Sorry MrOgre and all you other over at activision, but i live over here in cold far north Norway. So when i got the news of the release, as i am a oldschool(was one of the best ;-) )ctp player i was eager to get this game. Then i got kinda pissed when i saw release date only was for US. You said you "belived" the realease date would be the same in the rest of europe as you excpected for UK. Dec 1.
As i work near a few gameshops, i stopped by from nov 20 everyday after work to hear if IT had arrived. Or if the salesperson at least had heard some news. But ack NO INFO available, i must have droven that poor salesperson almost to death. But then the day arose, he had a IN FACT approximate realease date :-), dec 8 was going to be the day. But as this hardcore ctp fan i am, i must confess to have downloaded the game a few weeks to early :-(, but hey today i went out and bought it. So the lesson must be to activision, not everyone are as honest as i, to prevent others from downloading the game instead of buying it GET THE SAME RELEASE DATE WORLDWIDE.
to all you guys out there wondering to buy or not to buy ctp2. GOGOGOGOGOGOGO shop is right around the corner go buy it now, hurry before its to late, might be sold out next week you never know ;-)
ctp2 realeased in Norway on dec. 8!!!!!!
veni, vidi, vici
icq #51862133
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Pin (edited December 08, 2000).]</font>
As i work near a few gameshops, i stopped by from nov 20 everyday after work to hear if IT had arrived. Or if the salesperson at least had heard some news. But ack NO INFO available, i must have droven that poor salesperson almost to death. But then the day arose, he had a IN FACT approximate realease date :-), dec 8 was going to be the day. But as this hardcore ctp fan i am, i must confess to have downloaded the game a few weeks to early :-(, but hey today i went out and bought it. So the lesson must be to activision, not everyone are as honest as i, to prevent others from downloading the game instead of buying it GET THE SAME RELEASE DATE WORLDWIDE.
to all you guys out there wondering to buy or not to buy ctp2. GOGOGOGOGOGOGO shop is right around the corner go buy it now, hurry before its to late, might be sold out next week you never know ;-)
ctp2 realeased in Norway on dec. 8!!!!!!
veni, vidi, vici
icq #51862133
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Pin (edited December 08, 2000).]</font>