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  • question

    Ok, I've been away for a looong time (almost a year). I want to buy Ctp2, but the deciding factor is hotseat. I've tried to read everything about ctp2 in the forums I could, but it was alot to catch up on. So anyway, how viable is playing hotseat in ctp2? I know there are some bugs, etc., but what are they, and have any of them been fixed? I remember hearing about a fix for person to person diplomacy using slic... is this in the works?

    Thanks for any help .

  • #2
    So far as I know Hotseat works fine, but human to human diplomacy is still missing. I have no idea if Locutus is still working on the slic human to human diplomacy. So if you want to buy CTP2 only, because of Hotseat I would suggest forget it. No one enjoys it if human to human diplomacy is missing. If you want to have a single player strategy game you can buy but you have to use mods like MedPack, Craddle or Apolyton Pack.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • #3

      what in the world is hotseat. i am a newbie who knows nothin about multiplay, i dont know even how to get to it


      • #4
        Other than the human-human diplomacy thing, there are no serious problems with Hotseat that I'm aware of. I just played another MedMod game on Hotseat yesterday and had no problems. Because of the diplomacy problem (which I'm indeed still working on but will take a while to finish as I'm very busy) playing Hotseat against humans isn't much fun, but as a single player game I still enjoy it. Picking your own opponents beats the hell out of random opponents. I mean, having the Romans, Greek, Phoenicians, Persians, Egyptians, Celts and Germans in a game feels so much better than Romans, Americans, Aztec, Thai, Bantu and Swedish...

        Hotseat is playing a game on a single computer but with more than 1 human player (though in CtP's case 1 human player is still possible but contrary to regular games it allows you to choose your opponents rather than having them randomized). To set it up you have to change a value in one of the ldl files. I don't know anymore exactly which one (and it's too late for me to look it up) but I'm sure Martin or someone else can tell you...
        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


        • #5
          It is the spnewgame.ldl, you just have to remove to minus signs. If the two buttons should appear the code should look like:

          	EmailButton:SP_BUTTON_BIG {
          		string	text	"str_ldl_EMAIL"
          		int	xpix	36
          		int	ypix	490
          		int	widthpix	140
          		int	heightpix	32
          	HotseatButton:SP_BUTTON_BIG {
          		string	text	"str_ldl_HOTSEAT"
          		int	xpix	186
          		int	ypix	490
          		int	widthpix	140
          		int	heightpix	32
          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

