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Mark, your challenge was accepted...

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  • Mark, your challenge was accepted...

    Yesterday I started a game on Impossible level, 8 civs, raging hordes of barbarians, as the australians on the earth map.

    Before year 0 I had eliminated one competitor (Israel), beaten two others into submission (One of them has one city in England, the other two cities in africa left). I'm currently wiping out the greeks, and the only other poswer in the mainland is russia, who is sitting meekly while I amass my 12 cannons.

    I just entered the Age of Reason, and am cranking out ships of the line, cannons and cavalry. My closest competitor, the americans, tried to fight my ships of the line with longboats... I have all wonders but one (Appian highway), I have more than twice the population of any competior, and my powergraph is about twice as high as any other...

    I don't really feel the need to continue this game, I have it won...

    So, do you conceede that the AI is way to easy?

    Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine

  • #2
    are you sure it was on impossible? cause the world map as it comes in the game defaults to medium whatever your do


    • #3

      Originally posted by CyberGnu on 11-29-2000 02:40 PM
      So, do you conceede that the AI is way to easy?
      btw, i never said the ai is difficult. i just said that i couldnt beat it in the certain settings


      • #4

        I don't know whether I actually have it on highest... After I choose the map it gave me a choice of level and barbarian activity. Do you mean that even though I choose 'impossible' it gave me medium? Is there a way I can check what setting I'm on?

        As far as I know, the key to the game is to immediately go on the offensive. The computer is a horrible defender, and an even worse attacker. Actually, I've never seen a counterattack... So as long as you keep it off balance, you have no problems.

        Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine
        Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


        • #5

          Originally posted by CyberGnu on 11-29-2000 04:42 PM
          I don't know whether I actually have it on highest... After I choose the map it gave me a choice of level and barbarian activity. Do you mean that even though I choose 'impossible' it gave me medium?
          that's right. i believe there is a bug with scenario saving part of the editor...

          Is there a way I can check what setting I'm on?
          yes, from the score screen(ctrl+k)


          • #6
            Now this is rather comical. It appears that CHOOSING the difficulty you want to play is more difficult than the actual play.


            • #7
              Mark, thanks, I'll try that!

              Funny though... I couldn't feel any difference in game play, except perhaps that my neighbours research was surprisingly slow...


              Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine
              Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


              • #8

                Originally posted by CyberGnu on 11-30-2000 11:29 AM
                Funny though... I couldn't feel any difference in game play, except perhaps that my neighbours research was surprisingly slow...
                yeah i know, it happened to me two
                second game, i try the world map believing i'm playing on impossible. 400 turns later i realise that one of the following happens
                a) i'm a great strategist
                b) the learning curve of the game is very small
                c) i'm not playing on impossible

                i started making a "map pack" with the official maps on impossible levels but havent finished it(only did the world map and the samurai one)
                [This message has been edited by MarkG (edited November 30, 2000).]


                • #9
                  Now how can you set the maps to impossible??? There's a button in the scenario editor, but I'm hearing that it doesn't work. Please correct me if I am wrong.
                  Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                  • #10
                    what i did was this
                    - start a game with the world map
                    - go to the editor
                    - save the map
                    - exit the game
                    - in the new game screen, select "gigantic" and "impossible" and click the "launch editor" button
                    - load the map you saved
                    - place starting locations for each civ
                    - save as scenario


                    • #11
                      It's a lot easier to enter the level in civ2 (1996 game)! Markos some of us are not gearheads.

                      BTW, using the world map is a kinda cheat. It's harder if you use a random map.


                      • #12
                        GP, the above is a way to overcome a bug, not a standard feature....

