Hello everyone:
I just had a question about the efficiency bar in the city manager, usully it shows green and everytime you change something be it workers, farmers, what have you the green bar goes down untill there is no green bar.
My question is this: just what does that green bar represent? high efficiency or low efficiency?
The reasion I ask this is that the more farmers you have in a city the higher the population grows for that city.
And the more money, scientests, workers etc. the smaller the green bar gets.
It seems to me that the more people you have doing something the more of that particular item is produced, thus the higher efficiency for that item.
so it seems to me that if that green bar is high efficiency then it should start out small and grow when you add more people to doing things, it should'ent get smaller.
Anybody have any thought's on this?
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by moondog (edited November 23, 2000).]</font>
I just had a question about the efficiency bar in the city manager, usully it shows green and everytime you change something be it workers, farmers, what have you the green bar goes down untill there is no green bar.
My question is this: just what does that green bar represent? high efficiency or low efficiency?
The reasion I ask this is that the more farmers you have in a city the higher the population grows for that city.
And the more money, scientests, workers etc. the smaller the green bar gets.
It seems to me that the more people you have doing something the more of that particular item is produced, thus the higher efficiency for that item.
so it seems to me that if that green bar is high efficiency then it should start out small and grow when you add more people to doing things, it should'ent get smaller.
Anybody have any thought's on this?
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by moondog (edited November 23, 2000).]</font>