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Succession Game Update

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  • #16
    I'm not that great a player either, I hope I don't screw up the game for you guys...

    phoenixcager of the Civgaming Network.
    Visit the CGN forums.


    • #17

      Originally posted by phoenixcager on 03-28-2001 10:20 PM
      Got the email!

      btw, I think your html is screwing up the thread.....

      Yeah.. I noticed something strange with my last post. The double post was really weird.

      Anyway, don't worry about how bad a player anyone is. You can't do too much damage in 20 turns.

      Okay, I received confirmation from everyone's e-mail address already! Thanks guys. Since everyone is so excited to get this game going... I'm going to go ahead and start the first 20 turns. Then, I'll send the game to Sean at Midnight on March 30th. (U.S. Eastern Std. Time).

      You know, it's kind of a shame that the first 20 turns are usually the most boring. Oh well.. it should be fun to get the game back and see what's become of our APOLYTON empire!

      Good luck everyone... this should really ROCK.
      Don't forget to post a little summary of your 20 turns on the thread that I'll create later.

      Long live Apolyton!
      -- Skeeve, (Ancient ruler of the empire of Apolyton)

      My reach exceeds my grasp!
      My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


      • #18
        Oh, by the way, there's still one e-mail not accounted for.
        Octavius? Did you get my message?
        Since you're third, try to get back to me by Saturday.

        Edit: Actually, I did already get a message from you earlier, so I know the address works.
        My reach exceeds my grasp!
        [This message has been edited by Skeeve (edited March 29, 2001).]
        My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


        • #19
          Just out of curiosity, how many total civs will there be in the game? I suggest picking 8, but it really dosn't matter if you have already started.



          • #20
            Sorry to keep hogging this thread, but I just wanted to reiterate the ground rules without posting a new thread yet.
            • we start on a Regular Size Random Map
            • Starting Civ: The Greeks!
            • Leader's Name: Apolyton!
            • Turn Length - 20 turns each until the year 1AD. (I think this works out to player #8) After 1AD, it's 15 turns, and then 10 turns after the year 1500. Note to Player #8 - you'll have a lot more to do in your 15 turns than I will in my first 20.
            • Difficulty: Very Hard (Not to worry, it'll be easy)
            • No Modifications, original game files only. Be careful that you have no mods installed, or have made your own tweaks. This may mess things up a bit.
            • Gameplay: Freedom to do anything you want, as long as you post your actions on the Forum thread (to be created). Therefore, you should be ready to defend your decisions.
            • Let's keep the time limit for everyone to complete their turns to somewhere between 24-48hrs. If you cannot complete in this time, just pass the file on.
            • Have fun with this!!

            I'm sure we'll add/modify the rules as we go along.
            The game begins in less than 30hours!

            - Skeeve

            My reach exceeds my grasp!
            My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


            • #21
              I will be starting the game tonight.
              I was thinking of just playing with 6 civs + Us. (7 total), because it's only a regular size map and that will give us a little breathing room.
              By the way, I figure I'll set the barbarians on the 2nd risk level. (whatever the next one is above "villages only").

              I expect to start in about 9 hours from now!

              Still time to add players. From the posting of this message there is 14hours and 10 minutes!

              - Skeeve

              My reach exceeds my grasp!
              My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


              • #22
                I would love to play, but I'm not the greatest player around and I wouldn't want to royally screw anything up! So it is up to you guys to decide! Even if I don't play I will eagerly be awaiting updates on how the game is going!!!

                DO, OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY - Yoda
                DO, OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY - Yoda


                • #23
                  Come and join us! Inexperience is part of the fun.
                  Besides... it fits your quote: "DO. Or DO NOT... there is no try"!

                  Just send me a message to Scanga@AOL.COM so I have your e-mail address (If you haven't already done so.)

                  My reach exceeds my grasp!
                  My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


                  • #24
                    Are there any updates yat, if so where are they posted, i can't find it ...


                    • #25
                      Probably not, with the server problems we've been having here over the weekend.

                      phoenixcager of the Civgaming Network.
                      Visit the CGN forums.


                      • #26
                        Dunno if this idea has been mentioned before, but when each player finishes their alloted turns, could they post here a little story/account of how the turns went, what happened etc.
                        If each player plays to a totally different strategy, nothing will be acheived, we need some record of what's going on, and where the game should go.

                        PS, who has the file now?
                        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                        • #27
                          Finally! The page is back up.
                          I had the darndest time getting back to this forum.

                          Anyway... the game has begun!
                          Unfortunatly Sean is having trouble with the file. I'm going to give another day for us to work out the problem. If it cannot be solved, it goes to player #3... I think that's Phoenixcager.

                          I am sure this is going to work... I experimented by deleting all CTP2 files (except the saved games) and then re-installing. Everything worked.

                          Anyway, in about 2 minutes, I'm going to post the first message of the new thread.

                          See ya there.

                          My reach exceeds my grasp!
                          My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...

