Goodsight and a Barbarian:
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16th Turn Chat (From Turn 112 in the year 1760BC)
Transcript of 16th Turn Chat Part 1
[19:16] <MartinGuehmann> START OF 16TH TURN CHAT
[19:16] <Gilg> OK
[19:16] <MartinGuehmann> I already extended the build queues according to Tamerlin's orders.
[19:17] <Gilg> Did we had any orders from the MoDSaT?
[19:17] <MartinGuehmann> Yes.
[19:17] <MartinGuehmann> See the turn chat thread.
[19:17] <Gilg> Just doing so.
[19:18] <Gilg> OK, found it..
[19:18] <MartinGuehmann> So next thing to consider is if we need an additional farmer in mapfipolis.
[19:19] <Gilg> I would say, let's go for it. We loose one production round and win 9 rounds of growth
[19:20] <MartinGuehmann> Any objetctions of doing it?
[19:21] <Gilg> Zaphod?
[19:21] <Gilg> H Tower?
[19:21] * HTower has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[19:22] <MartinGuehmann> Well no anwer is also an anwer, so it is done
[19:22] <Gilg> good
[19:22] <MartinGuehmann> Following Pedrunn's orders:
[19:23] <MartinGuehmann> We should move one unit from Pedrunnia in order to expell the settler outside the city.
[19:23] <Gilg> OK
[19:23] <MartinGuehmann> So should I use am Archer or a Hopelite?
[19:24] <Gilg> Archer got vis. range of 2?
[19:24] <MartinGuehmann> Yes, so I go for the Archer.
[19:24] <Gilg> Yes
[19:26] <Gilg> Did it work?
[19:26] <MartinGuehmann> Moved according Pedrunn's orders: E SE
[19:26] * Locutus has joined #lemuria
[19:26] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Locutus
[19:26] <Gilg> Hi Locutus
[19:26] <Zephyr> Hi Loc
[19:27] <MartinGuehmann> Hi Locutus
[19:27] <Locutus> hey... who's idea was it again to have a chat at such an inconvenient time?
[19:27] <Gilg> Hey why???????????????/
[19:27] <Zephyr> the Simpsons was on
[19:28] <Locutus> I may have to leave a few times during the chat - a I will be physically alt-tabbing with the Ajax match...
[19:28] <Locutus> you're lucky there's no ST this week
[19:28] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah so let's continue.
[19:28] <MartinGuehmann> I also removed the orders from the stack between Pedrunnia and CL, so that it won't go to Pedrunnia next turn automatickly.
[19:28] <Locutus> have we started yet?
[19:28] <MartinGuehmann> Yes.
[19:29] * changes topic to 'CtP2 Democracy Game -- Turn Chat NOW!!!'
[19:29] <MartinGuehmann> You left your orders and also the other ministers left orders, so no problem.
[19:29] <Locutus> bah. did I miss much
[19:29] <Gilg> no
[19:29] <MartinGuehmann> No, not much.
[19:29] <Zephyr> less than one screen (on my screen, not super-high res)
[19:30] <MartinGuehmann> Updated build queues and added farmer to MP.
[19:30] <Locutus> so I can still follow the unit moves if I load the game now?
[19:30] <MartinGuehmann> And moved an archer to the German settler from Pedrunnia.
[19:30] <MartinGuehmann> Yes, I think so.
[19:31] <Gilg> That was all
[19:33] <Locutus> okay, where exactly did the archer move? N?
[19:33] <Locutus> or NW, along the river?
[19:33] <MartinGuehmann> I posted a screenshot.
[19:34] <Locutus> you did? when? nothing there 3 minutes ago...
[19:34] <MartinGuehmann> It came from Pedrunnia, so E SE
[19:34] <Locutus> okay, seee it now
[19:36] <MartinGuehmann> Can we continue?
[19:36] <Gilg> why not?
[19:36] <Locutus> fine with me
[19:37] <MartinGuehmann> The next unit would be the warrior in Graz, according to Pedrunn, only one move SW.
[19:37] <Gilg> yep
[19:37] <MartinGuehmann> So doing it.
[19:38] <MartinGuehmann> And call it PostWarrior
[19:38] <Gilg> good
[19:38] <MartinGuehmann> Done.
[19:38] <Locutus> 1 tile SW? why only 1?
[19:39] <Gilg> to expel the settler
[19:39] <Gilg> sorry.......
[19:40] <Gilg> Infantry
[19:40] <Gilg> TURN 1: Move 1 units From Pedrunnia Defenses E, SE so that next turn it can expel the german settler. And the warrior in Graz should move SW (dont move twice, one move will be left) name it 'PostWarrior'.
[19:40] <Gilg> order from Predunn
[19:40] <Locutus> yeah, read the text, but it makes no sense to me... but whatever...
[19:40] <MartinGuehmann> Well the only sense is actual to be able to move it back in the case of cases.
[19:41] <Gilg> And have some better view
[19:41] <MartinGuehmann> OK go to the next units, we have the settler in H Town
[19:42] <Locutus> well, there's nothing there, so we could move it another 1/2 tile now if we wanted...
[19:42] <Gilg> Why not
[19:43] <MartinGuehmann> South of the road tile could be something, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense.
[19:44] <Gilg> Ok leave it
[19:44] <Locutus> whatever, still doesn't make sense. but let's not loose time discussing it, it's not important.
[19:44] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah it should anyway reach a tile just for seeing that area.
[19:45] <MartinGuehmann> OK, next units to move are the settler in H Town with the stack
[19:45] <MartinGuehmann> The destination is the tile East of the potatoe between Linz and Pedrunnia.
[19:46] <MartinGuehmann> So let's go for it.
[19:46] <Gilg> Yes
[19:46] <Gilg> Actuallu north of the wood next to the potato
[19:47] <Gilg> Actuallu=Actually
[19:48] <MartinGuehmann> OK, That would be closer to Graz.
[19:48] <MartinGuehmann> However we have to move the stack 4 times South to reach that site anyway.
[19:48] <Locutus> okay, so just move it
[19:48] <MartinGuehmann> Moving it...
[19:49] <MartinGuehmann> Set a path four times South.
[19:50] <MartinGuehmann> And by the way Locutus I cleared the orders of the stack between Pedrunnia and CL
[19:50] <MartinGuehmann> So all units are moved so we can end the turn.
[19:50] <Gilg> OK
[19:50] <Gilg> hold
[19:50] <Gilg> what about research?
[19:51] <Locutus> won't that be next turn?
[19:51] <MartinGuehmann> Reasearch that has to be done next turn but Locutus orders are clear about.
[19:51] <MartinGuehmann> So end turn?
[19:51] <Locutus> and I'm here
[19:51] <Locutus> yeah, fine with me
[19:51] <Gilg> ok
[19:52] <MartinGuehmann> END OF TURN 112Last edited by Martin Gühmann; March 19, 2003, 20:48.Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
Transscript of 16th Turnchat Part 2
[19:52] <MartinGuehmann> Autria offers a cease fire.
[19:52] <MartinGuehmann> I guess reject?
[19:52] <Gilg> no, we need to expand a bit further
[19:53] <Locutus> reject
[19:53] <MartinGuehmann> So Gilg, you mean reject the offer?
[19:53] <Gilg> Yes
[19:53] <MartinGuehmann> However I follow Locutus advice and order: Reject
[19:53] <Gilg> ??????? That's what I meant
[19:54] <Locutus> is everyone playing along?
[19:54] <Gilg> not me, haven't installed CTP2 here........
[19:54] <MartinGuehmann> So war continues.
[19:54] <Locutus> okay in that case: the turks built the pyramid
[19:55] <MartinGuehmann> In my game too.
[19:55] <Gilg> ups..........
[19:55] <Locutus> np, we weren't building it anyway
[19:55] <Gilg> but still, another city to be taken (ups)
[19:56] <Locutus> we'll have to take them all anyway
[19:56] <Gilg>
[19:56] <MartinGuehmann> There will be a lot of wonders we don't build in that game, otherwise it couldn't be called: IMPOSSIBLE
[19:56] <Gilg> It doesn't matter who builds, only who owns
[19:57] <MartinGuehmann> The Germans will finish Arestoteles' Lyceum soon.
[19:57] <Gilg> shugar.........
[19:58] <MartinGuehmann> They also started to build the Forbidden City and Hagia Sophia.
[19:58] <Gilg> arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg
[19:58] <Gilg> Anything left for us?
