Yesterday I started a game on Impossible level, 8 civs, raging hordes of barbarians, as the australians on the earth map.
Before year 0 I had eliminated one competitor (Israel), beaten two others into submission (One of them has one city in England, the other two cities in africa left). I'm currently wiping out the greeks, and the only other poswer in the mainland is russia, who is sitting meekly while I amass my 12 cannons.
I just entered the Age of Reason, and am cranking out ships of the line, cannons and cavalry. My closest competitor, the americans, tried to fight my ships of the line with longboats... I have all wonders but one (Appian highway), I have more than twice the population of any competior, and my powergraph is about twice as high as any other...
I don't really feel the need to continue this game, I have it won...
So, do you conceede that the AI is way to easy?
Before year 0 I had eliminated one competitor (Israel), beaten two others into submission (One of them has one city in England, the other two cities in africa left). I'm currently wiping out the greeks, and the only other poswer in the mainland is russia, who is sitting meekly while I amass my 12 cannons.
I just entered the Age of Reason, and am cranking out ships of the line, cannons and cavalry. My closest competitor, the americans, tried to fight my ships of the line with longboats... I have all wonders but one (Appian highway), I have more than twice the population of any competior, and my powergraph is about twice as high as any other...
I don't really feel the need to continue this game, I have it won...
So, do you conceede that the AI is way to easy?
