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Game Three!!

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  • The History of Australia continues...

    (Edited from the Official Government Record)

    ...The election of 1840 was a strange affair. The mysterious disappearance of the clear winner, Mr Omni God, led to the appointment of the runner up. No serious investigation has ever concluded that foul play was involved in the result.

    Scarlet Biro, formerly a successful kidnapper and used caravan salesman, took office and commanded that the National Statistics Bureau compile a report on the State of the Republic.

    Australian Territory turned out to consist of 15 cities, with a total population of 16.8m, the happiness index stood at 75%, and pollution of 485 million tonnes was recorded.

    Food production was 4398 units, consumption was 2016, and crime spoiled 955.
    Industrial production was 3915 units, with public works taking 604, the military costing another 571, and crime accounting for 869.
    Commerce was 2142 units, crime 194, maintenance costs 281, wages 336 and science 1545.

    The military was large, partially obsolete, and only on alert. Scarlet Biro promptly sacked the Defence Chiefs, and reorganised the Armed Forces, disbanding all phalanxes still in existence, and grouping units needed for city defence into Home Guard Armies to aid their identification and management. Surplus units retained but considered expendable were organised into Fodder Armies, and concentrated at strategic sites, for prompt response in times of crisis and ease of management otherwise.

    Scarlet Biro surveyed the Republic's trade, increasing it by restructuring some trade routes. He commanded that 'Bobs new and improved island cotage' be immediately renamed to 'Bob's 2nd Island Cottage', to the relief of frustrated language professors across the Republic.

    In a move to reduce the burgeoning government sector, the public works budget was cut to 10%, and some military units scheduled for future construction were abandoned and replaced with much needed public amenities.

    Scarlet Biro, concerned at the state of Australia's defences, halted the southern campaign against Nicuragua until it became clear that the Australian Republic itself was safe from invasion.

    By 1842, Scarlet Biro had a strong grip on domestic policy, and
    turned to foreign affairs. By careful diplomacy he secured exchanges of maps with both the English and the French. Relations between the Australians and their English former enemies began to improve markedly. The Mexicans, however, refused requests to withdraw their fleets patrolling Australian waters.

    To counter this prospective threat, Scarlet Biro launched Australia's first Ship of the Line, the SS Scarlet Biro, and increased military readiness to prepare for war. Some authorities claim that Scarlet Biro merely took advantage of a naval expansion program devised by his predecessor in office, but hey, what democrat doesn't?

    In 1844 Australian researchers achieved a breakthrough in the field of physics, and work commenced on acquiring skills in modern metallurgical techniques.
    The diplomatic offensive continued, and a ceasefire was negotiated with Greece, leaving only Nicuragua at war with Australia. Australian troops, now free to fight against one foe, and with home cities securely defended, resumed their approach to enemy shores with confidence.

    In 1846 Australian diplomats moving to establish an embassy in the English city of Liverpool encountered an English Ironclad, and decided to go to Manchester instead. Initial surveys of the Nicuraguan coast indicated that Juigalpa might be a reasonable target for troop landings.

    In 1848 the diplomatic party was landed without incident at Manchester and avoided further misunderstandings with the Royal Navy. A massive irrigation scheme along the headwaters of the River Snorf began, as pollution levels grew unacceptable. The main invasion forces sailed south.

    1850 was a quiet year, apart from the tight election result, which Scarlet Biro won in the end thanks mainly to the language professor lobby. The embassy with England was opened, revealing that the English held a substantial technological lead. The diplomatic party set out towards Greece, whilst the troops continued towards Nicuragua.

    In 1852 the Initial Expeditionary Force of three Canon Divisions was landed near Juigalpa, neatly cutting off the road south from that city. Immediately coming under heavy bombardment from Juigalpa itself, the entire force was lost. A second Ship of the Line was launched at home, but this did not dispel the gloom over the failure of the initial landings.
    Scarlet Biro personally intervened in the Nicuraguan Expedition, ordering the military commanders to prepare a suprise tactic. The full remaining force of 10 Infantry and Cannon Divisions would land near Juigalpa as before, but out of range of the formidable city defenders. The force would then swing south while the enemy re-inforced Juigalpa, and look for easier targets elsewhere.

