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20th Turn Chat: year 1200BC+ (Turn 140+)

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  • 20th Turn Chat: year 1200BC+ (Turn 140+)

    This is the turn thread of turn chat #20.

    Date of chat: Sunday 2003/04/20
    Start of chat: 20:30 GMT
    Estimated duration: 3-4 hours
    Place: #lemuria channel of Apolyton Chat Room.

    Instructions for entering chat room:

    Java (note: untested, can't guarantee these instructions are flawless):
    a) Go to
    b) If you don't get any Java errors (the Java chat doesn't seem to work equally well on all PCs), fill in username and click connect.
    c) type '/join #lemuria' to join the Lemuria channel.

    a) Download mIRC from and install it (1,15 MB download)
    b) Open mIRC options (should open automatically when you start mIRC; if not, File -> Options), and in the Connect screen, click 'Add' to add a server. Fill in description (Apolyton), server ( and port (6667). Then press 'OK'.
    c) Fill in full name, email and nickname and press 'Connect to IRC Server' if Apolyton is selected as server (should be if you added it and didn't change it afterwards).
    d) A new screen will open and connect you to Apolyton. Once there, type '/join #lemuria' to join the Lemuria channel.

    Dear citizens,

    Due to a lack of time and a very busy week-end this Turn Chat thread is posted very lately and in a abridged version.

    Here are the threads related to the various ministers:

    Ministery of Defence

    Ministry of Infrastructure

    Ministry of Domestic Affairs

    The policy of the Ministry of Diplomacy, Science and Trade is not detailed in a single thread and has been the object of many polls which results will greatly influence the 20th Turn Chat, I can only advise our citizens to have a look at the various threads related to the MoDST...

    All the Ministers are encouraged to add some comments here and to appoint an available delegate should they be prevented from attending this Turn Chat.
    "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill

  • #2
    Updated Saved Game
    Attached Files
    "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


    • #3
      Save for Pedrunn and Huhahu...
      Attached Files
      "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


      • #4
        screenie for huangshang

        here we go:
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Map of our beautiful Lemuria

          (note: Our brave explorers and Magedburg are out of range...)
          Attached Files
          "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


          • #6
            My connection with the chat was closed and Apolyton went dead duringthe turn chat. Did it happen just to me or to other people too? I was using the Java chatroom.
            Last edited by Pedrunn; April 20, 2003, 22:40.
            "Kill a man and you are a murder.
            Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
            Kill all and you are a God!"
            -Jean Rostand


            • #7
              No Pedrunn we were all disconnected (and I use mIRC) and the Apolyton site can only be accessed since a few minutes.

              I send you the saved game so that you can give me your orders for the current turn, I will thus be able to end this turn...

              Post them here please...

              Here is the Savegame at the moment we were casted out of the Chat Room:
              Attached Files
              "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


              • #8
                orders from the modsat:
                before retaking wombatoon
                haughty german offer peace treaty, ask for wombatoon in exchange, if they refuse (which they will do) threaten to destroy wombatoon.

                i just want them to know, we do what we say.


                • #9

                  New motto of the Lemurian Army:

                  You threat, We destroy
                  "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                  • #10
                    log? or at least some report for those who weren't there, please


                    • #11
                      i don't know if somebody has a log due to the servercrash
                      important events:
                      we took magdeburg, but it will be hard to manage (happ 66) perhaps we should disband that town.
                      wombatoon is still in german hands, but will be freed next turn.
                      the hut in the south gave us another warrior.
                      german stack 7 near wels, we should have 11 units there when they arrive and we rbed citywalls, so we should win that battle.


                      • #12
                        Unfortunately I have no log of the Chat as we were all suddenly disconnected. I will try to post a summary of the main events as soon as I have ended the turn and have taken back Wombatoon...
                        "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Zaphod Beeblebrox
                          i don't know if somebody has a log due to the servercrash
                          important events:
                          we took magdeburg, but it will be hard to manage (happ 66) perhaps we should disband that town.
                          wombatoon is still in german hands, but will be freed next turn.
                          the hut in the south gave us another warrior.
                          german stack 7 near wels, we should have 11 units there when they arrive and we rbed citywalls, so we should win that battle.
                          Magdeburg, that is the lirttle town West or NorthWest of the Austrian border isn't it? (Don't refer to screenies I disabled avatas and images, but actual doesn't help to much if I see the load times right now.)

                          Originally posted by Tamerlin
                          Unfortunately I have no log of the Chat as we were all suddenly disconnected. I will try to post a summary of the main events as soon as I have ended the turn and have taken back Wombatoon...
                          You use mIRC, and you don't use the log-feature of it. My computer crashed more then one time during turn chats and I had a log file with all the improtant information. But you have to enable this feature.

                          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                          • #14
                            At last Settler is back, it was rather strange to be without our Old Apolyton for a few days... Sorry for the late answer Martin but it was not really my fault.

                            Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
                            Magdeburg, that is the lirttle town West or NorthWest of the Austrian border isn't it?
                            Yes, you are right, this city will be a nightmare to manage and I will post a poll as soon as possible to check if the citizen would like to disband it or not.

                            You use mIRC, and you don't use the log-feature of it. My computer crashed more then one time during turn chats and I had a log file with all the improtant information. But you have to enable this feature.

                            I thought it was an automatic feature of mIRC, I will enable the option before the next Turn Chat, I had planned to organize one Thirsday night but it is now certainly too late for tomorrow...
                            "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                            • #15

                              Could you post your orders for the turn that has been interrupted by Settler's demise?

                              I would like to end the current turn (I have already posted a savegame eight posts ago) and take back Wombatoon and then post a report of the events in order to organize a new Turn Chat monday.

                              All the other ministers that have orders are welcomed to post them.

                              "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill

