Yes, I recognize that more civs means computational time to complete turns. However, I think that many people out there with Ghz monsters would like the option, at least, of playing against a number of civs that would make a PII cough up blood.
In response to Ralf, the fact is that each computer civ will use the same game logic (code) as they grow and expand. Of course, the values of civ-dependant variables will cause them to function differently. I am not neglecting hardware problems, ect. I am stating that in a well crafted game, one should be able to change #define NUM_CIVS 8 to #define NUM_CIVS 32 and, assuming an adequate amount of resources is available, go on to start up a game with an arbitary number of civs.
In response to Ralf, the fact is that each computer civ will use the same game logic (code) as they grow and expand. Of course, the values of civ-dependant variables will cause them to function differently. I am not neglecting hardware problems, ect. I am stating that in a well crafted game, one should be able to change #define NUM_CIVS 8 to #define NUM_CIVS 32 and, assuming an adequate amount of resources is available, go on to start up a game with an arbitary number of civs.