In this weeks column (it hasn't been posted yet but thanks to my subscription ot Apolyton's newsletter I've already read it) Solver discusses the problems with PBEM in CtP2. I wasn't aware that the only mayor problem with it (I wouldn't call non-functioning cracks a real problem) was diplomacy, or I would have posted about this a long time ago.
Most (if not all) of the things that can be achieved through diplomacy can be achieved through SLIC as well. Granted, it won't be as fancy as but it's probably possible to do the human-human diplomacy in PBEM games through regular messageboxes and some SLIC code instead of through the diplomacy screen. How about it? Do people feel something for this? I'd be happy to help out the multi-player community in setting this up. The possibilities even go way beyond what's currently possible in the regular diplomacy model, much more complex deals can be made since there's no need to learn the AI how to deal with it. One possibility that comes to mind is the option to request/give away units, another to force someone to pay tribute on a yearly (or should I say turnly?) basis.
Unfortunately I'm very busy at the moment and my schoolwork will keep me from doing anything with CtP2 for at least a week to come. And even when that's done I still have a lot of work to do on the MedMod and the improved Alexander scenario, so I won't be able to do any coding anytime soon. However, that does give us some time to discuss the all possibilities and potential problems of this.
What options should be included and what should the messagebox-interface look like? I haven't looked into this for CtP2 but in CtP1 it wasn't possible to have more than 4 or so buttons per message, so we'd have to take that into account when designing an interface. Also, how should the messages be triggered? I'm fairly certain that it can't be done by pressing a key (which *was* possible in CtP1), so some other way to trigger this will have to be thought up.
Let me know what everyone thinks of this...
[This message has been edited by Locutus (edited March 04, 2001).]
Most (if not all) of the things that can be achieved through diplomacy can be achieved through SLIC as well. Granted, it won't be as fancy as but it's probably possible to do the human-human diplomacy in PBEM games through regular messageboxes and some SLIC code instead of through the diplomacy screen. How about it? Do people feel something for this? I'd be happy to help out the multi-player community in setting this up. The possibilities even go way beyond what's currently possible in the regular diplomacy model, much more complex deals can be made since there's no need to learn the AI how to deal with it. One possibility that comes to mind is the option to request/give away units, another to force someone to pay tribute on a yearly (or should I say turnly?) basis.
Unfortunately I'm very busy at the moment and my schoolwork will keep me from doing anything with CtP2 for at least a week to come. And even when that's done I still have a lot of work to do on the MedMod and the improved Alexander scenario, so I won't be able to do any coding anytime soon. However, that does give us some time to discuss the all possibilities and potential problems of this.
What options should be included and what should the messagebox-interface look like? I haven't looked into this for CtP2 but in CtP1 it wasn't possible to have more than 4 or so buttons per message, so we'd have to take that into account when designing an interface. Also, how should the messages be triggered? I'm fairly certain that it can't be done by pressing a key (which *was* possible in CtP1), so some other way to trigger this will have to be thought up.
Let me know what everyone thinks of this...
[This message has been edited by Locutus (edited March 04, 2001).]