Well I'm a long time civer. I first started civ back in maybe 6th grade (I'm in 17th grade now). I've never been a deity type player. So following your tips I've tried to mix my stacks with 3 bombard, 3 attack, 3 flank and 3 defense. This is good, however after infantryman is there a better "defensive" unit. I realize that there are units with better defensive skill, but a unit actually being labeled "defensive" has eluded me. Am I being too picky and should I just use hover infantry instead??
I use to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure
Well I'm a long time civer. I first started civ back in maybe 6th grade (I'm in 17th grade now). I've never been a deity type player. So following your tips I've tried to mix my stacks with 3 bombard, 3 attack, 3 flank and 3 defense. This is good, however after infantryman is there a better "defensive" unit. I realize that there are units with better defensive skill, but a unit actually being labeled "defensive" has eluded me. Am I being too picky and should I just use hover infantry instead??
I use to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure