I think the computer is relly awful in ocean tactics.It`S to easy to just use the bombard function to wipe out all the units, and then sending in a marine.Works everytime. Bothers me a lot.
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How about making the computer a bit smarter at sea?
Yes it would be nice to see the AI more aggressive on the sea. But what would be the point of that if the AI remains unable to make any kind of Sea/Land invasion.
Well that's the point of controlling the sea for that matter. The ability to attack your enemy from many direction much faster then by land (unless you use road that is, even so you are still limited to the road itself).
In CTP1 i have never seen the AI mount a Sea/Land invasion that was effective. Once i was alone on an island, the only thing i had to worry about was the pesky little unconventionnal units and the settlers that the AI keeps sending via ships to my shores.
In AC you could see somekind of an effort (albeit limited in most cases) of the Sea/Land invasion principle.
I sure hope CTP2 delivers in that area.
[This message has been edited by Nazgul (edited September 27, 2000).]
True Nazgul,
I think the only time I ever saw a computer player cross an ocean and invade an island I was on was my very first game when I had little idea what I was doing.
I have been playing lately on maps with more land than ocean just to give the game *some* difficulty. Even on land the computer players don't really do an effective invasion.