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Combined release date?

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  • Combined release date?

    Will the release be synchronised across the world or will the yanks, like always, get the game first?

  • #2
    Yanks first. The international versions should code release within the next week, so I would estimate that the game will release in Europe and Asia about two weeks after it appears in the U.S.


    • #3
      Thats good, this way I have enough time to decide wether or not to buy it!

      Besides Lt John I hope this time patches (if there are any) are released all together. Not that we have to wait several weeks for the german version cause thats really lame! In fact it only makes me angry.



      • #4
        Err, by "international versions" I assume you mean the different language versions.

        Perhaps I should be more specific. Will Australia get it the same day as the US?

        - MKL
        "And a sun that doesn't set but settles" - Augie March
        Shameless Plug: ............. All welcome.
        - mkl


        • #5
          Australia counts as an international version (as does the UK) since it is our standard overseas English edition and we have to test the different keyboard configurations. This version should release soon, but to answer the question directly, it will not ship on the same day as the US version.


          • #6
            Ooh, don't I feel silly?
            Thanks for the feedback, LT John.

            - MKL
            "And a sun that doesn't set but settles" - Augie March
            Shameless Plug: ............. All welcome.
            - mkl


            • #7
              10 days...... I don't know if I can wait that long....

              *checks calendar*

              Woohoo! Its a Sunday! I can get it on the first day!

              *continues waiting for CTP2*
              *grumbles about work*


              • #8
                Does this mean that the US and Canada speak a different language to the rest of the English speaking nations?

                I guess that's a stupid question.
                [This message has been edited by Big Crunch (edited November 09, 2000).]
                One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                • #9

                  Originally posted by Big Crunch on 11-09-2000 06:58 PM
                  Does this mean that the US and Canada speak a different language to the rest of the English speaking nations?

                  I guess that's a stupid question.
                  [This message has been edited by Big Crunch (edited November 09, 2000).]

                  Nope just diferent keybord layouts, Heck im in Houston, and we have 3 diferent keyboards where i work,(2 diferent American layouts, and one that is Either Spanish or European)


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by Drakenred on 11-09-2000 09:48 PM
                    Nope just diferent keybord layouts, Heck im in Houston, and we have 3 diferent keyboards where i work,(2 diferent American layouts, and one that is Either Spanish or European)

                    What the heck is "european"?
                    Is this the reason, why I (swiss-german speaking) don't understand the greek (talking greek).

                    Hey DanQ and MarkG; We should talk "european", then we can understand each other in europe. No matter in which european country we live in.

                    And: Hey spanish guys. Did you know? You're not european!!! Wow.


                    [This message has been edited by TomTom (edited November 10, 2000).]


                    • #11
                      1. I didn't know that the British and Americans used different kb layouts. So who uses the QWERTY?

                      2. Why should a keyboard layout affect the game? It's not some real-time or arcade game. Where the keys are doesn't affect the game one bit.


                      • #12
                        Keyboard layout for a standard german keyboard:


                        Now Caps Lock:


                        then there is "~" which is Alt-Gr and the key (right) next to the "ü"
                        and "|" which is Alt-Gr and the key (left) next to the "y"

                        The numbers with Alt-Gr pressed are:
                        1:none 2:² 3:³ 4:none 5:none 6:none 7:{ 8:[ 9:] 0:} ß:\


                        P.S.: Thats the way keyboards have to be!!!


                        • #13

                          Originally posted by phoenixcager on 11-10-2000 04:42 AM
                          1. I didn't know that the British and Americans used different kb layouts. So who uses the QWERTY?

                          2. Why should a keyboard layout affect the game? It's not some real-time or arcade game. Where the keys are doesn't affect the game one bit.

                          Actualy it does when

                          A)the game is hard coded to acept say the 6th key from the left on the second row to build a city, but the manual says to hit the b key(witch on the keybord May be on the third row, 4th key, or an unused key acording to the the "Key map" in the game(that is not as mutch of a problem anymore, though as i suspect that the games all now use ASCII, but even that has a problem, specificaly. .

                          B) If the game is looking for the ASCII value of 066(B) or 098(b), but the keybord is using, say Hexidecimal, the Keybords idea of B is 42(* in ASCII) or b whitch is 62(> in ASCII) again that is not a problem with US market keybords, but is a problem with some non-US standard keyboards, or becuase of Language diferences, the actual ASCII value of the key is diferent

                          Let me try to use an exple later,

                          C)Also they may want to keep the keyboard more intuitive, For example, it may be beter to use C (construct)for the build comand becuase of posible language conflicts, (IE 2 diferent words in German that are considered Direct translations of US-English comands haveing the same first letter, or no comperable word exists in a language that starts with B to the Build comand)


                          • #14
                            So when will it be released in Canada??
                            You're civin' like a fool, but what about DaddyCool?


                            • #15
                              Canada is often considered apart of the US' domestic market, so unless you hear otherwise assume that whatever release date is listed for the United States that it will be the same for Canada as well.

                              Dan; Apolyton CS

