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    The Lemurian Government is now accepting nominations for the following postitions: President; Minister of Diplomacy, Science and Trade; Minister of Domestic Affairs; Minister of Defence; and Minister of Infrastructure. The position of Junior Judge is also up for contention with the end of Frozzy's tenure as Lemurian Judge.

    The Court of Lemuria will accept nominations from the candidate in question ONLY. The Court of Lemuria does not recognise any political parties, or nominations from a third party(ies).

    The time for nominations to end will be at April 17th at 4:20pm Central Time (BST-6) three days from now. Which, according to apolyton is same as GMT-6 when actually in real life it is GMT-5

    Nominations as of Wednesday April 16th

    No applicants

    Minister of Domestic Affairs

    Minister of Diplomacy, Science and Trade
    Zaphod Beeblebrox

    Minister of Infrastructure
    No applicants

    Minister of Defence
    No applicants

    Junior Judge

    At this time, H Tower now becomes the Senior Justice of the Court of Lemuria.

    EDIT: I had to fix the time since GMT actually never moves. thank you to frozzy for explaining to me the ins and outs of GMT and BST.
    Last edited by H Tower; April 18, 2003, 02:04.

  • #2
    Is it GMT - 6 or BST -6?


    • #3
      I'm not familar with BST, which obvisouly means that I'm going on GMT-6


      • #4
        Okay... does Illi have daylight savings? If so your time is out by an hour :P


        • #5
          fixed time issue, thanks to frozzy for explaining the difference between GMT and BST


          • #6
            Is there something I don't know that keeps people from nominating themesleves?


            • #7
              Wouldn't it be funny if nobody nominated themselves for anything


              • #8
                well, what me kept away so far, was that their wasn't a post in gov announcements until now.


                • #9
                  I must admit, I am not sure, if I gonna nominate myself for this turn.

                  I might be on holiday and not sure, if I'll be able to participate..........


                  • #10
                    Dear Citizens,

                    I nominate myself for the position of Minister of Domestic Affairs.
                    "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                    • #11
                      since i'm lazy, i like to stay in my current office as minister of diplomacy, science and trade


                      • #12
                        Does it mean you nominate yourself to the position of MoDST?
                        "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                        • #13
                          is that really necessary?

                          hmmm.... ok, I'll do so...


                          • #14
                            I think i will take a vacation. The Uni classes are killing me and i want to focus on modding some more, specially the AI code and the city expansion. I hope next turn i can get my job back.

                            So i will nominate Child of Thor, mapfi, Gilgamesh, IW and Locutus who i do believe will do a good job. I hope some accept my nomination. But i will back any candidate too.
                            "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                            Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                            Kill all and you are a God!"
                            -Jean Rostand


                            • #15
                              Well, Pedrunn thanks for your trust in me but I can't take another office - I'm already judge.

                              Come on people
                              - we need a MoD, does Germany frighten everybody?!
                              - who's up for Pres?
                              - and why's the always competed judge position not wanted anymore?

