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Population in CTP2

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  • #16
    Note that in the editor, you can raise the size of a city to 100 at least. Feeding it requires many farmers, but the game won't crash.


    • #17

      Originally posted by wheathin on 01-11-2001 05:24 PM
      The citysize0X.txt files all top out at 60, for reasons I can't understand. They look like the lists of the various 'levels' of city radius size, but I don't know what the effects of altering the last 'level' from 60 to, say, 250 would be.

      There are several files, each with the same numbers. Does each one belong to a specific age? (Classical, Modern, Genetic, etc.) Do they belong to different game levels? (Easy, Hard, etc.) DO they belong to different governments?

      If someone wants to test this, feel free and let us know! If you can't get a city over size 60, why bother spacing them out real far?

      Well, I just went to the 'citysize0X.txt' files and changed the last 'level' from 60 to 100. Then, I went to one of my saved games and all of my size-60 cities are still at zero growth! Argh. I guess I'll have to start from scratch and see what happens.

      Can anyone help here?! I really want to get cities above 60 growing naturally... i.e. not using the editor. It seems pretty ridiculous that a city can be growing at a rate of 1200/turn at size 59, and upon reaching 60 it cuts straight to zero! Come on, get real. Oh how I long for Civ 3!
      Sid Meier would never put up with such ILL logic!

      [This message has been edited by Skeeve (edited March 06, 2001).]
      My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


      • #18

        Originally posted by hexagonian on 03-06-2001 12:55 PM
        Check your city improvement settings in Buildings.txt. You can adjust the caps for the hospital, drug store etc. Once those caps are reached, the city cannot grow until you build the next level improvememnt.

        I am just pointing the way much like another friend did me..

        Accolades to dennis_caver for the following..and yes it works!

        Here is what dennis_caver had to say...on this particular subject:
        The max city size was shipped at 60. One issue with
        this is that the Hospital city improvement does not
        increase max city size as stated in both manuals.
        So add a max city statement for Hospital in buildings
        .txt and adjust arcologies and aqua filter.
        I recommend the following max city sizes to get to
        a max of 102.

        Initial 18

        Aqueduct 14 (N/C)
        Hospital 17
        Arcologies 25
        Aqua filter 28

        Also one will have to adjust the 'overcrowding'
        parameter for each transition. For instance, I adjusted
        them so that a little 'red growth' remained after each
        transition after city size 19. (Except body exchange)
        Note: This includes adjusting 'Drug store' and '
        Incubation center'.


        Ok..I adjusted the overcrowding of each size 2

        Starting with Aqueduct..I left alone per your direction..then I added 2 to Hospital,Arcologies,Aqua Filter, Drug Store & Incubation..but NOT Body Exchange!

        ****Ok..instead of adjusting overcrowding of each improvement by 2..make it say by 5-6...that will give more "red growth area"****

        Have a blessed day


        If they call an orange an orange, why don't they call a banana a yellow?-Christopher Lloyd-Taxi

        The Forum Fur Flyer
        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • #19
          Thanks, I'm going to try this right away!
          My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


          • #20
            Check your city improvement settings in Buildings.txt. You can adjust the caps for the hospital, drug store etc. Once those caps are reached, the city cannot grow until you build the next level improvememnt.
            Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


            • #21

              I have successfully completed a 'test-run' in which I only added a single line to the Hospital Improvement. I added the line: RaiseMaxPopulation 10. This gave a new maximum population of 70, and I have verified that it works.

              Next, I'm going for the >100 maximum suggested by Dennis Caver.
              (After I install Diplomod and possibly AI Frenzy, because I'm getting a little bored with the listless AI!)

              My reach exceeds my grasp!
              My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


              • #22
                The following lines are coppied from Appolyton Modification section.

                Modification: Data File Definitions


                This file defines the area of influence and growth settings based on city size. There are 6 files (CitySize0.txt - CitySize5.txt) needed by the game.
                One for each difficulty level.

                Minimum population level for this size
                Integer value of the squared radius of the area of influence for this city.
                Integer value of the radius of the area of influence for this city. NOTE: IntRadius & SquaredRadius are used for
                quick calculation of the area of influence of a city. These numbers can cause strange effect when not
                configured correctly, change them with caution.
                Floating point value of the vision radius of this city
                Maximum number of workers needed to collect all resources from this size influence ring
                Value used in the growth rate calculations
                Value used in the starvation calculations
                Maximum amount of excess food to be used in growth calculations
                Population level where overcrowding starts to take effect. Overcrowding causes growth rate to decrease.
                NOTE: Buildings will usually increase this number and should not be increased in increase size settings.
                Maximum population of the city. NOTE: Buildings will usually increase this number and should not be
                increased in increase size settings.

                CITYSIZE_ZERO {
                Population 0
                SquaredRadius 0
                IntRadius 0
                MaxWorkers 0
                GrowthRate 75
                MinGrowthRate 2500
                MaxSurplusFood 250
                BaseOvercrowding 4
                BaseMaxPop 18
                VisionRadius 1.414

                The line BaseMaxPop defines the maximum city size without buildings.
                There is another important thing the entries below CITYSIZE_SIX are fore the maximum size. In the standard files the maximum Population is 60. That means no city is able to grow beyond this size.
                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