    In 1854 Operation Feint-hearted was launched, and the Second Expeditionary Force landed without incident. Nicuraguan scouting parties circled, but kept their distance.

    In 1856, with the enemy convinced an attack on Juigalpa was coming , Australian troops sped south, destroying a small force of mounted archers travelling the mountain road.
    On the home front, metallurgical techniques improved, although Scarlet Biro did not consider the time right to launch a naval modernisation program, and instead used the breakthrough to commence research on the industrial revolution.
    A foreign policy coup was achieved, with the Greeks agreeing to swap maps.

    In 1858 Australian troops launched a daring attack, without satisfactory reconaissance, on the Nicuraguan city of Matagalpa. Although defended by emplaced cannons, Australian troops carried the day, and captured the city with the loss of only three infantry and canon divisions. The remaining seven units, flushed with the success of capturing a city almost as large as Snorf itself, immediately dug in, then threw a serious party.
    In celebration, the City of Biropolis was founded on the Scarlet Peninsula near Apolyton.

    After losing the 1840 elections yet ascending to power anyway, victory in the 1850 campaign, and 20 years in office, Scarlet Biro announced that he would not contest the 1860 elections.

    Surveying the Republic just prior to his handover, he noted that Australia was now at war with only one foreign power, had leapt ahead economically and scientifically, and was rapidly developing good relations with several former enemies. Even the Mexicans had ceased cruising in most of Australia's coastal waters.

    The Republic's statistics after 20 years of Biro government were:

    17 cities, with a total population of 19.2m, the happiness index still at 75%, and pollution of 606 million tonnes.

    Food production was 4915 units, consumption was 2304, and crime spoiled 1058.
    Industrial production was 4329 units, with public works taking 330, the military costing another 604, and crime accounting for 953.
    Commerce was 2371 units, crime 217, maintenance costs 359, wages 384 and science 1815.

    The stage was set for further growth at home, and solid campaigning abroad.
    Chris Horscroft


    • The rule of King Saka the First!

      1860AD - As the sun rises on the morning of the 26th of January a new era is born as King Saka The First sits on the throne as leader of the mighty Australian people. His first act is to call forth his advisors who explain in detail the current state of the empire. The people of Biropolis are a little upset, but a shrine has been rush built.

      Science is the first issue for the new King. He employees scientists in Snorf and Iratland. Public works are increased to 20% in order to develop a better food supply.

      Discussions with the Indonesians progress well. They agree to teach us, free of charge, the crafts of:
      Nationalism - (Wow Spies - lets steal some advances)
      Industrial Revolution
      and Democracy

      The Indos are researching Oil refining so we choose to pursue Electricity.

      A revolution begins as the Australian people demand to be a Democracy. The Australian people sink into Anarchy. Wages & Workdays are adjusted. (More work less pay).

      Despite the revolution the king decides to spend some money on improving Banking within the empire.

      Over a fresh pot of Carlton Draught The King ponders possible military conquests. He decides a stronger military is needed so he can attack the French (just because he doesn’t like them) and so that the war can be continued in the South. Although he decides to wait until after the revolution has finished until attempting to build his forces.

      The Greek request the withdrawal of our ships near their coast. We agree but secretly plan not to withdraw until after an embassy is established.

      1862AD - Despite time of Anarchy the people of Snorf organize a celebration for their ruler. Carlton flows like water and everybody drinks until the long hours of the night.
      Rootown & Darkabode build banks.

      King Saka believes that a Navy is needed and sets the wheels in motion. His theory is “why have defensive land units when you can rule the oceans”.

      1864AD - An embassy is established in Delphi, Greece. They have no new advances. The ships are withdrawn beyond the limits of the Greek borders.

