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  • queries

    hey all. i recently started playing call to power 2 and think its an awesome game! but i just have some quick questions about the game, i hope someone can help me out.

    1) is there a way i can get an enemy spy, after ive detected him with my own stealth units, out of my borders without attacking him and starting a war? i try diplomacy proposal, threatening the enemy to withdraw their troops, but they just accept my proposal and keep their spies there to steal my technology!

    2) every time i launch a new game, its always the same nations, so i want to change them. i heard u can edit a txt file to change the nations that u start the game with but dont know which or how?
    (btw, is there a way to do that with Civilization:Call to Power 1?)

    3) and finally, is there a way to use Call to Power 2 units in the first Civilization:Call to Power game and/or vice versa??
    besides apolyton, r there any other websites where i can get more units for both games?

    btw, im still deciding whether i like CtP 2 or 1 better. its basically the same game but i was really fond of the space view and space units in CtP1 but CtP2 has a lot more naval units!

  • #2
    1) You can kick out all Civilian units (Spies, Settlers, Diplomats, Clerics, etc) from your lands by 'Expelling' them. To do so, use place any military unit next to the unt you want to expel, and then either right-click on your unit and select Expel, or click on the button with the picture of a boot on your control panel. Your mouse cursor will change into a boot, and you can now click on the unit you want to expel. Note that this does cost 1 movement point, so it won't work if you have less than that.

    2) I think what you mean is explained in Question 1 of the FAQ (one of the topped threads in this forum).

    But this is only an issue in CtP2, I don't think it should be a problem in CtP1. If you actually want to add new civs to the game, you should alter ctp2_data\default\gamedata\civilization.txt and ctp2_data\english\gamedata\civ_str.txt (same for CtP1, only replace ctp2_data with ctp2_data; the files should be identical). But I doubt this is what you'll want to do, at least for CtP2

    3) You can use CtP1 units in CtP2 but not the other way around. All fan-made units can be used on both games. As for downloaing units, unless I'm very much mistaken Apolyton hosts pretty much all units that are out there so no need to look elsewhere.

    At first glance CtP1 and CtP2 are very similar, but if you play more I think you'll find there are significant differences. Mostly in areas such as city management, combat, AI, UI, etc.
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #3
      Loc: You might want to fix that URL tag .

      Also, with the advent of SpriteEdit it's entirely possible that the CTP2 units could be downgraded to work with CTP1. I haven't downloaded SpriteEdit myself, though, so I don't know exactly what its capable of.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Locutus
        3) You can use CtP1 units in CtP2 but not the other way around. All fan-made units can be used on both games. As for downloaing units, unless I'm very much mistaken Apolyton hosts pretty much all units that are out there so no need to look elsewhere.
        Or at least all the good ones. Though some are only available inside other mods. FRITZ made some sprites for his Napoleonic war scenario, my crossbowman is in Cradle, etc. My battering ram has somehow managed to not get uploaded to Poly as well. I think this was my laziness in making targas actually.
        The Crossbowman and Battering Ram are the top two here.
        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


        • #5
          ok, i was able to randomise the civs i play against when i start a new game. however, i was wondering if there is a way i can actually select the specific civs i want to play against? is it possible for either CtP1 or CtP2?

          Also, with the advent of SpriteEdit it's entirely possible that the CTP2 units could be downgraded to work with CTP1.
          how difficult would that be to do for someone, who is a complete newbie when it comes to mod programs and computers in general, like me!?!?!


          • #6
            ok, i was able to randomise the civs i play against when i start a new game. however, i was wondering if there is a way i can actually select the specific civs i want to play against? is it possible for either CtP1 or CtP2?
            Start a LAN game.
            Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
            CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
            One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


            • #7
              Yes, a 1-person LAN game, or a 1-person Hotseat game will let you specify which civs you want to play against. Both for CtP1 and CtP2, IIRC. Hopefully that's another thing we can add for the regular game as well, now that we have the source code.
              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


              • #8
                Originally posted by orty
                how difficult would that be to do for someone, who is a complete newbie when it comes to mod programs and computers in general, like me!?!?!
                I think all you should have to do, if this is possible with the current build, is to load the sprite you want, and resave it, since it will only save as a CtP1 sprite, that's it.
                Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Locutus
                  Yes, a 1-person LAN game, or a 1-person Hotseat game will let you specify which civs you want to play against. Both for CtP1 and CtP2, IIRC. Hopefully that's another thing we can add for the regular game as well, now that we have the source code.
                  Also dont forget to put Dynamic Join ON, or it wont launch, IIRC.
                  Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                  CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                  One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                  • #10
                    where can i download SpriteEdit??

                    i found the CTP SpriteTool but i dont know if thats what you are referring to?


