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Should i buy the game?

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  • #16
    Actually Alisia you make a very good point. I think that Ive been conditioned by SMAC that sooner or later (mostly sooner) everyone is going to gang up on you so you better attack first to beat them down. In SMAC I sometimes played NICE. Did not start wars and when offered peace accepted it. It was very challenging and fun, and yes there was plenty of action cause some one would always do a Pearl Harbor on you. I haven't tried CTP2 this way, Ive always been attacking. So maybe thats the next challenge, try to win by being the nice guy!
    I think this could get kinda boring with out the aggresive AI but its worth a game. Does any one know if the AI civs grow to hate you if your number one in power, science, points, etc?


    • #17
      I'm also wondering whether or not to buy CTP2. I did buy C:CTP and really tried to like it, but the interface turned me off the game so fast.

      So, I ask this, should I spend another $90 for CTP2 having wasted $90 buying C:CTP?

      (btw, I'm in Australia)
      There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


      • #18
        Believe me, you will have a hard time... Just getting a peace treaty is nearly impossible. I play with a lot of nations, and only Portugal is nice to me. I got one near-enemy, that is Nicaragua.

        The list?
        1) Nicaragua
        2) Japan (me)
        3) Portugal

        So, I guess number two and three are ganging up on one?

        All the other nations are more or less friendly, ie. they arent at war. They refuse to make peace though. But heck, no way I am going to give them tech!!!


        • #19
          You will quickly tire of the game. The weak AI makes it far to easy to win by military force on any difficulty setting.

          Save your cash or wait till it hits the bargain bin.
          Tanks and bombers, I'll say it again tanks and bombers


          • #20
            THEN - DO - NOT - USE - A - MILITARY - VOICE

            Vous comprends?


            • #21

              Originally posted by Darth_Kristian on 12-25-2000 10:30 AM
              Should i buy CTP2?

              I really loved CTP and CIV2 and im really good at both games but im afraid that CTP2 will be to easy and that it won't be any fun?

              Should i buy the game?

              Please help me!!

              I'm not the right person to give you any advise. I bought CTP I and tossed it in a drawer some months ago. I was waiting for opinions from the CTP II early buyers to listen first impressions, and in according to what I have heard I'm not going to buy it. I don't have too much time to play, so I use the time I have with Civ2 and I will continue waiting for Civ3.
              P.S. SMAC is a good option if you want something different while waiting.


              • #22

                Originally posted by Mouse on 01-03-2001 01:04 AM

                So, I ask this, should I spend another $90 for CTP2 having wasted $90 buying C:CTP?

                (btw, I'm in Australia)

                Mouse, I would say save your $90 until it gets in the bargain bin. I paid $80 and I regret every dollar. Activision won't tell you this but I will CTP2 is a patch! Patches should be free but if they were going to charge for this one I would probably pay $30. (Of course I'm talking in Canadian $'s.) If you can wait a couple more months this you should be able to find this one used or in the cheap section since it's definitely not a keeper.

                "To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
                "One day you may have to think for yourself and heaven help us all when that time comes" Some condescending jerk.


                • #23
                  If you have the money spare then buy CTP2 rather then SMAC although SMAC had some new ideas and better diplomacy then Civ2 the changes are nothing compared to CTP2. In C2P2 you have Public Works so your not spending half your turns trundling settlers around the place building irrigation and roads. Before I bought CTP2 I would have said I liked the micromanagement in Civ2 and SMAC but now I've played ctp2 the amount of time you now have for the more important stuff like smashing the hated Mongolians into submission far outweighs the small loss of personal connection you feel to your empire. Overall I'd say CTP2 is a much better game then SMAC both graphically, (I never likes the SMAC maps it always seemed like there was only 4 or 5 colours used, ) and in improving gameplay and in actually creating a Different game then civ2.
                  Buy It.

                  " mind over body "
                  Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.


                  • #24
                    To be honest your not going to get entirely objective viewpoints here or anywhere. Everyone either prefers CIV2 or CTP. I know I prefer CIV2. I would suggest going to a couple of online game magazines (eg. Gamespot, PC Gamer, etc) and checking reviews for each. I wish I would have heeded Gamespots advice on CTP2. Unfortunately, I got wound up in the hype by Activision and this site that CTP2 was astounding!
                    Try reading a couple of reviews and see if that helps. You will see that CIV2 gets great reviews across the board and CTP2 is at best mixed. But rather than just looking at the scores read why the reviewers gave the score they did. These guys test hundreds of games so they often pickup on what works and what doesn't so they can often offer a viewpoint that is perhaps more detached (albeit not necessarily more valid, just a different viewpoint).
                    That's my advice. I'd only wish I would have taken it $80 dollars ago.

                    "To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
                    "One day you may have to think for yourself and heaven help us all when that time comes" Some condescending jerk.


                    • #25
                      No Ive yet to finish a game even after the patch crashes dead at some point consistantly.


                      • #26
                        Another question, does CTP2 favour a building style or a conquerer style of play? In Civ2 and SMAC, I usually play a defensive builder style.
                        There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


                        • #27
                          NO don't buy CTP2

                          Buy Civ 2, SMAC, or even MOO 2.

                          They are all better games, and also cheaper to purchase.


                          • #28
                            No, don't buy it.
                            I haven't even finished one single game, and I probably never will too.
                            Too long, too many "bugs" in AI, diplomacy and facing the same Civs over and over again.
                            Gone back to Civ2 (or what's left of the original after multiple changes)
                            Civ2 and SMAC are much more interesting and cheaper too.
                            Regarding CTP2 as a patch isn't far off.


                            • #29

                              Originally posted by Alisia on 01-03-2001 01:48 PM
                              THEN - DO - NOT - USE - A - MILITARY - VOICE

                              Vous comprends?

                              What? You want to try winning by Scientific victory? Heheh. That idiotic scientific victory where you must plant obelisks all over the world. Boy, the game designers must've think this kind of victory is just an afterthought or something. It's like a cross between the spaceship victory of Civilization games and the alien nexus victory of SMAC:Xfire. Yeah, good thinking and how original .

                              To me this game is very enjoyable at the beginning rounds. As the game progresses, I begin to realize something has to be missing here: stale AI personalities, boring (yet expansive) diplomacy options, and little rewards in nurturing a peaceful civilization. People tend to use military approach because that's the sensible way to do in this game where playing it safe is not rewarded appreciatevely. The peculiar Science victory is probably the Coup de grace.

                              Lastly, I'm not biased toward Civ2, CTP, and SMAC (they're old games anyway). So buy this game if it's on discount. It has the same addictive quality of any Civilization building games, but if you're an afficionado of all types of good games, this one is far from excellent.

                              [This message has been edited by Baloo (edited January 10, 2001).]


                              • #30
                                How about playing the game like the Palestinians and Israelies conduct themselves in our real world?

                                Palestinians bomb Israel facilities and kill civilians.

                                Israelies are outraged about the terrorist attacks and close Palestine territories from parts of Israel.

                                Palestinians threaten to go to war.

                                Israelies threaten to go to war.

                                They conduct emergency peace talks.

                                Results of peace talks last for half a year.

                                Palestinians bomb some more.

                                Israelies close off territory again.

                                Palestinians . . . . well, you get the idea.
                                A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.