      ASIO is founded. Australia trains its first spies. Unfortunately there are no ships within many miles, they are still returning from the south.

      The Zulus begin building the London Exchange (Funny they call it the “London” exchange, maybe they are just antagonising the English. The king chuckles to himself.)

      1866AD - The Australian people become a Democracy. The King decides to remain King and keep his title. No vote is entered into.

      Public works are taken back to 10% to improve production. Young builds a publishing house. Mount Isa builds city walls. The first Australian railroad is commissioned between Snorf and Iratland, to enable rapid troop movement in the case of invasion.

      1868AD - Castaway builds a University.

      The King decides he needs a holiday in Bali. In the sunny weather, on the beach, getting massaged, over a bottle of Bir Bitang, he discusses science with the Indonesian leader. After shouting him a number of beers he decides to give away the secrets of Oil Refining and Electricity free of charge. A most enjoyable Holiday. When he home he leads his people into the modern age.
      We start researching Pharmaceuticals.
      After a bad hang-over the Indonesian leader is upset about been tricked. King Saka decides to send him a little gold to make him feel better. He is happy again.

      1870AD - Ships finally arrive to take a spy and diplomat towards Mexico. Jonnyopolis builds a bank.

      1872AD - King Saka travels back to Bali to learn Pharmaceuticals. Xpertland builds a bank. An Australian cannon division moves towards San Carlos.

      1874AD - Factories started in a couple of cities.

      San Carlos is captured! It was a long and bloody battle, two Australian cannon units were the only survivors. However the king still celebrates the capture of a size 24 city. The southern area is now poorly defended, a Nic attack could easily see the demise of both Australian cities. Reenforcements are immediately dispatched along with a few kegs of beer for the victorious troops. A lot of labourers are employed in both Southern towns to produce defensive units quickly. Castaway defences are also reduced to 1 infantry division to reenforce the south.

      1876AD - The King has a quite but nervous period. No sign of a Nic counter attack.

      1878AD - French request Naval tactics. “Give them nothing” demands the king. Secretly wanting to destroy them in the future.

      Australia launches its first submarine to patrol the costal waters. Aaargh builds a publishing house. San Carlos builds infantry but still needs more defence.

      After another drunken trip to the island of Bali, Australia acquire Internal Combustion. We start work on Mass Production.

      1880AD - NSJ and Gaz city build banks. A Nic Samurai enters the Australian land near San Carlos. But Saka decides to retire from public service leaving the troubles of the south for the next ruler.

      We are now one of the most advanced civs.
      We need to concentrate on building an army.

      I have decided to pass the file onto Skeeve as it hasnt yet been 2 days since Omnigod posted. Perhaps he can be slotted in later.
      Some men you just can't reach


      • Originally posted by saka
        The rule of King Saka the First!
        Ummm...I thought Australia was a republic.


        • YEEEESSSSS!!!!! My plan worked

          Thanks to my foresight in attaining a research pact with the Indos we will now keep up with everyone's advances. The 4000 or so gold invested was definitely worth it for the 20 or so advances we will get FOR FREE. My prediction as to how the AI would react (offer advances initially for ludicrous amounts then after a while give them to us for free) was exactly what happened (something to do with my experience and the AI doing the same thing each time I play .... )

          All succession gamers bow down and pay homage to my indisputable genious, manifested in this strategy!

          I am so great *singing to himself* I am so great la di da di da ......


          • I like the idea of been King it sounds better. (We are a democracy now anyways, and technically Australia's real head of state is still a monarch.).
            Yes, Vivala it was an excelent idea. The Indonesians are handing over all their research free of charge, although I did send a little sweetener to rebuild their attitute towards us. They appear to be the most scientificly advanced in the world, and we are now equal. Even if we do lose favour with them we can now steal what we want.
            Some men you just can't reach


            • From retirement, ex-First Consul Scarlet Biro sends his congratulations, expresses his amazement at the pace of scientific advances, and hopes desperately that the great gains made against Nicuragua will not be lost due to weakening the garrisons holding those captured cities!