[19:58] <Locutus> what's the big deal? we're not building anything and the germans will be our next victim anyway
[19:58] <MartinGuehmann> Maybe in the far, future. But this is normal in GoodMod.
[19:58] <Trip> people have recommended CTP to me before, I've never played it though :P
[19:59] <Locutus> you should
[19:59] <MartinGuehmann> OK, let's expell an German settler.
[19:59] <Gilg> Yes
[20:00] <Trip> that's what people have told me
[20:00] <Gilg> What happened with the big German stack?
[20:00] <MartinGuehmann> I would say we use the archer from Pedrunnia and move it back afterwards.
[20:00] <Trip> what's the major difference between CTP and the regular Civ games?
[20:00] <Locutus> *boot*
[20:00] <Gilg> Yes
[20:00] <Locutus> already did that, martinso obviously I agree
[20:00] <MartinGuehmann> The big German stack is now at our border, and the settler in now in our territory.
[20:01] <Gilg> Not good, but we'll see
[20:01] <MartinGuehmann> OK, settler expelled by the archer from Pedrunnia and the archer returned to Pedrunnia save and secure.
[20:02] <Gilg>
[20:02] <Locutus> trip: stacked combat, public works (a much easier way to build tile imps), a more empire-oriented game (vs city-oriented in civ)
[20:02] <Trip> I would probably like that better
[20:02] <Trip> any plans for a CTP3?
[20:02] <MartinGuehmann> I think we should give the Germans some gold, with all the expelling here, I don't think they like such stuff.
[20:02] <MartinGuehmann> Trip, unfortunatly not.
[20:02] <Locutus> trip: and of course way, way, waaaay better customization options
[20:03] <Locutus> trip: no, Activision abandoned the series
[20:03] <Trip> the thing about Civ that I don't like is how it's very simplistic
[20:03] <Locutus> trip: but the mods will keep it alive for a long time to come
[20:03] <Gilg> Martin, what is our regard?
[20:03] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah and that makes it so complicate.
[20:04] <MartinGuehmann> The Germans still like us.
[20:04] <Locutus> trip: I agree, and horrible micromanagement... ctp (especially part deux) is deeper, yet has requires far less mouseclicks to use...
[20:04] <Locutus> less = fewer
[20:04] <Trip> I will check it out if I ever get any money
[20:04] <Gilg> Martin, who cares then..........
[20:05] <Locutus> yeah, Martin, give the germans 100 gold
[20:05] <Locutus> that will make it far less likely that their stack actually attacks
[20:05] <Gilg> OK
[20:06] <MartinGuehmann> 100 gold was given to the Germans
[20:06] <MartinGuehmann> OK let's move on our troops.
[20:07] <MartinGuehmann> OK, let's continue with Bait.
[20:07] <MartinGuehmann> Now I have no Celts in the vision range.
[20:07] <MartinGuehmann> So I could go SW or NW
[20:08] <Locutus> go West, life is peaceful there
[20:08] <Locutus> get out of celtic lands ASAP
[20:08] <Locutus> and meet the English...
[20:08] <Gilg> yep
[20:08] <MartinGuehmann> But there is one tile in the surroundings of the Jungle we don't see.
[20:09] <Locutus>I see all tiles just fine...
[20:09] <MartinGuehmann> And for both options we need two turns to leave Celtic territory.
[20:09] <MartinGuehmann> I am talking about the destination tiles.
[20:10] <Locutus> fine, go wherever you think is best, doesn't make much of a difference...
[20:10] <MartinGuehmann> So I say SW.
[20:10] <Locutus> k, sw it is
[20:10] <Gilg> SW
[20:11] <MartinGuehmann> Done, and we can now see the Celts again in German territory.
[20:11] <Gilg> let's hope they 'struggle' between themselves
[20:12] <MartinGuehmann> According to Pedrunn's orders moving Goodsight is simple, just move it 5 times North.
[20:12] <MartinGuehmann> Any objection?
[20:13] <Gilg> checking map
[20:13] <Locutus> well, I'd like to go to the goody hut in the south, but we need to recon the north too so let's just go N
[20:13] <Gilg> no
[20:13] <MartinGuehmann> There is a goodie hut?
[20:14] <MartinGuehmann> Well so I go North.
[20:15] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[20:15] <Locutus> near india
[20:15] <MartinGuehmann> I don't think it is there any more.
[20:15] <MartinGuehmann> Actual it is in Indian territory.
[20:15] <Locutus> (west of the city of guntur)
[20:15] <Locutus> so?
[20:16] <Locutus> a hut is a hutand they hate us anyway...
[20:16] <Gilg>
[20:16] <Gilg> let's give them a real reason
[20:16] <MartinGuehmann> Anyway I already moved Goodsight, and the map is old.
[20:17] <MartinGuehmann> I grouped the new Hopelite in Graz into the defenders and the settler near H Town moved along the given path.
[20:17] <Gilg> ok
[20:17] <Locutus> goody huts disappear from the map, even if it's old
[20:17] <Locutus> but we already agreed to go north
[20:17] <Locutus> k
[20:18] <MartinGuehmann> Actual I think these huts are already opened by the Indians
[20:18] <Locutus> gotta go. B back in a few minutes...
[20:19] * Locutus is now known as Locutus|AFK
[20:19] <MartinGuehmann> Now to PostWarrior, I move it one again along the river.
[20:19] <Gilg> Sometimes the AI seems not to care about huts........
[20:19] <Gilg> OK
[20:20] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[20:20] <MartinGuehmann> Well maybe it knows about their content.
[20:20] <Gilg>
[20:21] <MartinGuehmann> OK, we should now move the other settler.
[20:21] <Gilg> which one?
[20:22] <MartinGuehmann> The one near CL, I gave the other one an automated move order, so it moved as I added the new unit in Graz to the defenders.
[20:23] <Gilg> trying to find the map....just a sec
[20:24] <Gilg> got it, supposed to move close to the potato/bear
[20:24] <MartinGuehmann> A moment taht is the other settler and its destination is clear.
[20:25] <MartinGuehmann> Use the turnchat thread on the first screenie you see the settler in question.
[20:25] <Gilg> ok, sorry, the other one should go to the S-potato, north of the wood-tile
[20:26] <MartinGuehmann> So the best way to reach that site would be move South?
[20:26] <Gilg> best defence
[20:26] <Gilg> while moving
[20:27] <MartinGuehmann> It doesn't matter actual how we reach that site so I move it South.
[20:28] <Gilg> ok
[20:28] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[20:28] <Gilg> How is hapiness?
[20:28] <MartinGuehmann> Next army to move the stack between Pedrunnia and CL
Session Start: Wed Mar 19 20:36:56 2003
Session Ident: #Lemuria
[20:36] * Now talking in #Lemuria
[20:36] * Topic is 'CtP2 Democracy Game -- Turn Chat NOW!!!'
[20:36] * Set by Locutus on Wed Mar 19 19:21:42
[20:37] <Locutus> mind the small print too
[20:37] <MartinG> Well, Windoof's blue screens are ...
[20:37] <Locutus> always fun
[20:38] <MartinG> Talking about happiness everything is fine.
[20:38] <Locutus> you don't have a very stable OS, do you? ain't the first time...
[20:38] <Locutus> gilg is AFK
[20:39] <MartinG> Well it occurs during the chats and all the ALT-Tabbing. Playing normal CTP2 without much Alt-Tabbing is fine.
[20:39] <MartinG> Well for OS, M$ bug fix is very expensive, so I don't buy it.
[20:39] <Locutus> both work fine for me. it's your OS
[20:39] <Locutus> what do you use? Win98?
[20:39] <MartinG> Yes.
[20:39] <Locutus> that explains it
[20:40] <Locutus> Bug98
[20:40] <Locutus> XP is much more stable...
[20:41] <MartinG> But the bugfix erm upgrade is for my taste a little bit too much expensive and actual Win98 has to be stable that is actual I expect from a product.
[20:41] <MartinG> So let's continue.
[20:41] <Locutus> who says you have to pay for it?
[20:41] <Locutus> yes, let's do that.
[20:42] <Locutus> (I did BTW, pay that is)
[20:42] * MartinGuehmann has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[20:42] <MartinG> Well of course you can go this way, but I think you should not go this way.
[20:42] <Locutus> hey, they screw you - you screw them back
[20:43] <MartinG> Yeah
[20:43] <Locutus> well, the football starts so I'll be a bit less active now...
[20:44] <MartinG> OK.
[20:44] <Gilg> I am back
[20:44] <MartinG> That's good.
[20:44] <MartinG> Now we can continue.
