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AI Cheats?

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  • #16
    They're pillaging your public works (or maybe those of another player, but I doubt you see that).


    • #17
      I can't (and shouldn't be able) pass directly adjacent to a foe's unit.


      | | = Enemy Space Enemy
      | = Space MyUnit Space

      I can't pass between the two units. And according to the rules I shouldn't be able to.

      But the AI pass's my units all the time!!!! I mean WTF! Why can the computer pass my units by and I can't?

      Do others have this problem as well. Or is there something I am missing?

      PS: I tried to explain this problem the best I can.
      [This message has been edited by Dominous Nemo (edited November 28, 2000).]


      • #18
        Thanks. I don't think the city was mine at the time but I was right next to it. Maybe that's why I saw it; it was in my range of sight.

        If there hadn't been women we'd still be squatting in a cave eating raw meat, because we made civilization in order to impress our girl friends. And they tolerated it and let us go ahead and play with our toys.
        - - - Orson Welles
        Formerly known as Masuro.
        The sun never sets on a PBEM game.


        • #19
          Anyone has any idea about the release date for Spain? And does anyone know how I can purchase an English or American version within Spain?

          Please help!!
          "Que me odien, con tal de que me teman". Caligula.


          • #20
            Hi Ice Cube!

            I do not know how the toll policy is in Spain but I think it is possible in Germany to buy games online via and letting deliver it by UPS. So one has not to make the toll formalities by oneself. Another possibility could be to ask a local software store whether they import the game for you. So I got my copy because the store had already ordered some US copies.



            • #21
              Stealth units have no effect on ZOC (Zone of Control).
              If either your unit(s) or their unit(s) are stealth, ZOC has no effect.

              Stealth units are:
              Spy/Cyber Ninja

              Also, Diplomats, while not stealth units (AFAIK), ignore ZOC because they are, well, diplomats. You can only see enemy stealth units with your own stealth units.

              Now, if the enemy moves a stealth unit into a gap between your units, he can then move normal troops into the space because he already has a unit in that tile. However, if they programmed that into the AI, I'd be surprised. And then, it may not work that way in CtP2 (it did in Civ2 and SMAC).

              Or, of course, it could be a bug.
              John 6:68


              • #22
                What is the effect of pyramids? It says in one place +500 gold to the city but that is obviously wrong. It says in another place a "gold bonus". What is the exact effect of the pyramids? Also I assume all this information that should have been in the manual is going to be in the strategy guide instead. Any ideas when we might see bradygames publish the strat guide? Or better yet, will activision post an updated and complete manual?


                • #23
                  what's the eyeball symbol? I've seen it only on foreign cities. I thought it had something to do with spying, but clicking on the city didn't show me any info!

                  P.S. The manual will be sold separately under the title "Strategy Guide"


                  • #24
                    The great library should tell.

                    I beleive it is +5 gold produced for each person in the city that finished the wonder. I could be wrong though.


                    • #25
                      The eyeball means that the city has spotted a spy or slaver in the city. Which is a good thing because you know that someone is "attacking" the city.


                      • #26
                        The Wonder.txt file says:

                        BonusGold 100

                        so I'd guess that's 100 extra Gold per turn. The Great Library is vague about this (and other things), and you have to find them in the text files. Annoying.


                        • #27
                          Regarding Tile Improvement workers....
                          I really don't understand the mechanics of how a tile improvement worker is allocated to every tile within the city radius, and for that matter what is the city radius? Is it two squares from the city like in CTP 1? Is there any way at all to control which tile you want your workers to focus on? When I first had to deal with this, it freaked me out that I couldn't directly manipulate my workers to work on a tile improvement. Call me a control freak, but I like having that power


                          • #28
                            Read my post in the Creation forum titled "The Production Model Revealed" for the skinny on city micromanagement.

                            - Metamorph

