______PARTIAL SOLUTION:________
First of all I wanted to say that i have been thinking on all this "you are cheater becouse no body can killme like u did."
I have remembered one game i played some years before: VGAPlanets. In that game if u craked the soft u could win more games. In fact I think that this can happend in allmost games. Sometimes u need more work to have it, and sometimes u find one bug like this time.
I am really sure that no one likes to play 4-20 hours in one game using cheats. Its absurd. And the only times I have listened abaut that its important to know why it happened, the cheater use to make cheats because he thinks that the enemy use cheats, (the other possibility is not in this game; its to make cheats to win money.)
Then i am sure that the 99% of players dont use cheats, its not fun, thats all.
Only emotionaly inestable persons, how uses to see cheaters in every corner, use the cheat sometimes.
I have been helped, one DOS progamer made one program for me in order to solve this situation.
The main use of our program is to make one copy of the entire game. I like to have it, all the autosaves of all games i made in one CD.
Thats usefull if u have any doubt about any turn.
U only need to remember the date/turn and u can opend that turn and invest all information u find there.
the autosavebackup programs are in my web page:
But remember the best players use to know good ideas to win u, thats why they have good raking. (and because they play more too

---H (top ranked player in CTP2 in gameleague, jejeje)
(thx to Secret_DOOM for his job)