as the germans just have captured wombatoon by a surprise attack, we are now fighting a 5 front war.
against the germans all along the eastern border and the western border of our empire. on the southern border against the now german occupied town of wombatoon (which is more like a middle border, because it strucks directly into the centre of lemuria). against austria both on the northwestern border behind wien as well as on the western border behind linz.
though i'm very confident in our brave soldiers and our wise minister of defence, i'm rather sure this full out war everywhere cannot be won as we are also behind in the tech race to both opponents.
this is not an official poll, more for information gathering, so it will be multiple choice. to get a clear picture of what the majority wishes please avoid voting for contradictionary options.
note: inofficiall polls don't have any influence on the game
against the germans all along the eastern border and the western border of our empire. on the southern border against the now german occupied town of wombatoon (which is more like a middle border, because it strucks directly into the centre of lemuria). against austria both on the northwestern border behind wien as well as on the western border behind linz.
though i'm very confident in our brave soldiers and our wise minister of defence, i'm rather sure this full out war everywhere cannot be won as we are also behind in the tech race to both opponents.
this is not an official poll, more for information gathering, so it will be multiple choice. to get a clear picture of what the majority wishes please avoid voting for contradictionary options.
note: inofficiall polls don't have any influence on the game