[20:44] <MartinG> No happiness, problems in our cities.
[20:44] <Gilg> perfect
[20:45] <MartinG> We have the stack between, Pedrunnia and CL I move back it to CL.
[20:45] <Gilg> OK
* Looking up Zephyr user info...
[20:45] <Gilg> Should we maybe move units from CL to Mapfi?
[20:46] <Locutus> after 20 seconds
[20:46] <Gilg> what? Who against who?
[20:46] <Locutus> Ajax
[20:46] <MartinG> No units from CL to MP
[20:46] <Locutus> against Roma
[20:47] <MartinG> But we should move our viligant to MP
[20:47] <Gilg> OK, let's move them
[20:47] <Gilg> Locutus, since when can you play football again?
[20:47] <Gilg> them=it
[20:48] <Locutus> moving some units from pedrunnia to CL/MP might be a good idea...
[20:48] <Locutus>I never stopped watching/playing football (though I mostly watch)...
[20:48] <Locutus> and this is the match of the year for Ajax (and with that Dutch football)...
[20:49] <Gilg> Locutus, since couple of years 'you' disappeared from the scene, that way I am asking *grinn*
[20:49] <Locutus> Hmmm?
[20:49] <Locutus>
Session Start: Wed Mar 19 21:18:18 2003
Session Ident: #Lemuria
[21:18] * Now talking in #Lemuria
[21:18] * Topic is 'CtP2 Democracy Game -- Turn Chat NOW!!!'
[21:18] * Set by Locutus on Wed Mar 19 19:21:42
[21:18] <Gilg> Martin?
[21:18] <MartinGuehmann> I knew it that should not have checked the number of turns for the Carvan.
[21:18] <Gilg> what happened?
[21:19] <Gilg> Martin?
[21:19] <Locutus> he used the wrong windows version
[21:19] <MartinGuehmann> My computer just rebooted as I tried to access the Caravan-Info.
[21:20] <MartinGuehmann> I know Windoof 95 was better.
[21:20] <Gilg> Locutus, I am using for my games still Win95.........
[21:20] <Gilg> Yeap martin
[21:20] <Locutus> that's still better than win98, but WinXP is even better...
[21:20] <Gilg> Maybe it was you doing something wrong
[21:20] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah but I bought a new computer.
[21:20] <Gilg> Get away with Windoofs tripple sh......!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:21] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah but I don't want to pay for software with shareware attributes.
[21:21] <MartinGuehmann> OK let's continue 4 turns in Graz and 6 turns in Linz for Caravan.
[21:21] <Locutus> well, if you buy a new PC, WinXP is a must...
[21:22] <Locutus> we changed our minds: build a warrior in Linz instead
[21:22] <MartinGuehmann> Well, I don't think I won't get a Win98
[21:22] <Gilg> 6 in lins is to much (for the moment). And graz.......No....
[21:22] <MartinGuehmann> OK, altered the build queue.
[21:23] <Locutus> no it's not. 3-6 turns is fine. but we shoudl build a warrior anyway. and graz should be building units
[21:23] <Gilg> what I said......
[21:23] <MartinGuehmann> OK the build queue is modified anything else?
[21:23] <Locutus> nothing from me
[21:23] <Gilg> can't think off anything else
[21:24] <MartinGuehmann> OK
[21:24] <MartinGuehmann> END OF TURN 113Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
Transscript of 16th Turn Chat Part 3
[21:24] * MartinG was kicked by Locutus (Locutus)
[21:24] <Trip> woops
[21:24] <Locutus> it was a ghost
[21:24] <MartinGuehmann> Got a map exchange offer by the Scotts
[21:25] <Gilg> sounds good
[21:25] <Locutus> oooww, goody
[21:25] <Locutus> agree of course
[21:25] <Locutus> so they like us...
[21:25] <MartinGuehmann> So I am going to accept...
[21:25] <Gilg> you haven't taken it yet?
[21:25] <Gilg> YES
[21:26] <MartinGuehmann> Yes.
[21:26] <MartinGuehmann> The Germans dared it to enter our territory and now standing in front of MP with their size 12 stack.
[21:26] <Gilg> Screenie?
[21:26] <Locutus>
[21:27] <MartinGuehmann> Doing it.
[21:27] <Locutus> move some units there from CL.
[21:27] <Gilg> How can they dare?
[21:27] <Locutus> and offer 100 more gold
[21:27] <Locutus> after that, request their withdrawal
[21:27] <Gilg> asking them to retreat?
[21:28] <Gilg> OK, beaten me typing
[21:28] <Locutus> after that, pray
[21:28] <Gilg> pray and take shelter?
[21:28] <Locutus> yup
[21:29] <MartinGuehmann> Withdrawl in Exchange of the gold or two different treaties?
[21:29] <Locutus> 2 treaties
[21:29] <MartinGuehmann> OK
[21:30] <Gilg> can't see the map..........
[21:31] <Gilg> no map still?
[21:32] <Locutus> BRB
[21:32] <MartinGuehmann> Pressed the submit reply button.
[21:32] * Locutus is now known as Locutus|BRB
[21:32] <MartinGuehmann> I returned to the post, it should be now there.
[21:32] <Gilg> that's better
[21:33] <Gilg> it would be 12 against 9? We'll be able to move the 4 units into MP?
[21:34] <MartinGuehmann> There already there, I moved them in the meantime.
[21:34] <MartinGuehmann> The Germans rejected the withdrawl.
[21:35] <Gilg> OK
[21:35] <MartinGuehmann> So I could threat them.
[21:35] <Gilg> Yes, try
[21:35] <Gilg> Locutus?
[21:35] <Gilg> I have the bad feeling they want to hunt us!!!!!!!
[21:35] <MartinGuehmann> Again rejected.
[21:35] <Gilg> not good...........
[21:36] <Locutus|BRB> back
[21:36] * Locutus|BRB is now known as Locutus
[21:36] <Locutus> they will attack
[21:36] <MartinGuehmann> So that's it with the Germans.
[21:36] <Gilg> looks like.........
[21:36] <Gilg> For MP, should we rush-buy the HP?
[21:36] <Locutus> if they attack we should end the chat and discuss strategy...
[21:36] <MartinGuehmann> No idea if they attack, but they have still a higher regard to us then India.
[21:37] <MartinGuehmann> If they attack then the Hopelite is not finished.
[21:37] <Locutus> may be, but if I know them, they will backstab us...
[21:37] <MartinGuehmann> So let's see.
[21:37] <Locutus> gilg: a little late for that...
[21:37] <Gilg> We should have placed a 'bait' in front of them..........
[21:38] <Locutus> too late for that now...
[21:38] <Gilg> as well.....
[21:38] <MartinGuehmann> I have a new archer in CL, so move it to MP or just leave it there?
[21:38] <Locutus> indeed. all we can do is play and play and prey
[21:38] <Gilg> Yes.
[21:38] <MartinGuehmann> So the Archer?
[21:39] <Locutus> brb
[21:39] <Gilg> Will it still arive in this turn?
[21:39] * Trip is now known as Trip[gone]
[21:39] <MartinGuehmann> No
[21:39] <Gilg> If they attack and succeed, it wouldn't change a lot........
[21:39] <MartinGuehmann> So keep it there.
[21:40] <Gilg> we have 9 units, correct?
[21:40] <MartinGuehmann> Yes.
[21:40] <Gilg> Move it....maybe even with another Hp
[21:40] <Gilg> if they don't attack we will soon have a 12 stack in MP
[21:41] <Gilg> locutus?
[21:41] <MartinGuehmann> But if they don't attack we don't need it there.
[21:41] <Gilg> Then we can move it back again.......
[21:41] <Gilg> I am not sure in the moment, it already happened to me that such a stack just moved back again, but.........
[21:42] <MartinGuehmann> But then we only have 4 units in CL
[21:42] <Gilg> With no imidiate thread, so what?
[21:42] <MartinGuehmann> Of course if it move back then we don't need the extra unit there either.
[21:43] <Gilg> It is just that a 11 stack could survive the 12 stack........
[21:43] <Gilg> the 9 stack I think won't....
[21:44] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah but it must arrive this turn and not next turn.
[21:44] <Locutus> back
[21:44] <Gilg> This would be the case for sneak attack, but do they really want to do it?
[21:44] <Gilg> Are they at war with the others?
[21:45] <MartinGuehmann> So Locutus should we send another two units to MP?
[21:45] <MartinGuehmann> No wars in that the Germans are currently.
[21:46] <Gilg> doesn't sound good, sounds like a sneak attack.........
[21:46] <Locutus> send as much units to MP as possible. if they don't attack, that will discourage them
[21:46] <Locutus> and fortify any units currently in there...
[21:46] <MartinGuehmann> OK I move two untits to MP now one archer and one hopelite.
[21:46] <MartinGuehmann> from CL.
[21:46] <Gilg> OK, let's pray it helps
[21:47] * Zephyr|afk has quit IRC (Quit: The Zephyr has left the building)
[21:47] <MartinGuehmann> Done and I grouped the new archer in Wels into the defender stack there.
[21:47] <Gilg> OK
[21:48] <MartinGuehmann> Now we have Bait.
[21:48] <MartinGuehmann> I would say one West.
[21:48] <Locutus> move out of celtic borders
[21:48] <Gilg> Where is he?
[21:48] <Locutus> in celtic lands
[21:48] <Gilg> Which colour again?
[21:48] <Gilg> Celts?
[21:48] <Locutus> Brown on my map. dunno about martin though
[21:49] <Locutus> up north, near the English
[21:49] <Gilg> Found him.........West
[21:49] <Gilg> I mean move West
[21:50] <Gilg> Martin would be 'dark blue'?
[21:50] <MartinGuehmann> OK posting a screenshot...
[21:50] <MartinGuehmann> OK I move him West.
[21:51] <MartinGuehmann> Done and we made contact with the English.
[21:51] <Gilg> good
[21:51] <MartinGuehmann> So Locutus?
[21:51] <Gilg> map exchange and treaty?
[21:51] <Locutus> map exchange
[21:52] <Locutus> do they like us?
[21:52] <Locutus> what personality?
[21:52] <MartinGuehmann> They don't like us.
[21:53] <Gilg> What kind of leader?
[21:54] <MartinGuehmann> Personality: High-minded Patriot
[21:54] <MartinGuehmann> Well I had to compare the German and the English GM1_gl_str.txt
[21:54] <Gilg> Why this?
[21:55] <MartinGuehmann> To find out how it is called in the English version.
[21:55] <Locutus> we all speak german, just give us the german name
[21:55] <Gilg> OK.... see what you meangood point locutus
[21:56] <MartinGuehmann> Well anspruchsvoller Patriot would it be.
[21:56] <Locutus> hmm, well did you do the map exchange yet?
[21:56] <MartinGuehmann> No
[21:57] <MartinGuehmann> So still the map exchange? Request first, meek?
[21:57] <Gilg> Don't think it will work though. Do we want to waste money on those?
[21:57] * Pedrunn has joined #Lemuria
[21:57] <Gilg> Hi Pedrunn
[21:57] <MartinGuehmann> Hi Pedrunn
[21:57] <Locutus> hi pedrunn!
[21:57] <Pedrunn> hi all
[21:57] <Gilg> Martin, IIRC Yes
[21:57] <Locutus> yeah martin
[21:58] <MartinGuehmann> OK doing it.
[21:58] <Pedrunn> Hi things are going?
[21:58] <Gilg> not to good
[21:58] <Locutus> not well, the germans are about to attack
[21:58] <Locutus> see forum
[21:58] <Gilg> they might attack (80%)
[21:58] <MartinGuehmann> Rejected.
[21:58] <Pedrunn> I imagined that
[21:58] <Locutus> thought so. give 100 gold
[21:58] <Pedrunn> since the beginning
[21:59] <Locutus> don't threaten
[21:59] <Locutus> wait, do threaten
[21:59] <Locutus> if it's still possible
[21:59] <MartinGuehmann> Not possible anymore, 100 gold was given.
[21:59] <Locutus> k, that's fine too
[22:00] <MartinGuehmann> So anything left her?
[22:00] <MartinGuehmann> her -> here
[22:00] <Pedrunn> Wanst those troops being in Mapfipolis one turn ago???
[22:00] <Pedrunn> As i ordered
[22:00] <Gilg> yes
[22:00] <Gilg> Shall we rush units near CL?
[22:00] <Pedrunn> I mean the ones between CL and mapfi?
[22:00] <Gilg> rush=rush-buy?
[22:00] <Gilg> we have a 9 stack in MP
[22:01] <MartinGuehmann> We have now 9 units in MP
[22:01] <MartinGuehmann> OK can we continue?
[22:02] <Gilg> wait
[22:02] <Gilg> shall we take out the farmer in MP?
[22:02] <Gilg> that should reduce the production to 1 turn, or?
[22:03] <Locutus> yeah, get rid of the farmer, that's the least we can do...
[22:03] <MartinGuehmann> Removing the farmer and the hopeliet is finished next turn.
[22:03] <Gilg> OK
[22:03] <MartinGuehmann> OK doing it.
[22:03] <MartinGuehmann> OK done.
[22:04] <Gilg> But if I see that the German has Lanzenwhatever...........
[22:04] <MartinGuehmann> So next unit to move would be Goodsight.
[22:04] <MartinGuehmann> Pikeman, Gilg.
[22:04] <Locutus> that's Pikemen, for Pedrunn
[22:05] <Gilg> Thanks
[22:05] <MartinGuehmann> So let's move Goodsight, in his vision rannge we can see a Barbarian, so I post a screenie.
[22:05] <Gilg> Thanks again
[22:07] <MartinGuehmann> Done.
[22:07] <MartinGuehmann> So I don't want to move him North now.
[22:07] <Gilg> NORTH????????? you mean NW, or?
[22:08] <MartinGuehmann> I don't == I do not
[22:08] <Gilg> I mean, we should move him NW, sorry........
[22:08] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah and I agree
[22:08] <Locutus> agree, NW
[22:08] <MartinGuehmann> So Pedrunn?
[22:08] <Locutus> or W?
[22:09] <Pedrunn> No clue. Is there a chance of me having the saved game
[22:09] <Pedrunn> ?
[22:09] <MartinGuehmann> OK saving the game...
[22:09] <Pedrunn> Sorry
[22:10] <Locutus> is that needed? the chat probably won't last long anymore and the screenie is quite clear...
[22:10] <Locutus> oh well, whatever...
[22:10] <Gilg> Locutus, no NW and then W
[22:10] <Locutus> agree
[22:11] <MartinGuehmann> Well I already pressed the submit reply button.
[22:12] <MartinGuehmann> So Pedrunn do you need the game to decide to move?
[22:12] <Pedrunn> you guys can decide this move
[22:13] <MartinGuehmann> OK, NW or W?
[22:13] <Gilg>
[22:13] <Pedrunn> I say not be suicidal
[22:13] <Locutus> nw
[22:13] <Gilg> NW
[22:13] <Pedrunn> NW
[22:13] <MartinGuehmann> I say also NW, so I move it NW now.
[22:13] <Gilg> OK
[22:14] <MartinGuehmann> Done, now I have the 4 size stack near Linz.
[22:15] <Gilg> moving south ?
[22:16] <MartinGuehmann> I am posting a screenshot.
[22:16] <Pedrunn> SW looks better
[22:16] <Pedrunn> doesnt it?
[22:16] <Gilg> just checking...
[22:17] <MartinGuehmann> Well SW and S would be the maximum of benefit I guess.
[22:17] <Locutus> apolyton is slow tonight... must be Iraq
[22:17] <Gilg> Not for me, Locutus
[22:17] <Pedrunn> the war started?
[22:17] <MartinGuehmann> Well it is already posted.
[22:17] <Locutus> any units in the Fog of War we know about?
[22:17] <Gilg> Shall we split the force?
[22:18] <Locutus> no
[22:18] <Pedrunn> dont like the splitting idea
[22:18] <MartinGuehmann> The Barbarian moved North so far no units we know. But I wouldn't splitt the stack.
[22:18] <Gilg> reason: one stack west->SW the other one south
[22:18] <Pedrunn> after all what if there is
[22:18] <Locutus> I say SW and then W
[22:19] <Locutus> over the river
[22:19] <MartinGuehmann> So I go for SW and S
[22:19] <Gilg> Why? that would exploe anything?
[22:19] <Gilg> exploe=explore
[22:19] <Gilg> would=wouldn't
[22:20] <Locutus> that explores 3 tiles by my count...
[22:20] <MartinGuehmann> Yes that would it do if I see it correctly.
[22:20] <Gilg> Sorry, yes you are right, wrong counting from my site
[22:20] <Locutus> but that army shouldn't explore. it should defend the Linz area, be on the lookout for Austrian units
[22:20] <Locutus> exploration would be bonus
[22:20] <Gilg> That's what we do........
