what is in the readme from the patch.

                  III. Post release Addendum to User Manual

                  How to Win Through Science
                  Only a truly advanced and careful leader can master the Science Victory. To succeed you must:
                  1) Research 'Gaia Controller'
                  2) Complete the Wonder 'The Solaris Project'
                  3) Build at least 10 Computer Cores and 10 Gaia Satellites
                  4) Cover 60% of the map with Obelisks
                  ** This includes ocean area too. You may only build on territory controlled by you or an ally.
                  ** Building more Gaia Satellites than the minimum will increase the area of effect of each Obelisk. Max Satellites = 20.
                  5) Initiate the Gaia Controller
                  6) Hold your cities and Obelisks for 10 turns



                  • #10
                    hehehe.....there were the small detail about initiating the Gaia Controller (totally invisible button;-)) is now done, and victory is MINE!!!!!!!

                    BTW the were a small, but VERY unsatisfactory, video sequence when I won.

                    thx for your help, guys. It was great for a newbie to win his first multiplayer game ;-)



                    • #11
                      You know what, I don't think I tried to hold on for ten extra turns, must have missed that part. No wonder I was so disappointed with my lack of victory parade. Anyway, at least I have seen it now.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ramboost
                        BTW the were a small, but VERY unsatisfactory, video sequence when I won.
                        Well, think of it this way: nothing is as satisfactory as kicking another human being's butt
                        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery

