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15th Turn Chat (From Turn 107 in the year 1860BC)
15th Turn Chat: MoDA State of Lemuria
Preliminary Lines: before anything else, I would like to apologize because I have not posted this summary in time. I went for the week-end in a place where I was supposed to have an Internet connexion which would have allowed me to post in the DG forum and catch up with the threads. Unfortunately, the said connexion had been inadvertently cancelled and was not available.
Overview of our cities:
Green lines indicate objects that should be added to a Build Queue
Pedrunnia (Turns before growth: 29) (Garrison: 3 Hoplites and 3 Archers)
Chichén Itzà (7) (3871 Gold)
The Appian Way (28)
Pyramids (28)
Hoplite (3)
Archer (2)
Note: Chichén Itzà , Pyramids and The Appian Way have been added to the Build Queue to avoid any production loss should another civilization complete a wonder before Lemuria
My vote would go to Chichén Itzà (-30% Criminality) as replacement for Ramajana (1/3 of our food and production and a tenth of our science output are currently lost because of the Criminality plaguing our empire).
As I did not had the time to organize a poll this week-end I would like to know the opinion of the citizens about the wonder we should produce now the Germans have produced the Ramajana before we could.
Colonia Locuta (Turns before growth: 14) (Garrison: 2 Hoplites and 2 Archers)
Settler (4) (1173)
Archer (3)
Hoplite (3)
Archer (3)
Hoplite (3)
H Town (Turns before growth: 8) (Garrison: 4 Hoplites and 3 Archers)
Hoplite (1)
Archer (3)
Hoplite (3)
Archer (3)
Mapfipolis (Turns before growth: 3) - 1 Farmer (Garrison: 4 Hoplites and 4 Archers)
Hoplite (2) (443 Gold)
Archer (4)
Hoplite (4)
Archer (4)
Pressburg (Turns before growth: 13) (Garrison: 1 Hoplite and 2 Archers)
Settler (3) (600 Gold)
Hoplite (4)
Archer (3)
Hoplite (4)
Graz (Turns before growth: 21) (Garrison: 3 Hoplites, 2 Archers and 1 Warrior)
Hoplite (2) (1400 Gold)
Archer (2)
Hoplite (2)
Archer (2)
Wels (Turns before Growth: 6) - 1 Farmer (Garrison: 2 Hoplites and 1 Archer)
Hoplite (2) (614 Gold)
Archer (5)
Hoplite (6)
Archer (5)
Note: We should add another Farmer in Wels for one turn to reduce the number of turns before growth to 5.
Linz (Turns before Growth: 49) - 1 Farmer (Garrison: 4 Hoplites and 4 Archers)
Adding 1 Farmer in Graz would reduce the number of turns before growth to 18
Archer (3) (1200 Gold) (4)
Hoplite (3) (4)
Archer (3) (4)
Hoplite (3) (4)
"Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill
Transcript of 15th Turn Chat Part 1
[19:33] <MartinGuehmann> START OF 15TH TURN CHAT
[19:34] <Tamerlin> Units?
[19:34] <MartinGuehmann> Ok I already extended the build queues with the units ordered by Tamerlin.
[19:34] <MartinGuehmann> OK, let's move first our units.
[19:35] <MartinGuehmann> We should move Bait out of Celtic territory first, I think.
[19:35] <Tamerlin> Yes
[19:35] <Tamerlin> South
[19:36] <MartinGuehmann> I think that is the best idea as we have the size 12 stack in the North.
[19:37] <maq> gonna check out the save game brb
[19:37] <MartinGuehmann> maq Pedrunn left in that thread some information:
[19:37] <MartinGuehmann> OK
[19:38] <MartinGuehmann> So in the meantime we could talk about the farmers in our cities.
[19:38] <Tamerlin> I think we should add one in Graz and one in turn though for one turn only
[19:38] <MartinGuehmann> I added a farmer in Wels
[19:39] <Tamerlin> Ok for Wels, about Graz it would reduce the # of turns before growth to 18 instead of 49
[19:40] <MartinGuehmann> In Graz?
[19:40] <Tamerlin> Yes, checking...
[19:41] <Tamerlin> Wels...
[19:41] <MartinGuehmann> If I look on it it only will give some additional people in Graz per turn.
[19:41] <Tamerlin> LINZ... sorry
[19:41] <maq> i dont like the idea of farmers there
[19:42] <Tamerlin> Not Wels nor Graz... you don't want a farmer in Linz?
[19:42] <maq> does it turn out more profitable?
[19:43] <Tamerlin> Each units requires on more turn to produce but we would reduce the turns before growth by 31
[19:43] <MartinGuehmann> If we add one in Linz then it will reduce the number of turns dramaticly before the city grows.
[19:43] <Tamerlin> We woul produce one unit less
[19:43] <Tamerlin> 2 actually
[19:43] <maq> we would also produce less science lemme see
[19:43] <MartinGuehmann> But the downside is that we lose some sciense, with consequence that we need one more turn for our next advance.
[19:44] <Tamerlin> True, next advance is delayed for one turn
[19:44] <maq> thats not good
[19:45] <MartinGuehmann> So what do you think about it, I mean all of you.
[19:45] <maq> dont add any
[19:45] <Tamerlin> I would add it anyway as the benefit will be great in the long term
[19:45] <Tamerlin> Miggio, GM?
[19:45] <MartinGuehmann> So Miggio and GM?
[19:46] <Tamerlin> You decide Martin...
[19:46] <The-Gingerbread-Man> sorry... erm... no farmer...
[19:46] <MartinGuehmann> and Miggio?
[19:46] <The-Gingerbread-Man> we can't afford to lose turns at this stage.
[19:47] * The-Gingerbread-Man slaps Miggio around a bit with a large trout
[19:47] <Tamerlin> So no additional farmer in Linz...
[19:47] <Tamerlin>
[19:47] <MartinGuehmann>
[19:47] <MartinGuehmann> Yes, Tamerlin, no additional farmer for Linz.
[19:47] * maq slaps The-Gingerbread-Man around a bit with a large trout
[19:48] <MartinGuehmann> I presume now city managment is done this turn.
[19:48] <Tamerlin> Yes
[19:48] <MartinGuehmann> So moving units... Bait in the North.
[19:48] <Tamerlin> Should go back South
[19:48] <MartinGuehmann> I second Tamerlin.
[19:49] <MartinGuehmann> maq, GM?
[19:49] <maq> yp
[19:49] <maq> yep
[19:49] <MartinGuehmann> OK we move it back.
[19:50] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[19:50] <Tamerlin> Done
[19:50] <Miggio> sorry i was eating food
[19:50] <The-Gingerbread-Man> South.
[19:50] <Tamerlin> What would you eat if not food?
[19:50] <MartinGuehmann> OK
[19:50] <The-Gingerbread-Man>
[19:50] <maq> your finger nails
[19:50] <maq> i dunno
[19:50] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Tamerlin: Worms, fingernails, or maybe urine
[19:50] <The-Gingerbread-Man> but you'd drink urine...
[19:51] <The-Gingerbread-Man> so no...
[19:51] <The-Gingerbread-Man> :/
[19:51] <maq> yeah
[19:51] <Tamerlin> Burk!
[19:51] <maq> lol
[19:51] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Are any of you part of political parties?
[19:51] <Tamerlin> No...
[19:51] <maq> im part of the war party still i think
[19:52] <MartinGuehmann> OK, next unit to move is Goodsight.
[19:52] <The-Gingerbread-Man> The war party died witht he declaration of war :P
[19:52] <Tamerlin> I am a proud member of the APP
[19:52] <The-Gingerbread-Man> I am a proud member of United future!
[19:52] <maq> im not very active so i dunno what they get upto, fisting goats etc
[19:52] <Tamerlin> GoodSight could move one more time South before going to the SE
[19:53] <maq> im a one man party
[19:53] <MartinGuehmann> Well Pedrunn prefers moving rather SW instead of SE, to explore rather our future settlement grounds instad of the Indian border.
[19:54] <Tamerlin> OK
[19:54] <MartinGuehmann> I think his is something we have to decide now.
[19:54] <MartinGuehmann> So Indian border or unknown territory?
[19:54] <The-Gingerbread-Man> I concur with pedrunn
[19:54] <Tamerlin> I would explore the grasslands as this is one of the few places where we could send a setrler
[19:55] <Tamerlin> settler
[19:55] <The-Gingerbread-Man> we need a couple of new settlements before the land gets saturated.
[19:55] <maq> agreed
[19:55] <MartinGuehmann> We also have in the west a grassland tile.
[19:55] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Well its agreed, we move there.
[19:55] <Tamerlin> I would send it South then SE
[19:56] <Tamerlin> So?
[19:56] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah this place is very far away from our old settlements so I would rather explore the West.
[19:56] <MartinGuehmann> So minipoll: SW or SE?
[19:57] <Tamerlin> SE
[19:57] <MartinGuehmann> I go for SW
[19:57] <maq> SW
[19:57] <MartinGuehmann> Miggio?
[19:58] <The-Gingerbread-Man> SW
[19:58] <maq> i think hes eating
[19:58] <The-Gingerbread-Man> 3-2 regardless
[19:58] <maq> aye
[19:58] <Miggio> SW
[19:58] <MartinGuehmann> OK we go SW as suggested by Pedrunn
[19:59] * Locutus has joined #lemuria
[19:59] <MartinGuehmann> Hi Locutus
[19:59] <Locutus> hi. BRB
[19:59] * Locutus is now known as Locutus|away
[19:59] <MartinGuehmann> Goodsight is moved SW we discovered a goodie hut
[20:00] <maq> yay
[20:00] <The-Gingerbread-Man> See, I knew that all along
[20:00] <maq> yeah ya big cheater
[20:00] <maq>
[20:00] <The-Gingerbread-Man> :P
[20:00] <MartinGuehmann> OK, I would say we have now to kill an Austrian Samurai.
[20:01] <Tamerlin> Right!
[20:01] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Getting hungry Martin
[20:01] <maq> yeah take it out before it joins an army
[20:01] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Have we raised the PW?
[20:01] <Tamerlin> 2 H and 2 A, not yet as far as I remember!
[20:01] <MartinGuehmann> No, we are currently building the Chichen Itza.
[20:02] <MartinGuehmann> For the Samurai Pedrunn adviced us to use 3 H and 2 A
[20:02] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Not a Chicken Pizza!!! Can I have some
[20:03] <MartinGuehmann> I doubt that this isn't the best idea. For Pedrunn advice I mean.
[20:03] <Tamerlin> This would only let 2 units in Graz and a 72 Happiness
[20:03] <maq> 2h 2a is enough
[20:03] <MartinGuehmann> Yes and one of them is a warrior
[20:04] <MartinGuehmann> I agree with you, maq.
[20:04] <Tamerlin> Orders?
[20:04] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah orders maq?
[20:04] <maq> kill it then
[20:05] <MartinGuehmann> A samurai was executed.
[20:05] <maq> did we lose any?
[20:05] <Tamerlin> I have lost a H
[20:06] <Tamerlin>
[20:06] <MartinGuehmann> No losts here.
[20:06] <maq> martin?
[20:06] <maq> yay
[20:06] <maq> martins is the offical game right?
[20:06] <Miggio> correct
[20:06] <MartinGuehmann> So this time I have the better reality.
[20:06] <maq> k
[20:06] <maq> yeah good work
[20:06] <Tamerlin> Corrected!
[20:07] <MartinGuehmann> So we have a Barbarian Archer near Linz
[20:07] <Miggio> kill it
[20:07] <MartinGuehmann> Well not possible this turn.
[20:08] <maq> send a 1h 1a directly west after it?
[20:08] <Tamerlin> We could chase him with a 2H and 2A stack which would allow us to resist an Austrian Samurai, for example
[20:08] <maq> itll move away but we can chase it about it for sport
[20:08] <MartinGuehmann> Pedrunn suggested to use 4 units but I think the two will do it two.
[20:09] <maq> they might have a samuraio true, but samurai can only move 1 over hills so it wont catch us
[20:09] <Tamerlin> OK
[20:09] <maq> we can come back with more if need be
[20:09] <MartinGuehmann> So your orders maq?
[20:10] <maq> send 1a 1h directly west
[20:10] <Miggio> throw sticks at it
[20:10] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[20:10] <maq> from linz
[20:10] <maq> k
[20:10] <The-Gingerbread-Man>
[20:10] <Tamerlin> a "Booh!" should be enough. Done.
[20:10] <MartinGuehmann> Yes from Linz
[20:11] <The-Gingerbread-Man> I didn't think you could throw sticks in CtP2
[20:11] <maq> call him hurtful names
[20:11] <Locutus|away> back
[20:11] * Locutus|away is now known as Locuuts
[20:11] <maq> yeah course ou can
[20:11] * Locuuts is now known as Locutus
[20:11] <Tamerlin> Hi Locutus
[20:11] <Locutus> did I miss much?
[20:11] <maq> yes
[20:11] <maq> no not really
[20:11] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Mispelling, reminds me of when mrmitchell called you Locust
[20:11] <maq> lol
[20:11] <Locutus> how many turns have been played?
[20:12] <Tamerlin> None
[20:12] <Tamerlin> We are still playing the first one
[20:12] <MartinGuehmann> We are plaing turn 107
[20:12] <The-Gingerbread-Man> 1/5 of the way there
[20:12] <The-Gingerbread-Man>
[20:12] <MartinGuehmann> So how many turns did you play over there?
[20:13] <MartinGuehmann> However, Pedrunn suggested to explore unknow territory near Linz by following the river to the East by using one Archer, I'd like to do it.
[20:13] <maq> yeah do that too
[20:13] <Tamerlin> OK
[20:14] <Locutus> first turn?
[20:14] <Tamerlin> S and then SE... and yes
[20:14] <maq> i need more ram, this multitasking is pain in the arse
[20:15] <The-Gingerbread-Man> I have 64 RAM
[20:15] <MartinGuehmann> I would rather move the Archer S and then E.
[20:15] <Tamerlin> Sorry, you are right and this is the movement I intended
[20:15] <maq> looks alright
[20:15] <MartinGuehmann> So orders maq?
[20:16] <maq> yep, S then E along the river
[20:16] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[20:17] <Locutus> Hmm, has this room been empty for a long time or something? It's unregistered...
[20:18] <MartinGuehmann> No idea, but I hold turnchats twice a weak. I wouldn't call it empty for a long time.
[20:18] <Locutus> strange... maybe Markos reset the database?
[20:18] <Locutus> martin, can you op me?
[20:19] <The-Gingerbread-Man> #ctp-dg is still registered.
[20:19] <Locutus> weird...
[20:19] <The-Gingerbread-Man> #ctp-dg was unregistered for a while due to inactivity, and Ras registered it, but I got Markos to get it off him.
[20:19] <The-Gingerbread-Man> So #ctp-dg is back in my capable (?) hands
[20:20] <Locutus> I think /op Locutus should do it...
[20:20] <Locutus> (in case you don't use mIRC)
[20:21] <The-Gingerbread-Man> it is.
[20:21] <The-Gingerbread-Man> /op Locutus
[20:22] <MartinGuehmann> OK, can we continue?
[20:22] <Tamerlin> Yes
[20:22] <Locutus> yeah, if you op me
[20:22] <MartinGuehmann> What does mean op?
[20:23] <Locutus> make me operator. type /op Locutus
[20:23] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Silly Locutus, Markos and Dan have made you power hungry
[20:23] <maq> it means your a power hungry psycho
[20:23] <Miggio> well i have to go to work now, i will be more active next week, it was spring break this week so I was engaged with other activities
[20:23] <Locutus> lol, I just want to reregister before Ras gets any ideas
[20:23] * MartinGuehmann sets mode: +o Locutus
[20:23] <Locutus> thx
[20:23] <The-Gingerbread-Man> First the manager position, then the moderatorship, then this :P
[20:24] * ChanServ sets mode: +ntr
[20:24] * changes topic to 'CtP2 Democracy Game - Turn Chat NOW!!!'
[20:24] <Locutus> now that's better, ain't it?
[20:24] <The-Gingerbread-Man> yay, he reigistered it!
[20:24] <maq> gj
[20:24] * mrmitchell has joined #lemuria
[20:24] <MartinGuehmann> Yes
[20:24] * mrmitchell has left #lemuria
[20:24] <MartinGuehmann> OK, we can continue now
[20:24] <The-Gingerbread-Man> bah...
[20:24] * Miggio has quit IRC (Quit: )
[20:24] <MartinGuehmann> I fortified the last remaining archer
[20:25] <maq> k
[20:25] <MartinGuehmann> and we can now end the turn
[20:25] <The-Gingerbread-Man>
[20:25] <MartinGuehmann> But not so fast, we have to talk about wonders.
[20:25] <MartinGuehmann> The Germans will finish the Appian Way soon
[20:26] <maq> what about exactly?
[20:26] <The-Gingerbread-Man> :groan:
[20:26] <maq> id rather have chicken pizza anyway
[20:26] <MartinGuehmann> maq, we are building the Chichen Itza right now.
[20:26] <Locutus> *off-topic* hmm, frozzy, when did you ask Markos to kick Ras out of #ctp-dg?
[20:26] <maq> yes, so whats the talk about the appian way?
[20:27] <MartinGuehmann> The Germans will have finished that wonder soon.
[20:27] <The-Gingerbread-Man> as soon as i did /msg chanserv info #ctp-dg and I PMed Markos straight away
[20:27] <MartinGuehmann> So that is the last change now to decide in favour of it.
[20:28] <Locutus> was that yesterday, today, a few weeks ago?
[20:28] <MartinGuehmann> So Appian Way or the Chichen Itza?
[20:28] <Locutus> Can I have a Hawaii Pizza please?
[20:28] <Tamerlin> Appian Way
[20:28] <maq> why change to appian way if the germans will have it sooner?
[20:28] <Locutus> Appian Way
[20:28] <Locutus> true. nm then...
[20:28] <maq> appian way expires aswell
[20:29] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Locutus, a few weeks.
[20:29] <MartinGuehmann> Note for the Appian Way, we have to rush build it then now and disband a unit for it.
[20:29] <Locutus> Frozzy: hmm, nm then
[20:29] <maq> oh ok
[20:29] <maq> i still say chicken pizza
[20:29] <The-Gingerbread-Man> I remember once when #apolyton was unregistered for no reason.
[20:29] <maq> appian way expires with age of reason, not so long after monarchy, when we most need it
[20:29] <Locutus> ah, so it must be a buggy server then... what else is new?
[20:30] <The-Gingerbread-Man>
[20:30] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Too true!
[20:30] <maq> minipoll on which wonder?
[20:30] <The-Gingerbread-Man> What does Appian Way give?
[20:30] <Tamerlin> Appian Way
[20:31] <Locutus> does anyone think it should be Appian? (aside from Tam)
[20:31] <maq> no unhappiness from distance from capital
[20:31] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Ah...
[20:31] <The-Gingerbread-Man> I say chicken pizza
[20:31] <maq> -30% crime for rest of game with chicken pizza
[20:31] <Locutus> then chicken pizza it is...
[20:31] <The-Gingerbread-Man> if Apple Way expires with AoR, then chicken pizza
[20:31] <maq> lol
[20:32] <MartinGuehmann> Chichen Itza doesn't expire according to the APOL_wonder.txt, so I go for Chichen Itza.
[20:32] <maq> youve got food on the brain
[20:32] <The-Gingerbread-Man> I slept on a quiche last night
[20:32] <maq> too much information
[20:32] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Damn...
[20:33] <The-Gingerbread-Man> I mean...
[20:33] <The-Gingerbread-Man>
[20:33] <Tamerlin> Sorry, I had to answer the phone...
[20:33] <maq>
[20:33] <MartinGuehmann> So, can we now decide on the wonder: The Appian Way exppire, the Chichen Itza does not expire, so I go for Chichen Itza.
[20:33] <The-Gingerbread-Man> *1/2 offtopic*Locutus, are you part of any parties in the DG?
[20:34] <maq> we voted for chicken pizza
[20:34] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Chicken Pizza!!!
[20:34] <Locutus> yeah, the Borg Collective
[20:34] <Tamerlin> I would go for Chicén Itzà as it does not expire
[20:34] <MartinGuehmann> OK then we can end the turn.
[20:34] <maq> *rolleyes*
[20:34] <MartinGuehmann> Or is there anything else forgotten?
[20:34] <maq> nope
[20:34] <Locutus> did we do anything with diplomacy?
[20:35] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Is that the first turn we've done???
[20:35] <MartinGuehmann> No we didn't.
[20:35] <Tamerlin> Yes, end turn
[20:35] <MartinGuehmann> SO I guess we have now to get some treaty.
[20:35] <Locutus> did we give the celts gold this turn or last?
[20:35] <MartinGuehmann> treaty -> treaties.
[20:35] <Tamerlin> Yes and we had a map exchange
[20:35] <MartinGuehmann> I think we gave the Celts last turn gold.
[20:36] <MartinGuehmann> And then they offered a map exange
[20:36] <Locutus> okay. then propose a mutual non-tresspass treaty...
[20:37] <Locutus> request first, of course
[20:37] <Locutus> meek, as always
[20:37] <MartinGuehmann> OK, doing it.
[20:38] <MartinGuehmann> The Celts accepted.
[20:38] <Locutus> are there objections to offering peace to them next?
[20:38] <MartinGuehmann> So a peace treaty?
[20:38] <MartinGuehmann> No objections here.
[20:38] <Tamerlin> Of course not
[20:39] <Locutus> yeah, offer peace
[20:39] <Tamerlin> Counterproposal from the celts!
[20:39] <Locutus> what?