[22:20] <Gilg> check the dark and stay close to defend
[22:21] <MartinGuehmann> OK move it SW and W?
[22:21] <Gilg> yep
[22:21] <Pedrunn> yes
[22:21] <Locutus> yes
[22:21] <Pedrunn> not much to talk
[22:21] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[22:22] <MartinGuehmann> OK I have now the stack with the settler in it from H Town it should reach the tile East of the potatoe between Pedrunnia and Linz.
[22:23] <Pedrunn>grapes
[22:23] <Gilg> sounds good
[22:24] <MartinGuehmann> To reach the Potatoe it would be the best to follow now the river one tile SW.
[22:24] <MartinGuehmann> Any objection?
[22:24] <Gilg> ?????????
[22:24] <MartinGuehmann> objection -> objections
[22:24] <Gilg> Where is it, the stack?
[22:25] <MartinGuehmann> OK I am doing a screenshot.
[22:25] <Locutus> fine
[22:25] <Pedrunn> do the suggested path way
[22:25] <Pedrunn> along he river
[22:27] <MartinGuehmann> Screenshot posted but I go now the path along the river
[22:27] <Gilg> Doesn't change anything, it wouldn't speed the movement.......
[22:28] <Gilg> But do it anyway........
[22:28] <MartinGuehmann> OK next, Unit is PostWarrior, I can see a Barbarian in its sight.
[22:29] <Gilg> Don't attack.........
[22:29] <MartinGuehmann> Actual a little bit too far away.
[22:29] <Pedrunn> I guess it is time for postwarrior to get back to Graz...
[22:30] <MartinGuehmann> I am posting a screenshot.
[22:30] <Pedrunn> or move south wha you think?
[22:30] <MartinGuehmann> And it is there now.
[22:30] <Gilg> not sure..........
[22:30] <Gilg> thanks, just checking
[22:31] <Gilg> one S and check?
[22:31] <MartinGuehmann> Pedrunn?
[22:31] <Locutus> hmm, I say S to recon the Wien area
[22:32] <Pedrunn> we could send a stack to be on the way
[22:32] <Pedrunn> Looks better
[22:32] <Pedrunn> doenst it
[22:32] <Pedrunn> A size 4 stack
[22:32] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah a size 4 stack, 2 A 2 H
[22:33] <Locutus> sounds good
[22:33] <MartinGuehmann> So one West?
[22:33] <Pedrunn> yes
[22:33] <Gilg> OK
[22:33] <MartinGuehmann> I am doing it.
[22:33] <Pedrunn> from Graz
[22:33] <MartinGuehmann> Yes.
[22:33] <Pedrunn> fortify
[22:34] <Pedrunn> and move post warrior SW
[22:34] <Gilg> SW? not S?
[22:34] <Gilg> Or am I with the wrong unit?
[22:34] <Pedrunn> SW is better
[22:35] <Pedrunn> We can see the beginning of the river
[22:35] <Gilg> OK
[22:35] <MartinGuehmann> Done and we see now an Austrian size two stack South of the road tile.
[22:35] <Pedrunn> oh oh
[22:35] <Gilg> size two of what?
[22:35] <Gilg> Samurai?
[22:35] <MartinGuehmann> Yes a Samurai
[22:35] <Pedrunn> Move size 4 stack S and warrior NE
[22:36] <Gilg>
[22:36] <MartinGuehmann> And an Archer.
[22:36] <Pedrunn> Lets meet the two
[22:36] <Pedrunn> armies
[22:36] <Gilg> at least kind of.....
[22:36] <Pedrunn> any objection?
[22:36] <Gilg>
[22:37] <MartinGuehmann> Actual already done.
[22:37] <Pedrunn> good.
[22:37] <MartinGuehmann> I also added the new units in the East to their according defenders.
[22:37] * HTower has joined #lemuria
[22:37] <Pedrunn> HiH
[22:38] <MartinGuehmann> Welcome back HTower
[22:38] <HTower> woah, this is still going on???
[22:38] <Locutus> well, you know Martin - just as slow as Pedrunn
[22:38] <Gilg> Why not, and we might get bashed by the Germans..........
[22:38] <Locutus> yup, so the chat will end soon
[22:38] <MartinGuehmann> I have now the settler in the East so one South?
[22:39] <Locutus> if they indeed decide to attack
[22:39] <Gilg> yes
[22:39] <Locutus> yeah
[22:39] <Pedrunn> Martin, we do all for this country and this our pay off....
[22:39] <Pedrunn>
[22:40] <MartinGuehmann> OK, fortified the remaining units in CL, no more units to move left.
[22:40] <MartinGuehmann> So anything left to do?
[22:40] <Locutus> don't think so
[22:40] <MartinGuehmann> Gilgamensch?
[22:40] <Gilg> should be it........
[22:41] <MartinGuehmann> End turn now?
[22:41] <Pedrunn> so end turn
[22:41] <Gilg>yes
[22:41] <Pedrunn> War coming
[22:41] <Gilg>no
[22:41] <MartinGuehmann> END OF TURN 114Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
Transcript of 16th Turn Chat Part 4
[22:41] <Gilg>yes
[22:41] <Locutus> yupmoment of truth for Lemuria
[22:41] <Locutus> and?
[22:41] <Gilg> AND ??????????????????????????/
[22:42] <Gilg> worse than the football match...........
[22:42] <MartinGuehmann> Recieved map exchange offer by the English
[22:42] <Pedrunn> english exchange map
[22:42] <Gilg> take
[22:42] <Locutus> accept of course
[22:42] <MartinGuehmann> Doing it.
[22:42] <Pedrunn> This turn doesnt want to end :P
[22:42] <Gilg> and ??????????????????///
[22:42] <Pedrunn> I am not sushed to do so
[22:42] <Locutus> nah, the football match was more suspenseful... that was life itself
[22:42] <Gilg> not sure........ that is incredible
[22:42] <Locutus> this is just a game
[22:43] <Gilg> Which one
[22:43] <Gilg> Martin and ?????????????/
[22:43] <MartinGuehmann> No war.
[22:43] <Gilg>arty:
[22:43] <Locutus>
[22:43] <Pedrunn> did the stack moved south..
[22:43] <Pedrunn>arty:
[22:43] <MartinGuehmann> Still in fron of MP
[22:43] <Locutus> BRB
[22:43] * Locutus is now known as Locutus|AFK
[22:44] <Gilg> :unparty:
[22:44] <MartinGuehmann> And the Germans have finished the Arestoteles' Lyceum.
[22:44] <Gilg> But we will have now a 12 stack in there...........
[22:44] <Pedrunn> at least we have reinforcements coming and fortifing tim in mapfipolis
[22:44] <Gilg> You haven't got any good news????????????????
[22:45] <Pedrunn>
[22:45] <Pedrunn> I gave one at least
[22:45] <MartinGuehmann> OK let's continue.
[22:45] <Gilg> Trying to hide ?????????/
[22:45] <Gilg> OK
[22:45] <MartinGuehmann> I have now the settler stack near Graz.
[22:45] <Pedrunn> move units to mapfipolis first
[22:46] <MartinGuehmann> So units to MP?
[22:46] <Gilg> Wait?
[22:46] <Pedrunn> i guess no need to ask
[22:46] <Gilg> What do you mean Pedrunn/Martni
[22:46] <MartinGuehmann> OK doing it.
[22:46] <Gilg> Martni=Martin..Sorry?
[22:46] <Gilg> Are we moving the settler back to MP?
[22:47] <MartinGuehmann> OK moved the units to MP.
[22:47] <MartinGuehmann> Now the settler near Graz
[22:47] <Gilg> two more to go for the settler?
[22:47] <Gilg> South and then SE?
[22:47] <MartinGuehmann> So would about moving it South so that it is then North of the Potatoe.
[22:48] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah, Gilg.
[22:48] <Gilg> Yep
[22:48] <MartinGuehmann> Doing it.
[22:48] <MartinGuehmann> Next units are the stack outside of Graz with PostWarrior.
[22:49] <Gilg> good question, what happened with the Barb?
[22:50] <MartinGuehmann> I am posting a screenshot.
[22:50] <Gilg> OK. thanks
[22:52] <MartinGuehmann> Is there.
[22:52] <MartinGuehmann> So what to do?
[22:52] <Gilg> Let's kill him? The barb?
[22:52] <Pedrunn> I say kill it
[22:52] <MartinGuehmann> With all the five units?
[22:53] <Gilg> Shall we take units from Graz or the five stack?
[22:53] <MartinGuehmann> 4 ubits in Graz
[22:53] <MartinGuehmann> ubits -> units
[22:53] <MartinGuehmann> Pedrunn?
[22:53] <Pedrunn> 4 from graz for the barb and 4 in filed for the austrians
[22:53] <Gilg> Why is the screenie saying 6?
[22:54] <MartinGuehmann> Right there are 6
[22:54] <Gilg> If it is 6, let's take 4 and hunt the barb with those?
[22:54] <Pedrunn> and leave the warrior where he is
[22:54] <Pedrunn> I have to go
[22:54] <MartinGuehmann> Fisrt four from Graz for the Barbs?
[22:54] <MartinGuehmann> Bye
[22:55] <MartinGuehmann> And I am doing it.
[22:55] <Pedrunn> first the ones from Graz
[22:55] <Pedrunn> And bye
[22:55] * Pedrunn has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[22:55] <Gilg> byq
[22:55] <Gilg> Yes
[22:55] <MartinGuehmann> One Barbarian was executed.
[22:56] <MartinGuehmann> So now the Ösis.
[22:56] <Gilg> good
[22:56] <MartinGuehmann> I use the 4 units and go two times South.
[22:56] <Gilg> Let's do it slowly
[22:56] * Locutus|AFK is now known as Locutus
[22:56] <MartinGuehmann> One time moved but no Ösis there.
[22:56] <Locutus> back
[22:57] <Gilg> continue
[22:57] <MartinGuehmann> OK another move South
[22:57] <Gilg> and
[22:57] <MartinGuehmann> Still no Ösis in Sight.
[22:57] <Gilg> good
[22:58] <MartinGuehmann> Ok I grouped the new defenders in Pedrunnia into the stack there.
[22:58] <Gilg>
[22:58] <MartinGuehmann> Now the troops around Linz. Move them to the city?
[22:59] <Gilg> everythig explored, so why not
[22:59] <MartinGuehmann> the city back
[22:59] <MartinGuehmann> OK doing it.
[22:59] <MartinGuehmann> Interesting Bait is now in Neutral territory.
[23:00] <Gilg> You only just recognised?
[23:00] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah
[23:00] <Gilg> West?
[23:01] <Gilg> Wait.........can you post a new mini-map?
[23:01] <MartinGuehmann> NorthWest is better so that we enter German territory one turn later.
[23:01] <MartinGuehmann> Posting Screenie.
[23:01] <Gilg> Reason asing, with the map-exchange...........
[23:02] <Gilg> asin=asking
[23:02] <MartinGuehmann> OK posting the minimap
[23:03] <Gilg> Who is green?
[23:03] <MartinGuehmann> The Greens are the English.
[23:04] <Gilg> OK........still waiting for your post to be displayed
[23:05] <MartinGuehmann> Is now there.
[23:05] <Gilg> yep..............and doesn't look better at all........
[23:06] <Gilg> There is England and Germany and some minor little sh*** states around.........
[23:06] <MartinGuehmann> So the destination?
[23:06] <Gilg> Has he got any?
[23:06] <MartinGuehmann> Moving home or moving West?
[23:06] <Gilg> Maybe we should leave him there in case Germany attack we can use him fo rpillaging and so on........
[23:07] <MartinGuehmann> Actual he is a good target for the Germans.
[23:07] <Gilg> ? How you mean?
[23:07] <MartinGuehmann> Well he is in the field and if there is a German nearby he just has to attack, without any huge losses.
[23:08] <MartinGuehmann> Where to move him?
[23:08] <Gilg> Not so easy, He can see 2 fields and there are not yet any fast units......
[23:08] <Gilg> West?
[23:08] <Gilg> Sorry NW
[23:09] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah NW and through German territory.
[23:09] <MartinGuehmann> So doing it.
[23:09] <Gilg> Maybe through English.........
[23:09] <Gilg> but that's next turn
[23:09] <MartinGuehmann> Done, now we have Goodsight.
[23:10] <Gilg> Where was he again (no screenie, just tell me).....
[23:10] <MartinGuehmann> I would move him now West as this is the best way to move him away from the Barbarian.
[23:10] <Gilg> yes
[23:11] <MartinGuehmann> Doing it.
[23:11] <Locutus> really back now
[23:11] <Gilg> sure?
[23:11] <MartinGuehmann> I move now the settler in the Est one tile South.
[23:11] <Locutus> yup
[23:11] <Gilg> ok
[23:11] <MartinGuehmann> Est -> East and doing it.
[23:11] <Locutus> how long did you want to continue?
[23:12] <Locutus> not that I'm going anywhere, just curious
[23:12] <Locutus> it's been over 4 hours...
[23:12] <Gilg> not sure, this one to finish all moves and then..........
[23:12] <MartinGuehmann> Fortified the remaining units in Graz.
[23:12] <MartinGuehmann> Well I can continue one hour.
[23:13] <Locutus> okay
[23:13] <Gilg> Might be to long for me, but we'll see
[23:13] <Gilg> Are we finished with the units?
[23:13] <MartinGuehmann> I have now PostWarrior should I move him to Pedrunn's final place?
[23:14] <Locutus> sounds good
[23:14] <MartinGuehmann> That would be SW and fortify it.
[23:14] <Gilg> yes
[23:14] <MartinGuehmann> Doing it.
[23:15] <Gilg> For MP, shall we consider building citywall/watch-tower?
[23:15] <MartinGuehmann> All units done and added one entertaine to Graz to compensate the happiness loss, because of the less martial law.
[23:15] <Gilg> OK
[23:16] <Locutus> yeah, city wall could be good
[23:16] <Gilg> Martin?
[23:16] <MartinGuehmann> We have now 12 units in MP so we should really consider it, as we could not place more units on that city tile.
[23:16] <MartinGuehmann> So I go for city wall.
[23:16] <MartinGuehmann> Gilg?
[23:16] <Gilg> exactly and we might have to counter those pikeman
[23:16] <Gilg> yep
[23:16] <Gilg> how many turns?
[23:17] <Gilg> Haw many turns with 1 famer?
[23:17] <MartinGuehmann> 7 turns
[23:17] <Locutus> we should aim at stationing ~6 units outside the city as well: if they do attack and win, we can retalliate ASAP
[23:17] <Gilg>
[23:17] <Locutus> immediately, even
[23:17] <Gilg>
[23:17] <MartinGuehmann> But first we must produce tehse units.
[23:17] <Locutus> indeed. should be #1 priority. Wien can wait
[23:18] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah so all units moved end turn?
[23:18] <Gilg> No other choice I would say.......unless the German disappeares......
[23:18] <MartinGuehmann> End Turn?
[23:18] <Gilg> I think so.........
[23:18] <Locutus> sure
[23:18] <Gilg>
[23:18] * HTower has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[23:18] <MartinGuehmann> Or any diplomacy with England left?
[23:19] <Gilg> While waiting I go for a smoking break...............
[23:19] <MartinGuehmann> Locutus?
[23:19] <Gilg> not that I know off, unless the usual treaty...........
[23:19] <Locutus> what did we do so far?
[23:19] <Gilg> map exchange
[23:19] <MartinGuehmann> Well last turn only gave money and they offerd the map exchange.
[23:20] <MartinGuehmann> We accepted.
[23:20] <Gilg> of course
[23:20] <Locutus> okay, offer non-tresspass.
[23:20] <Locutus> mutual off course.
[23:20] <Locutus> request first, meek
[23:20] <Gilg> i'll be back
[23:20] <MartinGuehmann> Rejected
[23:21] <MartinGuehmann> Treat?
[23:21] * Trip[gone] is now known as Trip
[23:21] <Locutus> hmmm, never mind then
[23:21] <Locutus> no, don't threaten
[23:21] <MartinGuehmann> Treat -> Threat
[23:21] <MartinGuehmann> OK Peace?
[23:22] <Locutus> you can try, but they'll reject
[23:22] <MartinGuehmann> OK, I try.
[23:22] <MartinGuehmann> Rejected
[23:22] <MartinGuehmann> End Turn?
[23:23] <Locutus> yes
[23:23] <MartinGuehmann> END OF TURN 115Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
Transscript of 16th Turnchat Part 5
[23:24] <MartinGuehmann> The Germans moved one tile back and one tile for. They are still in fron't of MP.
[23:26] <Gilg> I am back
[23:26] <Locutus> hmm... same location as before?
[23:26] <Locutus> request them to leave.
[23:26] <MartinGuehmann> OK, I am posting a screenie around Graz.
