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Are these bugs?

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  • Are these bugs?

    - When I put five cities on producing Infrastructure, totalling some
    1550 production points, all or almost all of it seems to disappear into a black hole - very little gets to Public Works. And PW seems to be consistently several hundred short of what it should be, even with no cities on Infrastructure. What's going on?

    - Every time I build a Gold improvement in a city, such as a Bazaar or Bank, the city's Science production drops a few points.

    - The Great Library says that Brokerages and Banks improve Commerce, not
    just Gold. Especially in view of the previous point, this does not appear to be true.

    - I made Science Pact with the next most advanced nation, but I don't seem to be getting any benefit from it. He, however, is now sprinting off into the distance. And there doesn't seem to be any way to cancel the pact!

    - After I created my first Franchise in an enemy city, the text in Intelligence on how the enemy (Egyptians) now views me says, and I quote : "Relations support for the commerical invasion of their country through franchises".  What on Earth does that mean?  And yes, they did spell "commercial" like that. (OK, that one is definitely a bug).

    - You can't build Television in a city unless you have first built a
    Bazaar and a Bank. This is illogical.

    - The AI often builds nets or farms on the outer edge of a city's sphere
    of influence when there are unimproved tiles nearer the centre.  This is
    a mistake, because I have discovered by experimentation that tile
    improvements near the centre have much more effect than ones at the
    edge, particularly when a city has just expanded, although this is not
    mentioned in the documentation.

    If any of these are due to something I'm doing wrong, I would very much appreciate some guidance!

  • #2

    Originally posted by Jon Storm on 02-28-2001 07:34 AM
    - When I put five cities on producing Infrastructure, totalling some
    1550 production points, all or almost all of it seems to disappear into a black hole - very little gets to Public Works. And PW seems to be consistently several hundred short of what it should be, even with no cities on Infrastructure. What's going on?

    - Every time I build a Gold improvement in a city, such as a Bazaar or Bank, the city's Science production drops a few points.

    - The Great Library says that Brokerages and Banks improve Commerce, not
    just Gold. Especially in view of the previous point, this does not appear to be true.

    - I made Science Pact with the next most advanced nation, but I don't seem to be getting any benefit from it. He, however, is now sprinting off into the distance. And there doesn't seem to be any way to cancel the pact!

    - After I created my first Franchise in an enemy city, the text in Intelligence on how the enemy (Egyptians) now views me says, and I quote : "Relations support for the commerical invasion of their country through franchises".  What on Earth does that mean?  And yes, they did spell "commercial" like that. (OK, that one is definitely a bug).

    - You can't build Television in a city unless you have first built a
    Bazaar and a Bank. This is illogical.

    - The AI often builds nets or farms on the outer edge of a city's sphere
    of influence when there are unimproved tiles nearer the centre.  This is
    a mistake, because I have discovered by experimentation that tile
    improvements near the centre have much more effect than ones at the
    edge, particularly when a city has just expanded, although this is not
    mentioned in the documentation.

    If any of these are due to something I'm doing wrong, I would very much appreciate some guidance!

    Welcome to the tip of the iceberg that is the literal mountain of bugs with Call to Power II.

    Very disappointing game. Doubt if many of the bugs can be fixed very easily, if at all.


    • #3

      Originally posted by Jon Storm on 02-28-2001 07:34 AM
      - When I put five cities on producing Infrastructure, totalling some
      1550 production points, all or almost all of it seems to disappear into a black hole - very little gets to Public Works. And PW seems to be consistently several hundred short of what it should be, even with no cities on Infrastructure. What's going on?

      i didnt check about points from infrastructure, but i took a close look at the empire manager

      logically(i dont see any other possible mathematical solution), the PW comes out likes this
      773(collected)-130(crime) = 643
      643 * (50/100) = 321 (i know it should be 319 but the readme states somewhere that some numbers in the screen are not accurate as their calculation(for what is shown not the real thing) is rounded)
      then the city use is 321-39=282

      as for the infrastructure, if you have lots of crime, it could be it, given the above formula


      After I created my first Franchise in an enemy city, the text in Intelligence on how the enemy (Egyptians) now views me says, and I quote
      tha'ts not a bug, that's a typographic error
      you can change the text to whatever you feel like in the ctp2_data/english/gamedata/dip2_str.txt file
      it means that they didnt like your franchise attack


      You can't build Television in a city unless you have first built a
      Bazaar and a Bank. This is illogical.
      while your people having tv sets but not having a market(bazaar) to buy stuff is logical?


      The AI often builds nets or farms on the outer edge of a city's sphere
      of influence when there are unimproved tiles nearer the centre. This is
      a mistake, because I have discovered by experimentation that tile
      improvements near the centre have much more effect than ones at the
      edge, particularly when a city has just expanded
      if that happens, it's not a bug, it's inefficiency of the ai


      although this is not mentioned in the documentation.
      just fyi, the new tile improvement system has been analyzed by one of the designers in a column article on this very site. look in the column archive if your interested

      [This message has been edited by MarkG (edited February 28, 2001).]


      • #4
        (QUOTE)logically(i dont see any other possible mathematical solution), the PW comes out likes this
        773(collected)-130(crime) = 643
        643 * (50/100) = 321 (i know it should be 319 but the readme states somewhere that some numbers in the screen are not accurate as their calculation(for what is shown not the real thing) is rounded)
        then the city use is 321-39=282 (End Quote)

        I've just done some more tests on my current game (I grabbed a screenshot like yours but can't see a way to upload it). With PW set to 20% the figures are : Collected 10571; Crime 1961; Unit Upkeep 1302; City Use 5602; Public Works 1706. Seems clear enough, but instead of getting the 1706 PW, I'm only getting 1448.

        With three cities on Infrastructure totalling (by fluke) exactly 800, I only get an extra 421 (on top of the 1448). So where is it all going?

        I have the impression that creating Franchises makes it worse, but can't be bothered to prove it.

        On a separate point, I have seen references in other posts to Activision "giving up" on CTP2 and there being no more patches, but can't seem to find an explanation of what this means. Could you enlighten me?


        • #5
          I had the same thing happen to me when I made a science pact.
          At first my scientific prowess was unmatched by any civilization...( )
          then I made the mistake of entering into a science pact. Boom! Within 20 turns they were outstripping me in science, and cranking out tanks and machine gunners!!

          I think I broke the pact by going to war with them.
          It was the only way .

          As for Activision's statement of "Read our lips: No New Patches"... well, we shouldn't be surprised that this fly-by-night company would spurn it's loyal civ-based customers after botching a perfectly Golden Opportunity to develop a World-Class game by releasing CTP2 with more bugs than a cross between "Starship Troopers" and "It's a Bug's Life"!!

          Civ3 will be all the more sweeter.

          -- Skeeve

          My reach exceeds my grasp!
          My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


          • #6
            This is what makes it a little bit peeving to play
            skeeve did you get your sig from " A mans reach should exceed his grasp or what's a heaven for?

            " Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few "
            Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.


            • #7
              Just a point to ponder folks and fellow forum dwellers...

              If you have any city mayors on..then say you are saving PW for a particular city..they take it and aply it to whatever city they wacth your those bean-counters..they be thiefing and connieving..making decisions I didn't authorize..(unless my per4sonal secretary is Radar O'Reilly..and Im Col.Blake..of MASH 4077)Heh Heh Heh


              If they call an orange an orange, why don't they call a banana a yellow?-Christopher Lloyd-Taxi

              The Forum Fur Flyer
              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


              • #8

                Originally posted by Skeeve on 03-06-2001 03:25 PM
                I had the same thing happen to me when I made a science pact.
                At first my scientific prowess was unmatched by any civilization...( )
                then I made the mistake of entering into a science pact. Boom! Within 20 turns they were outstripping me in science, and cranking out tanks and machine gunners!!

                I've the same problem... But in my game, with great relations with the other civ, anytime he discover a new advance I dont have, I ask for that and he 95% gives to me. And I go for advances diferent of what he is going to, so I can exchange one for another.

                I think I broke the pact by going to war with them.
                It was the only way .

                it is right! kill those bastards!!

                [This message has been edited by Krakatoa (edited March 07, 2001).]


                • #9

                  Originally posted by Darkknight on 03-06-2001 09:00 PM
                  This is what makes it a little bit peeving to play
                  skeeve did you get your sig from " A mans reach should exceed his grasp or what's a heaven for?

                  Darkknight, Yes! But, I don't know who the heck originated that quote. Do you?

                  I used it because it reflects my basic Civ Philosophy...
                  If everything that I reach for was also in my grasp then the game would essentially be over.

                  -- Skeeve
                  My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...

