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Trading and leaky coffers

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  • Trading and leaky coffers

    Anyone out there notice that you can set up trade routes, fine and dandy. And when you save the game and come back later, the routes are still up. But you don't make any money!

    I can look at my trade advisor and see I have a route making 60gp. But when I look at the city that started it, he's only pulling in 18gp. Trust me, there arn't enough buildings (not at 800BC) to suck up that much cash.

    Got an email into activision on this one.


  • #2
    that subject has been brought up a few times.

    History is written by the victor.


    • #3

      Yeah, but after I said it (and emailed them) I don't see it anymore. (uh oh). It might be a load from within the game causes the cash to fall outta my pockets. I'll look into it a little tonight.

      BTW, I got all your changes in and am trying to get in a war, but everyone is being reasonable. I chased the mexicans off my island, but afterwards, everyone held me in such high regard that I've had very little combat. Looks like the chinese and me are in for a little showdown, though...



      • #4

        Originally posted by Bluevoss on 01-06-2001 07:57 PM

        Yeah, but after I said it (and emailed them) I don't see it anymore. (uh oh). It might be a load from within the game causes the cash to fall outta my pockets. I'll look into it a little tonight.

        BTW, I got all your changes in and am trying to get in a war, but everyone is being reasonable. I chased the mexicans off my island, but afterwards, everyone held me in such high regard that I've had very little combat. Looks like the chinese and me are in for a little showdown, though...

        But dont forget, the "stupid" AI wont fight a battle it cant win, so if you are running around with a powerful stack, no one will attack you. I've lost many a city tho by only leaving 2 or 3 garrison units in them, or by forgetting to modernize. Assuming that you have a fairly continuous border you wont have to deal with barbarians from within, but they will be effective against your borders. Depending on when you d/l'd the files, the barbarians wont randomly appear within 5,7, or 10 tiles of a city. 7 seems to be working the best because it forces you not to leave any large interior spaces outside of your borders. In my game tonight I had to repeatedly beat back barbarian attacks until I finally solidified my borders. Then all those barbarians turned on the nearest civ and took all 7 of their cities. Once I built the great wall, I sent in some units to watch the war, and some of the cities exchanged hands multiple times. Both the civ and barbs were stacking effectively and its a shame I couldnt have watched those battles to see what the stacks consisted of. I still have to tweak the barbarian build list some as once the I got hit with 12 mounted archers. Against my fortified centurians and archers, they never truly had a chance altho i did lose 2.

        Let me know if you see any glaring unbalances. I've been playing with the units today to get better balance.

        History is written by the victor.