[23:26] <Locutus> angry
[23:27] <MartinGuehmann> The Germans?
[23:27] <Gilg> ????????
[23:27] <Locutus> yes. the 4th of the 5 icons
[23:27] <MartinGuehmann> Screenie posted.
[23:27] <Locutus> below meek
[23:27] <Gilg> not good......
[23:27] <Gilg> offer some gold?
[23:28] <MartinGuehmann> Rejected.
[23:28] <MartinGuehmann> Threat?
[23:28] <Gilg> what the gold?
[23:28] <Locutus> hmmm... threaten, indeed...
[23:29] <MartinGuehmann> Rejected.
[23:29] <Gilg> that sounds bad...............really bad...............
[23:29] <Locutus> k. not much we can do but wait for them to either attack or leave...
[23:29] <Locutus> well, they didn't attack so far... probably the city is too well defended
[23:29] <Gilg>
[23:29] <MartinGuehmann> OK what will we do around Graz?
[23:30] <Gilg> attack the archer with a 1A 1Hp?
[23:30] <MartinGuehmann> We have the Autrian size 8 stack there.
[23:30] <Gilg> But out of reach for the archer field or?
[23:31] <MartinGuehmann> Just take a look into the Turn Chat thread I posted a screenie
[23:31] <Gilg> I was thinking to destroy the archer with 1/1 and move the rest back to Graz?
[23:31] <Locutus> retreat to graz
[23:31] <Gilg> Martin, checked and thanks
[23:31] <MartinGuehmann> Ok, we agree to move back our Barbarian killer stack.
[23:32] <Locutus> no, the 8 stack will beat us to it
[23:32] <MartinGuehmann> So I do it.
[23:32] <MartinGuehmann> So all units back?
[23:32] <Locutus> the warrior could attack the archer
[23:32] <Locutus> all other units to graz
[23:32] <Gilg> How should the warrior attack the archer?
[23:33] <Gilg> I was thinking splitting the 4 stack into 1/1 and move the rest back into Graz
[23:33] <Locutus> first move S, attack next turn if possible
[23:33] <MartinGuehmann> OK the other units are moved back
[23:33] <Locutus> how many units inside graz?
[23:33] <Gilg> The Ai will retreat......
[23:33] <Gilg> 2
[23:33] <MartinGuehmann> 6 units inside Graz
[23:34] <Locutus> ouch... move everything but the warrior back then. we don't want to take risks with our most important city
[23:34] <Gilg> OK, agreed........
[23:34] <MartinGuehmann> OK now talking about the Warrior, the rest is moved, one size 4 stack still needs one turn.
[23:35] <MartinGuehmann> PostWarrior South?
[23:35] <Gilg> Warrior N onto the hills?
[23:35] <Gilg> Martin your suggestion is better....
[23:35] <MartinGuehmann> And I think we want to kill the archer.
[23:35] <Locutus> postwarrior S to attack the archer next turn
[23:35] <MartinGuehmann> OK doing it.
[23:36] <MartinGuehmann> Done now we have the settler in the East, I would move it now one tile SE.
[23:36] <Gilg> wait, checking screen
[23:37] <Gilg> Talking about settler2?
[23:37] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah the settler in the East.
[23:37] <Gilg> OK
[23:37] <MartinGuehmann> Don't know it is settler1 or settler2 it is just in the East in relation to the other one.
[23:38] <Gilg> Yes, that's #2
[23:38] <MartinGuehmann> So SouthEast?
[23:38] <Gilg> South of Pedrunn and MP....... Yes and SE
[23:38] <MartinGuehmann> Done.
[23:39] <Locutus> one should settle north of Linz, the other north of India. Both on/near a potato site. I don't care how you get there
[23:39] <Gilg>
[23:39] <MartinGuehmann> So I have now Bait
[23:39] <MartinGuehmann> So just West and enter German territory?
[23:39] <Gilg> no, let's not force the Germans to declare war upon us.........
[23:40] <Gilg> Maybe just wait a turn
[23:40] <MartinGuehmann> If they reject to leave our territory why we shouldn't enter their territory.
[23:40] <Locutus> is the screenie still up-to-date? can we still go NW without violating borders?
[23:40] <Gilg> no, we already moved
[23:40] <MartinGuehmann> Which screenie?
[23:40] <Gilg> the one you posted last round
[23:40] <Locutus> go through enlish territory then
[23:40] <Locutus> NW
[23:41] <MartinGuehmann> OK NW
[23:41] <Gilg> ok
[23:41] <Gilg> They don't like us, but they are further away
[23:41] <MartinGuehmann> Goodsight is still hunted by the Barbarian so I go West again.
[23:41] <Gilg> OK
[23:41] <Locutus> plus, they can't see us (unless they have a unit just outside FOW)
[23:41] <Locutus> FOW=LOS
[23:42] <Gilg> or outside=inside
[23:42] <Locutus> whatever
[23:42] <MartinGuehmann> Goodsight is moved West.
[23:42] <Locutus> sounds good
[23:42] <Gilg> yep
[23:43] <MartinGuehmann> Now we have the a new warrior in Linz, should I send him, towards Pilsen?
[23:43] <Locutus> sounds good
[23:43] <Gilg> at least this direction...... somehow, somewhen.........
[23:44] <MartinGuehmann> OK, I am doing it.
[23:44] <MartinGuehmann> Done, now I have the settler in the West one move SE?
[23:44] <Gilg> wait
[23:45] <Gilg> then you would be NE of the potato?
[23:45] <MartinGuehmann> Yes, so next turn another move ito taht direction?
[23:46] <MartinGuehmann> taht -> that
[23:46] <Gilg> yes
[23:46] <MartinGuehmann> OK setting the pathed move order.
[23:46] <MartinGuehmann> Done and all units are moved, anything left?
[23:47] <Locutus> guess not...
[23:47] <Gilg> we are building in MP citywalls?
[23:47] <Gilg> how many turns left?
[23:48] <MartinGuehmann> Yes we are building these walls since the last turn, but we have a German settler still in our territory.
[23:48] <MartinGuehmann> Last turn it was 7 so now that are 6.
[23:48] <MartinGuehmann> So the Settler between Pedrunnia and CL?
[23:48] <Gilg> I would say, let's ignore the settler for the moment......
[23:49] <MartinGuehmann> Then it will settler and I think the german stack wants to reach the settler, so it should go.
[23:49] <MartinGuehmann> I would like to move one archer from Pedrunnia to that forest liek at the beginning of that chat.
[23:49] <Gilg> But where? If it settles in our terretory it would mean war........
[23:50] <Gilg> terretory=territory
[23:50] <Gilg> Move a warrior if we have..........
[23:50] <MartinGuehmann> Even if it settles in our territory it does not mean war. We have an Archer.
[23:50] <MartinGuehmann> So I move the archer to the forest tile, to get rid of the settler.
[23:50] <Gilg> OK
[23:51] <Gilg> Locutus?
[23:51] <MartinGuehmann> Done, so end turn?
[23:51] <Locutus> war with germany will be inevitable once we've defeated the Austrians anyway, why worry?Just keep them happy until then...
[23:51] <Gilg> I am thinking of calling it a day, gents............
[23:51] <Locutus> yeah, end turn
[23:51] <MartinGuehmann> END OF TUNRN 116
[23:52] <Locutus> quitting now would be acceptable. we've been at it for almost 5 hours...
[23:52] <Locutus> well, you have
[23:52] <Gilg> Depends on you as well.............
[23:53] <MartinGuehmann> Actual I would still like to play this turn.
[23:53] <Gilg> OK, persuaded or convinced?
[23:53] <Locutus> I don't mind. one more turn would be fine with me.
[23:53] <Locutus> but if gilg quits, we should call it a day
[23:53] <Gilg> And it took us only ~27 minutes
[23:53] <Gilg> OK, llast turn
[23:53] <Gilg> llast=last
[23:54] * Trip is now known as Trip[studying]
[23:54] <MartinGuehmann> OK, I grouped the new unit into the defenders of Pedrunnia.
[23:54] <MartinGuehmann> The West settler reached its destination and can settle next turn.
[23:54] <Gilg> OK
[23:54] <Gilg> Go ahead
[23:55] <MartinGuehmann> OK, I have now the West settler and I would move it again one SW like last turn.
[23:55] <Locutus> good.
[23:55] <Gilg> ok
[23:55] <Gilg> Don't forget the name will be Wombatoon
[23:55] <Locutus> won't matter if we only play one more turn
[23:55] <Gilg> I know.............
