Found a few bugs, so far I've been unable to finish my game because of them.
1) If you finish researching a technology and the game crashes on that turn when you load the autosave you loose the technology and research starts completely over. I've had this happen twice in my current game with no saves recent enough to undo the damage.
2) Occasionally the game will finish processing all players turns and give you control but the processing turns bar is still set to an enemy color, not at 100% and the end turn button will stay grayed out. The only work around I've found is to save then reload.
3) The game hard locks quite often on my system. Never had a problem untill around the late 1800's early 1900's I think. Never had any problems at all with my system (Athlon 800, 256mb pc133, Geforce2, SCSI, Win2k (all patches), DirectX 8, SB Live and nothing overclocked). It gets worse and worse as I progress where now I can't go more than a few turns without reseting (currently around 2150 now I believe).
The lockup and research bugs are so annoying I can't continue playing.
1) If you finish researching a technology and the game crashes on that turn when you load the autosave you loose the technology and research starts completely over. I've had this happen twice in my current game with no saves recent enough to undo the damage.
2) Occasionally the game will finish processing all players turns and give you control but the processing turns bar is still set to an enemy color, not at 100% and the end turn button will stay grayed out. The only work around I've found is to save then reload.
3) The game hard locks quite often on my system. Never had a problem untill around the late 1800's early 1900's I think. Never had any problems at all with my system (Athlon 800, 256mb pc133, Geforce2, SCSI, Win2k (all patches), DirectX 8, SB Live and nothing overclocked). It gets worse and worse as I progress where now I can't go more than a few turns without reseting (currently around 2150 now I believe).
The lockup and research bugs are so annoying I can't continue playing.
