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How Many Civs?

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  • How Many Civs?

    How many civs will it be possible to play against in one singel game? Does anybody know?

  • #2
    No offisial information on that as far as I know.

    Who am I? What am I? do we need Civ? YES!!
    Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
    I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
    Also active on WePlayCiv.


    • #3

      Originally posted by KaiserIsak on 10-30-2000 09:23 AM
      How many civs will it be possible to play against in one singel game? Does anybody know?

      7 + yourself = 8 total civs


      [This message has been edited by Pyaray (edited October 30, 2000).]


      • #4

        Originally posted by Pyaray on 10-30-2000 03:37 PM
        7 + yourself = 8 total civs


        anyway, i hope that the 32-by-hand bug(game crashing when you have put over 8 and then try to change the setting from inside the game) does not exist this time....


        • #5

          Why not give us the option to add more


          • #6

            8 civs!!??? What the hell? Is anyone else ready to throw a kitchen bomb into Activision's CTP2 Development Room? I mean, whats with these idiots?
            What good are all these diplomatic options if you only have seven countries to interact with! Come on, guys. People just aren't going to stand for this. As for this 32-civ cheat, thats about as useful as a flame thrower in a dynamite factory! I want 32 legit civs that i can gather legit intelligence on and so on. This is very bad news. And what's all this jazz about lack of multiplayer support? I swear man, if Activision screws us again, I might have to lock myself in my office and develop my own civ game. Not cool, Activision. Not cool at all.


            • #7
              ok, lets get a bit more serious about this and leave the name calling out of this forum.....


              Originally posted by Tical_2000 on 10-30-2000 04:55 PM
              What good are all these diplomatic options if you only have seven countries to interact with!
              everyone loved the diplomatic interaction in smac and it had 7 civs....

              As for this 32-civ cheat, thats about as useful as a flame thrower in a dynamite factory!
              lots of lots of people have happily played with over 8 civs with ctp1. it's not the same(cause not everyone feels safe editing even a simple text file) but it's something...

              I want 32 legit civs that i can gather legit intelligence on and so on.
              since you brought up intelligence, it's also a matter of system requirements. i remember that the ctp1 requirements were for 6 civs on a normal map. having (let's say) 16 "legal" civs would mean higher (official) system requirements
              and you know what that means
              [This message has been edited by MarkG (edited October 30, 2000).]


              • #8
                Wow, I had no idea that this was a hot topic. I'm afraid that decision was made long before I was brought in, and it's certainly too late to change it now. Basically, it's too late to change anything now. Any information about the game these days is pretty much set in stone. Changing design at this late of a date would be like shooting our own foot, as it would be too likely to generate bugs. So in summary, I'm sorry it disapoints so many of you, but 8 is the number.



                • #9
                  just be sure that there are no game-crashing bugs when you set it to over 8 civs by text-editing(you can of course still do that, right??????)


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by MarkG on 10-30-2000 07:13 PM
                    just be sure that there are no game-crashing bugs when you set it to over 8 civs by text-editing(you can of course still do that, right??????)

                    Editing a file to make the game do something beyond what we designed it to do is not officially supported, and therefore I can't really comment on it either way.

                    The only thing I can say is that the game is fairly customizable. And you all will probably figure out things to do with it that we never really meant it to do.


                    [This message has been edited by Pyaray (edited October 30, 2000).]


                    • #11

                      Not cool, Activision. Not cool at all.

                      I second that!

                      The fact that there wont be any changes in the design makes me feel uncomfortable! To me a Civ game is NEVER finished. There are so many ideas and features out there. I really advise you not to cancel support after the second patch, oh and yes I do expect patches. One that includes PBEM for example!



                      • #12

                        Originally posted by Atahualpa on 10-30-2000 07:32 PM
                        The fact that there wont be any changes in the design makes me feel uncomfortable!

                        Saying that we didn't change how many civs we could have, and saying that there won't be any changes in the design are vastly different statements. I assure you, many things were redesigned. Just not this one.



                        • #13
                          are you serious??!! do you people look at the polls? everyone wanted more civs!! i can understand that you wouldnt want to add them officially since it would increase teh sys req too much - but i would have at least thought you would have allowed us to edit it them (which it seems you will) BUT ALSO have screens that would hold mor information (i.e. the treaty/attitude screens). i mean it cant be that difficult to add a scroll bar and a few more boxes for extra civs on those screens. i think this sucks! i thought it was a GIVEN that more civs would be supported! - even if it wasnt 32, at least 12 would have been nice.

                          "Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."
                          -Michael Sinz


                          • #14
                            People! People! We should all remain calm. I think people were expecting 32 civ support because the original CTP had it... unofficially. While it is sad to see that the "more civs" options has been abandoned by Activision, personally I'd like to have 8 quality AI opponents rather than 32 dumb ones. Let's hope the extra CPU cycles generated by this decision will be put into good use in the AI and the general speed of the game.
                            Monkey I am proud to be!
                            Trim the sails and roam the sea!
                            Trim the sails and roam the sea!


                            • #15
                              I agree with Monkey. Activision can concentrate on 8 good civs and a realistic system requirement. The mod experts can expand the number of civs.
                              Chris Horscroft