              So did you have to ask the Indonesians for these advances, or did they just rock up and offer them?
              Chris Horscroft


              • Very impressive... 4 major advances in a single reign.... a monument must be constructed... whenever you can slot me it would be great... I'm all reset here.


                • Originally posted by Chris Horscroft
                  and hopes desperately that the great gains made against Nicuragua will not be lost due to weakening the garrisons holding those captured cities!

                  So did you have to ask the Indonesians for these advances, or did they just rock up and offer them?
                  No I did have to ask for the advances, but they gave them willingly.

                  With reguards to the weakening defences, the cannons are now pretty much obsolete as we are more advanced, so i though id use them while they were still useful. Nic has shown little desire to counter attack, so we should hold the cities easy enough. (I mean, they have so far only brought one samuri down.)
                  Some men you just can't reach


                  • Excellent write-ups peeps!!!!!!!!!I think the tide is beginning to turn to the Aussies favour.........
                    I need Scooby Snacks.


                    • Hi Folks,

                      I was away on business for the last 3 days. Sorry, I should have mentioned that. Looks like I got back just in time for my turn!

                      However, I'm sending the file to OMNIGOD to get his turn in since he's ready now.

                      OMNI, the file is on it's way to you. When you're done, please send the file on to me.


                      - Skeeve
                      My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


                      • wasn't the RESEARCH PACT that make the Indonesians give the advances, it was the GOLD...


                        • In the year 1880, the past met the present... The Great OmniGod walked into the forest nearly 4 centuries ago, 40 years ago he reappeared but thought that the Australians weren't ready for his return.... now it's 1880 and OmniGod walks out of the forest once again... never building a city, never winning a war, never even having a place to call home he returns... He looks around and sees that his great Republic was replaced by a Democary and he is happy.... the war with the English infidels is still being carried out without failure. He is happy... running to the steps of the capitol he is stopped by the guardsmen... apparently a ruffian who hasn't shaved in 400 years nor bathed does have the typical ruler qualities... sneaking around the corner he steals the throne again... and orders the guards dead.... teach them to label me and judge me is muffled by Omni as he paces the halls... his first task.... prohibition... it's back on baby... alcohol is banned again for the next few years... while the scientist have worked wonderfully he thinks they can work harder... so all the alcohol is stored in the great palace for distrubution after the GREAT WAR has ended in Australian victory.

                          The year 1880, Omni surveys the works of his predecessors and nods the approval for the ships to continue towards England... he wants a city to his name by the time his reign ends...

                          1882, again the ships are moving the men are boarding ships... and word comes that an errent ship attacked the Mexicans just off the Mexican coast near Mexico City.... Omni says whoops... maybe they won't notice =)

                          1884, another ship is sunk outside of Mexico... the Mexicans are pissed but don't complain to Omni, who thinks they deserved it... they jumped infront of the cannons he is heard proclaiming to the new people of the first factories..... research finishes for Mass Production... prohibition is working well and Omni is happy.

                          1886, Omni opens the Foreign Affairs book and learns that peace was made with the English... with rage he contacts them and demands that SouthHampton be turned over or face our mighty army... they reject... Omni threatens war.... and again rejected... Omni's blood starts to boil...

                          1888, Omni has troops dropped just outside Bath, England... the meancing miltia through rotten fruit to incite the English to fight... but nothing.... and again another ship is sunk in Mexican waters and Ironclad is on the horizon but will be sunk soon =) Spy's disembark to see what the Mexican's have that we will want.

                          1890 ends in a horrible defeat for Omni's men... the great ships of the Northern fleet were destroyed after destroying a Mexican Ironclan the ship was sunk by one of two others coming to the rescue... a spy and diplomat were hung in the square of Mexico City.... with this type of legacy... Omni jumps in the dirt... forgets to shave and runs from the castle.... he returns to the woods after only 1/2 a normal rule.... he is heard mumbling "dam that movie.... must run and see it"... people wonder what a "movie" is and really wonder why he rushed off in less than a hour to the forest....