[23:55] <Locutus> which would be good: then we can poll the final location. it wasn't polled before, after all
[23:56] <Locutus> oh wait, that was the eastern one...
[23:56] <MartinGuehmann> The 8 size stack of the Austrains refused to enter our teritory, so retreat the remaining troops anyway?
[23:56] <Gilg> they have been both polled.....but.........
[23:56] <Gilg> why?
[23:57] <Locutus> the settler was polled, not the location
[23:57] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah but the Western one can settle next turn and the Eastern one can't.
[23:57] <Gilg> Why shall we retreat?
[23:57] <MartinGuehmann> We decided that last turn to protect Graz.
[23:57] <Gilg> But as they didn't move, shall we still do so?
[23:58] <Locutus> well, Graz needs to have at least 8 units inside it no matter what, so move them back I say
[23:58] <MartinGuehmann> So should I let the game execute the automat pathed move order?
[23:58] <Gilg> yes
[23:58] <MartinGuehmann> Then we have 11 units in Graz.
[23:58] <MartinGuehmann> So doing it.
[23:58] <Locutus> that's good.
[23:58] <Gilg> 11 units would be to much, why shall we not start to 'pile' the units already now outside, they are in immidiate reach, so.........
[23:59] <MartinGuehmann> New defenders in Pressburg grouped into the stack there.
[23:59] <Gilg> Shall we not move those to MP and Pedrunn?
[23:59] <MartinGuehmann> OK, would should I do with PostWarrior
[23:59] <Gilg> Which one was this, the haunted one?
[00:00] <MartinGuehmann> These units are far away from the cities in the East.
[00:00] <Locutus> PW should hunt the damaged archer
[00:00] <MartinGuehmann> PostWarrior should kill the wounded Austrian Archer, but the Archer retreated.
[00:00] <Gilg> ~6 turns away, as we might need another 6 stack, why shouldn't we move them there?
[00:00] <Locutus> then go after it
[00:01] <Gilg> Hunt the Austrians........
[00:01] <Gilg> At least the single ones
[00:01] <Locutus> we need sufficient units in east and west. let's leave things as they are for now. the Germans don't seem keen on attacking for now
[00:01] <MartinGuehmann> I won't move PW to the Austrains as the 8 size stack would kill it emidiatly so I would move it one tile South.
[00:01] <Gilg> OK
[00:01] <Locutus> sure
[00:02] <MartinGuehmann> So PostWarrior?
[00:02] <Gilg> As you said 1 S
[00:02] <MartinGuehmann> And leave it there.
[00:03] <Gilg> at least for now.........
[00:03] <MartinGuehmann> Now GoodSight is still hunted by the Barbarians and agian I would move him one tile West.
[00:03] <Gilg> No other choice
[00:03] <Gilg> He might hunt us round the world..........
[00:03] <MartinGuehmann> Done.
[00:04] <Locutus> well, good for recon
[00:04] <Gilg> yep..........
[00:05] <MartinGuehmann> Now I have the Archer that was moved out of Pedrunnia for German settler expelling. The settler moved teo times NE and is now out of range. Move it back to Pedrunnia?
[00:05] <Gilg> not better to follow him?
[00:05] <Locutus> nah, let the german go...
[00:05] <MartinGuehmann> It doesn't move South so leave him now.
[00:05] <MartinGuehmann> So I move the unit back.
[00:06] <Gilg> 2:1 so, let him go
[00:06] <MartinGuehmann> So, what about Bait, one West?
[00:06] <Locutus> yes
[00:06] <Gilg> yes
[00:06] <MartinGuehmann> So that we can travel through English territory.
[00:07] <Gilg> better then German
[00:07] <Locutus> yup
[00:07] <MartinGuehmann> That revealed an English settler in the neutral gap.
[00:07] <MartinGuehmann> All units moved, I'll remove the entertainer in Graz.
[00:08] <Gilg> OK
[00:08] <Locutus> k
[00:08] <MartinGuehmann> Done.
[00:08] <MartinGuehmann> End turn?
[00:08] <Locutus> sure
[00:08] <MartinGuehmann> END OF TURN 117
[00:09] <MartinGuehmann> OK Germans still there and a German settler invasion.
[00:09] <Locutus> do we play on?
[00:09] <Gilg> no...........
[00:10] <Gilg> I am halve way somewhere else.......
[00:10] <Gilg> We should hae taken slavers :-)
[00:10] <Gilg> hae=have
[00:10] <Gilg> let's call it a day?
[00:10] <Locutus> k, let's quit then. yup.
[00:10] <MartinGuehmann> But can I now at least settle the city Wombatoon?
[00:10] <Gilg> OK
[00:10] <Locutus> no, I call it a night
[00:11] <MartinGuehmann> Was the no meant to the settle request?
[00:11] <Locutus> no, but that too.
[00:11] <Locutus> don't settle
[00:11] <Gilg> let's poll a last time?
[00:12] <Locutus> this gives us a final chance to poll the final location (the other poll wasn't quite the right location after all)
[00:12] <Gilg> and I know why: You want to settle the new city as the new Pres............
[00:12] <Locutus> LOL, I couldn't care less.
[00:12] <MartinGuehmann> OK, Gilgamensch can you post as tamerlin delegate now the poll and I provide a screenshot?
[00:13] <Gilg> OK.........
[00:13] <Gilg> Do it right away..........
[00:13] <Locutus> make it a resolution, to avoid a court case...
[00:13] <MartinGuehmann> Well see if it is then your turn Locutus.
[00:14] <Locutus> what do you mean?
[00:14] <Locutus> BTW, if you want another turn chat on sunday, you're still Prez then....
[00:14] <Locutus> election takes 5 days
[00:14] <MartinGuehmann> The term for the President was extended by tree says.
[00:15] <Gilg> Resolution is 3 days?
[00:15] <MartinGuehmann> Interesting, then I could have hold the chat on Thursday.
[00:15] <Locutus> yeah
[00:15] <Locutus> thursday??
[00:15] <MartinGuehmann> I mean this chat.
[00:15] <Locutus> you could have...
[00:16] <Gilg> Which settler are we talking about?????????
[00:16] <Gilg> The one near the potate near our cities, correct?
[00:16] <Locutus> well, both need to be polled anyway
[00:16] <MartinGuehmann> The West one.
[00:16] <Locutus> but in this case, the one north of Linze
[00:16] <Locutus> -e
[00:16] <Gilg> OK agreed.........and this is settler #1
[00:17] <MartinGuehmann> And I thought the court had to post the President election thread already.
[00:18] <Locutus> assuming Frozzy posts a poll tomorrow, I'll be Prez on wednesday. so theoretically it might end up that you start another turn chat next wednesday and I have to take over halfway through
[00:19] <MartinGuehmann> Well I think it is the best to hold the turn chat rather one day at the end of the term, so you have some time four prepering the next one without losing too much time.
[00:19] <MartinGuehmann> However I though of another form of playing the game through turn threads.
[00:19] <Locutus> namely?
[00:20] <MartinGuehmann> Well, collecting all the orders before is required, before.
[00:20] <MartinGuehmann> If I have all the orders then I can play on.
[00:20] <MartinGuehmann> The thread should work in this way:
[00:21] <Gilg> locutus, did a mistake in the title could you please correct my spelling in the poll??????
[00:21] <Locutus> LOL, I will, gilg
[00:21] <MartinGuehmann> I play one turn following the given orders and post everything that happend.
[00:21] <Locutus> you can still edit it yourself within 5 mins, gilg
[00:22] <Locutus> but i did it for you...
[00:22] <MartinGuehmann> Of course it is experimental, but worth a try to accelerate the process.
[00:22] <MartinGuehmann> Yes, and I hold a turn chat.
[00:22] <Locutus> requires very detailed orders, martin, but it might be worth a try...
[00:23] <MartinGuehmann> I annonced the chat before I saw the disscussion in your thread.
[00:23] <MartinGuehmann> OK, let's end now the chat.
[00:23] <Locutus> sounds good
[00:23] <MartinGuehmann> END OF 16TH TURN CHATCiv2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
Re: Transcript of 16th Turn Chat Part 1
Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
[19:40] <Gilg> TURN 1: Move 1 units From Pedrunnia Defenses E, SE so that next turn it can expel the german settler. And the warrior in Graz should move SW (dont move twice, one move will be left) name it 'PostWarrior'.
[19:40] <Gilg> order from Predunn
[19:40] <Locutus> yeah, read the text, but it makes no sense to me... but whatever..."Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand