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Preview: Day 4

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  • Preview: Day 4

    <a href=""><FONT face="Book Antiqua, Times New Roman" color="#123381" size="4">Day Four</font></a>

    Text files, Trade Routes, Commerce Tile Improvements, Scientific Victory, Screens and LDL Files, Alexander's Way To Victory <a href="">Read</a>

    new screens

  • #2
    I like the intelligence screen!
    It's great that we will finally know why a particular AI is always angry with us.
    the other details are also extremely useful!


    • #3
      Thanks for answering my question about the scientific victory.

      But, I thought someone from Activision told us it involved placing units or improvements at "strategic locations on the map"?


      • #4
        The Scientific Victory is the hardest to achieve. It requires may buildings/improvements, a certain government, a wonder, (you have to be in the ldiamond age), the placment of tile improvments (gaia obolisks) over a certain percentage of the map. To achieve a science victory you must work your ass off and have a large empire. It does give a great feeling of accomplishment though.


        • #5

          Originally posted by DarkOrder on 11-11-2000 01:29 PM
          The Scientific Victory is the hardest to achieve. It requires may buildings/improvements, a certain government, a wonder, (you have to be in the ldiamond age), the placment of tile improvments (gaia obolisks) over a certain percentage of the map. To achieve a science victory you must work your ass off and have a large empire. It does give a great feeling of accomplishment though.

          YES! now you can atack and destroy the Oter persons tile inprovments in order to stop the project, i asume, or do all of the Tial inprovments (Reguardles of ownership)count twards the Victory conditions?


          • #6
            the obelisks can only be built in areas controlled by an empire (empire region), so they can only be used by that empire who builds them. If another empire takes control of that city and region, then the obelisk, just like a farm would then change hands.
            [This message has been edited by DarkOrder (edited November 11, 2000).]


            • #7

              Originally posted by DarkOrder on 11-11-2000 02:14 PM
              the obelisks can only be built in areas controlled by an empire (empire region), so they can only be used by that empire who builds them. If another empire takes control of that city and region, then the obelisk, just like a farm would then change hands.
              [This message has been edited by DarkOrder (edited November 11, 2000).]

              Personaly i think that it would be a lot easier to destroy several of the Obilisk improvments via a dozen or so quick Strikes than to invade that country, then you could simply keep to an agressive defence while building your own Obolisks, without the fuss of controling newly conquerd cities,

              (although i suspect that everyone will be building2x or more the number needed, just to be safe!)

              (yikes, can you imadgine the size of army you will need???)

              your gona need a stack on Each obilisk, several Stacks for your borders, your reserve stacks for the counter atack, your defence stacks, not to mention the stacks your gona need Next to your cities with the Major components, plus your Quick strike stacks, your reconisance stacks. and since you have the Eco-ranger to lookout for, ya need a lot of Counter-ranger units. . . .

              you know, it almost sounds like the party with the least Parkland at the end of the game wins?


              • #8
                [This message has been edited by MidKnight Lament (edited November 11, 2000).]
                - mkl