                          *aside.... sorry I have to end so soon but I have to get going to the movies and I think that we could get this moving a little faster now... it's only 15 sec a turn for me.... I love this map size =)


                          • he wants a city to his name by the time his reign ends...
                            Why is everyone stealing my name-a-city-after-yourself idea?

                            Maybe I should rename every city to Jonnyopolis.


                            • I have the file from OmniGod, and will be playing tonight after work.

                              In the spirit of Jonnyopolis, I think I will try to take over a city and name it Skeeville.
                              My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


                              • A CHRONICLE OF THE PRESIDENCY OF SKEEVE IV
                                • 1892 AD - The short rule of OmniGod ends with the ascension to power of yet another relative of Australia's founder, Skeeve the Fourth. Upon taking command, the first thing Skeeve notices is that the Capital city Snorf is rioting. He deals with the situation by repealing Prohibition.. but gets an overwhelming feeling of De'Ja Vu as a result. Mistaking it for a hangover, he takes a couple aspirin and goes to bed. After waking up, Skeeve decides that the previous ruler did not shorten the name to Bob's 2nd Island Cottage enough, so he renames it to "Bob-Cottage II". Satisfied with his first major decision since he took office, he initiates an ambitious railroad project and starts building them everywhere. Taking advantage of our mutual research pact, Skeeve acquires Mass Media from the Indonesians.
                                • 1894 AD - A survey of the world is conducted and Skeeve discovers that we are 8th place militarily, but 1st economically and tied for 1st Scientifically... but the best part is that we are NUMBER ONE overall!!
                                • 1896 AD - A Mexican Ironclad pulls up to Rootown. Meanwhile, since we're at war with them, we begin pillaging the ocean next to their city of Sinboy.
                                • 1898 AD - 2 Sub units make short work of Sinboy's ocean area by pillaging even more.
                                • 1900 AD - Rootown is still bothered by the proximity of the Mexican Ironclad, which now lies to the south near New South Jonnyopolis. An artillery unit boards a carrack from Rootown and heads south to N.S. Jonny. However, the captain of the carrack miscalculates!! The carrack winds up off the coast of N.S. Jonnyopolis instead of inside the city! The Mexican Ironclad seizes the opportunity and sinks our Carrack carrying the Artillery unit. Skeeve is furious and orders the Captain executed....his advisors hesitate to tell him that he went down with the ship and is dead already.
                                • 1901 AD - Indonesians offer their map, we agree. Then we ask for some advances, and they give us Advanced Naval Tactics and Aerodynamics !!
                                • 1902 AD - Skeeve begins to wonder how long this research pact with the Indo's can keep going.
                                • 1903 AD - The English city of Bath is bombarded by our cannon unit... but their return fire kills them. But we have a surprise waiting as a troop ship is built in Young, and 5 units board her en route to English cities.
                                • 1904 AD - 2 subs join forces to form a wolf pack capable of dominating the seas... at least for now.
                                • 1905 AD - Indonesians give us Jet Propulsion and Corporation !
                                • 1906 AD - We discover Criminal Code -- believe it or not -- on our own! And we begin researching Corporate Republic.
                                • 1907 AD - Skeeve IV writes some memoirs.
                                • 1908 AD - Skeeve IV reads his memoirs, then reads memoirs of other great leaders like Wombat, Vivala, Jonny, Sean, Darkknight, Redstar...etc, decides his memoirs suck and burns them.
                                • 1909 AD - An unknown vessel sinks one of our longships, but it's no great loss as it's obsolete anyway. Regardless of this minor news, Skeeve loses re-election to Berxpert...who believe it or not is of Mexican descent.

                                Well, we're on top of the world! Good job everyone, getting us there! We might need to consider a science victory, since there are virtually too many cities to conquer. (Unless you do that trick with disbanding them... or whatever).

                                - Skeeve
                                My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...

