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Cruise missiles...

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  • Cruise missiles...

    I've noticed something...aren't cruise missiles a bit weak? I mean they take a good long while to produce, yet you need about four just to demolish a warrior Civ2 they actually killed a unit outright....

  • #2
    Attack 60
    Firepower 1

    means the cruise missile wont do much. Increase these in the units.txt if you want the missile to actually be useful.

    History is written by the victor.


    • #3

      Originally posted by Alpha Wolf on 02-01-2001 11:30 PM
      Attack 60
      Firepower 1

      means the cruise missile wont do much. Increase these in the units.txt if you want the missile to actually be useful.

      What values would you recommend?

      I suppose it might be unfair because the AI never uses cruise missiles...although I could try the frenzy mod and see if it starts using them then....


      • #4
        i made firepower 6, and attack 250. My assumption is that its a full salvo of high explosives like they used in the gulf war (the little bomblet types) so I wanted it to do MAJOR damage except to the upper end units like leviathons. You could also make multiple variants of it to represent the evolution of the missile. a v-2 might be something like 75 attack, 3 firepower, a tomahawk (100 attack, 4 firepower), etc. But these numbers correspond to my completely modified attack/defense scheme, so I'm not sure what numbers would work best for you. If it helps, my tanks are 75 attack/75 defense, armor 4.

        Am not sure if the AI knows how to use them but my guess is it doesnt. Someone could probably do some SLIC to have the AI launch a missile attack as a bombardment before a conventional attack. Wouldnt that be cool to see the AI do that

        History is written by the victor.


        • #5

          Originally posted by Alpha Wolf on 02-02-2001 12:42 AM
          i made firepower 6, and attack 250. My assumption is that its a full salvo of high explosives like they used in the gulf war (the little bomblet types) so I wanted it to do MAJOR damage except to the upper end units like leviathons. You could also make multiple variants of it to represent the evolution of the missile. a v-2 might be something like 75 attack, 3 firepower, a tomahawk (100 attack, 4 firepower), etc. But these numbers correspond to my completely modified attack/defense scheme, so I'm not sure what numbers would work best for you. If it helps, my tanks are 75 attack/75 defense, armor 4.

          Am not sure if the AI knows how to use them but my guess is it doesnt. Someone could probably do some SLIC to have the AI launch a missile attack as a bombardment before a conventional attack. Wouldnt that be cool to see the AI do that

          I agree. I also think it would be cool for them to use nuclear weapons, ask for reductions, you know, in the style of the Cold War, complete with the tension and overhanging threat of nuclear warfare...but alas no, it won't happen until one of the talented guys around here edits the slic.

          Looking forward to the finished version of CTP2 though, it'll be a blast.


          • #6
            It'll never be finished. As more learn how to modify the game, it'll take a life of its own. Plus there are sooooo many possible scenarios, assuming the game limitations dont bite us too much. As one of the civ2 moders reminded us recently, there are always hidden features yet to be explored.

            History is written by the victor.


            • #7

              Originally posted by Alpha Wolf on 02-02-2001 02:19 AM
              It'll never be finished. As more learn how to modify the game, it'll take a life of its own. Plus there are sooooo many possible scenarios, assuming the game limitations dont bite us too much. As one of the civ2 moders reminded us recently, there are always hidden features yet to be explored.

              I guess this game wasn't such a bad buy after all.

              BTW, there's about four units.txt files on my hard there any particular one I should use to modify the cruise missiles?


              • #8
                s/b default/gamedata/units.txt.

                Yeah, as the game becomes more understood, I'm finding that its not as bad as I originally thought but they just hadnt optimized it, but the majority of the code works well once tweaked

                History is written by the victor.


                • #9
                  You should help and join the race to Assemble A Legion unit For CTP2.
                  CTP2 is too easy to mod up. They should make doing this more of a challenge. Im gettin so good at this maybe one day ill make my own game/

                  The Only way is the "right" way

                  [This message has been edited by Steve5304 (edited February 04, 2001).]


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by Steve5304 on 02-04-2001 01:24 AM
                    You should help and join the race to Assemble A Legion unit For CTP2.

                    just use the one from CtP1, thats what I did.

                    History is written by the victor.