                    • #11
                      From Martin the Dane's website:

                      The development thread is here
                      Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                      "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                      • #12
                        thx immortal wombat!!! i got the program and its damn good! ive managed to include the cruise missile into Civ:CtP with sprite, icons and Great Library info from CtP2!! it works well! im curious to know, would AI need to be adjusted to be able to use the cruise missile properly?? will it cause major problems if i just leave it as it is??


                        • #13
                          Any new units you add to CTP will be ignored by the AI unless you alter the AI, but they shouldn't cause problems besides that.


                          • #14
                            hmm, just when i solve one problem, i run into another...or actually 2, was wondering if u guys could help me out.

                            firstly, this is what i added into Units.txt for the cruise missile

                            UNIT_CRUISE_MISSILE {
                            SHIELD_COST 2000
                            POWER_POINTS 2000
                            MAX_HP 10
                            ATTACK 240
                            DEFENSE 10
                            FIREPOWER 2
                            ZB_RANGE_ATTACK 0

                            BATTLEFIELD_RANGE 1
                            BATTLEFIELD_RADIUS 1

                            VISION_RANGE 1

                            ACTIVE_DEFENSE_RANGE 0
                            ELECTRONIC_COMBAT_FACTOR 0

                            MAX_MOVEMENT 1000
                            FUEL 1000

                            SHIELD_HUNGER 60
                            FOOD_HUNGER 0

                            DEFAULT_SPRITE SPRITE_CRUISE_MISSILE
                            DEFAULT_ICON ICON_UNIT_CRUISE_MISSILE
                            DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION_UNIT_NUKE
                            # #id string of the default sprite

                            SOUND_SELECT1 SOUND_SELECT1_NUKE
                            SOUND_SELECT2 SOUND_SELECT2_NUKE
                            SOUND_MOVE SOUND_MOVE_NUKE
                            SOUND_CANTMOVE SOUND_CANTMOVE_NUKE
                            SOUND_ATTACK SOUND_ATTACK_NUKE
                            SOUND_WORK SOUND_WORK_NUKE
                            SOUND_VICTORY SOUND_VICTORY_NUKE
                            SOUND_DEATH SOUND_DEATH_NUKE
                            ENABLING_ADVANCE ADVANCE_ROCKETRY
                            OBSOLETE_ADVANCE NULL

                            ############## special flags #############################






                            CHEAT_INDEX 3

                            ### UNIT DONE ###
                            i basically copied and pasted the NUKE info and changed things here and there but now it doesnt explode, it just attacks. pretty funny watching a missile fight with a marine but not realistic! and the single_use flag doesnt seem to work cause after the fight, i can still use the missile. r there any flags i should add to make it blow up like a nuke without the nuke devestating effect?

                            also, im having problems with the icons. ive used photoshop, ive got black backgrounds, and the dimensions seem to be correct but during the game, the icons r all "fuzzy"! here is my great library image (as a jpeg file), maybe u can pick up on something i havent?

                            im real sorry guys, im just a real newbie with all this...but it is fun just playing around with!! hehe
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              You should make it a single-use fuel-dependent bombarding unit that can't attack, like the Cruise Missile from the CtP1 Apolyton Pack:

                              UNIT_CRUISE_MISSILE	{ 
                              SHIELD_COST	500
                              POWER_POINTS 	4000
                              MAX_HP	5
                              ATTACK	0
                              DEFENSE	0
                              FIREPOWER	4
                              ZB_RANGE_ATTACK	220
                              BATTLEFIELD_RANGE	1
                              BATTLEFIELD_RADIUS	1
                              VISION_RANGE	1
                              ACTIVE_DEFENSE_RANGE 	0
                              ELECTRONIC_COMBAT_FACTOR	0
                              MAX_MOVEMENT	400
                              FUEL	301
                              SHIELD_HUNGER	15
                              FOOD_HUNGER	0
                              DEFAULT_SPRITE 	SPRITE_CRUISE_MISSILE
                              DEFAULT_ICON	ICON_UNIT_CRUISE_MISSILE
                              DESCRIPTION	DESCRIPTION_UNIT_CHARIOT
                              #	  #id string of the default sprite
                              SOUND_SELECT1	SOUND_SELECT1_NUKE
                              SOUND_SELECT2	SOUND_SELECT2_NUKE
                              SOUND_MOVE	SOUND_MOVE_NUKE
                              SOUND_CANTMOVE 	SOUND_CANTMOVE_NUKE
                              SOUND_ATTACK	SOUND_ATTACK_NUKE
                              SOUND_WORK	SOUND_WORK_NUKE
                              SOUND_VICTORY	SOUND_VICTORY_NUKE
                              SOUND_DEATH	SOUND_DEATH_NUKE
                              ENABLING_ADVANCE 	ADVANCE_ROCKETRY
                              ############## special flags #############################	
                              BOMBARD_ROUNDS	30
                              CHEAT_INDEX	3	
                              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery

