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Slavery and Emancipation Act

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  • Slavery and Emancipation Act

    On hard difficulty in my previous game I noticed the computer never made slavers. I didn't either since I didn't need to although I made some just to see other stealth units, which of course were never made.

    I'm playing hard again but this time I decided to use slavers since I was once bordered with the 3 top civs. I've noticed that the Emancipation Act, according to the Great Library says it causes riots in ALL cities that have slaves. I now have quite a few, and I'm worried that if *I* get the E.A. wonder first, it will hurt me even though I got it before the other civs (in CTP1 it only caused riots in other civs, not your own).

    Can abolitionists free slaves in your own cities? I may have to do this if the riots that ensue will cause too much havoc in my own cities.

  • #2
    I noticed that confusing entry in the docs as well. The truth is, the emancipation act is just like in ctp1, therefore no slave riots in your own civ.


    • #3
      Thanks. That was a really quick response! Does the computer ever make slavers? It seems that making slavers may be overpowered for the player if the computer never does.
      [This message has been edited by Pembleton (edited November 22, 2000).]


      • #4
        Yes it does make slavers, and annoyingly so.



        • #5
          it depends on the civ


          • #6
            that's right, some civ's won't even do slavery... while others will have a slaver robbing your citizens by early 3rd millenia bc. Then some other civs will entirely stop sending slavers if your diplomatic stance gets better (or so it seems).

            One thing that I've noticed though, is when I go out and enslave the AI citizens, the target civ immediately declares war after a succesful slave raid.

            How doe's the AI know whos enslaving them? When my citizens get slaved, I have no clue as to who it might be (unless theres only *one* civ on a single island... and no one has shipbuilding... ).

            Anyone else notice this?


            • #7
              Yes, and there is my civ and another one that they know about on the same land mass. Plus it was early enough that that civ would not have known how many others were around.


              • #8
                Oh yes SmellyMummy.

                I think most of us have.

                The AI cheats! And that's that.

                You, on the other hand, have to catch them (the AIs) redhanded to know for sure.
                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                • #9
                  Why does slavery end with the Emancipation Act! FACT: There are more slave now in the 21st century then at any other period of history.

