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Build Queues

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  • Build Queues

    If your build queue is empty, are all your production points for that city put into public works? I did a simple test and it seems that they don't! It looks like they are just wasted!! How could this be? I hope I am wrong, but if I am not, should this not be one of the things fixed in the patch?

  • #2
    Do you mean before or after you can "build" Infrastructure (to use a CTP1 term)?

    - MKL Shameless Plug: ............. All welcome.
    "And a sun that doesn't set but settles" - Augie March
    - mkl


    • #3
      Hi, thnx for the response!

      My question was, does this do that BEFORE the infrastructure advance. It is really just a matter of micro-management to have to keep the queues busy when you have 100% going to public works anyway. (lol, I know, why would you do a thing like that? ) And, say you want some queues going but want others to go into public works. Or can you only impose a flat PW tax and not just allow some cities to contribute more than others.

      I am kinda new to the whole CTP environment (I am one of those who passed on CTP1), so I don’t really know about some of those later advances (infrastructure). I looked ahead in the reference chart and it says infrastructure “Converts production to public works”. You can already do this by raising PW tax to 100%. Two Questions:

      1: Does this advance make your cities more efficient at making PW points for your Production point? Or 2,

      Does this advance simply make it so you have more control over which cities produce PW and allow your cities to just make PW when their build queues are empty.

      Whew! I know nobody understands me ) nobody ever does!

      P.S. what is the code to make smile and other faces?


      • #4
        The 2nd one
        You only live twice; when you are born, and again when you look death in the face.