[20:40] <MartinGuehmann> Yes a counterproposal, we should withdraw our tropps.
[20:41] <MartinGuehmann> Bait is still in their territory and we need tree more turns to move him into English territory.
[20:41] <Locutus>Didn't we already offer that?
[20:41] <MartinGuehmann> I thought so.
[20:41] <Locutus> well, you can happily agree for all I care...
[20:41] <maq> it happens that sometimes
[20:41] <MartinGuehmann> So I agree
[20:42] <Tamerlin> Done
[20:42] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[20:43] <Tamerlin> End turn?
[20:43] <MartinGuehmann> OK anything else left, gold reserve is needed for the Chichen Itza.
[20:43] <Locutus> never saw it before though, strangely enough
[20:43] <MartinGuehmann> So end turn?
[20:43] <Tamerlin> Yes
[20:43] <Locutus> not AFAIC
[20:43] <Locutus> yup
[20:43] <MartinGuehmann> END OF TURN 107Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
Transcript of 15th Turn Chat Part 2
[20:45] <MartinGuehmann> Our explore near Linz was Killed by a Barbarian Samurai.
[20:45] <Tamerlin> Yes...
[20:46] <maq> ugh
[20:46] <Locutus> bah
[20:46] <Locutus> revenge!
[20:46] <Tamerlin> We should add another Archer after the first in Linz
[20:47] <Tamerlin> in Linz's Build Queue
[20:47] <MartinGuehmann> Posted a screenie about the situation.
[20:47] <Tamerlin> OK
[20:48] <Locutus> cool
[20:48] <MartinGuehmann> I added the archer at the front of the build queue.
[20:48] <The-Gingerbread-Man> boo @ the samurai
[20:48] <Tamerlin>
[20:49] <The-Gingerbread-Man> I'm hungry... kill the samurai and lets eat him
[20:49] <Tamerlin> :shocked:
[20:49] <maq> i like chinese food, or rather japanese
[20:49] <maq> same i would imagine, or similar
[20:49] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah we should kill it but move back the other two units back to Linz and also the units near Graz back.
[20:50] <Tamerlin> Maq, orders?
[20:50] <maq> yeah kill it
[20:51] <MartinGuehmann> OK, let's kill the Samurai first how many units and what unit types?
[20:51] <Tamerlin> 2A +2H
[20:51] <maq> yes
[20:52] <MartinGuehmann> Only a dead Barbarian is good Barbarian, Samurai killed.
[20:52] <maq> good job
[20:53] <Tamerlin> Done
[20:53] <Locutus> *mrburns mode* Excellent... */mrburns*
[20:54] <MartinGuehmann> So next, units to move we have the army outside of Graz, Pedrunn suggested to remove the wounded Hopelite to Graz and use the rest of the stack to explore the river further.
[20:54] <MartinGuehmann> Any opinions?
[20:54] <maq> i think that sounds alright
[20:55] <Tamerlin> I agree
[20:55] <MartinGuehmann> Mor opinions?
[20:55] <MartinGuehmann> Mor -> More
[20:56] <maq> i thought linz had been captured for a moment :O just martins colour scheme
[20:56] <Locutus> 2nd
[20:56] <MartinGuehmann> So I move now the wounded hopelite back to Graz and move the rest of the stack two times South along the river.
[20:56] <Locutus>always good fun having Martin post screens
[20:57] <MartinGuehmann> So any orders maq?
[20:57] <maq> no thats sounds alright
[20:57] <maq> seeing as my ctp2 just crashed :\
[20:57] <MartinGuehmann>
[20:58] <MartinGuehmann> So I do it now.
[20:58] <maq> thats what you get with directx 9
[20:59] <MartinGuehmann> And I still have directX 7, but my CTP2 also crashed during a turn chat twice.
[20:59] <maq> it only takes so many alt tabs until it dies for some reason
[20:59] <Locutus> why does dx9 do that? I think I have it too, but no crashes for me...
[21:00] <maq> under win98se, i havent installed it on the winXP partition yet
[21:00] <Locutus> ah
[21:00] <Locutus> using win98 is asking for trouble
[21:00] <MartinGuehmann> However in the meantime I moved the healthy stack one time South and discovered an Austrain size 2 stack.
[21:00] <maq> been really stable for me, took me ages to find good XP drivers
[21:00] * The-Gingerbread-Man has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:01] <Locutus> interesting. what kind of units?
[21:02] <MartinGuehmann> One archer and one Samurai
[21:02] <Locutus> hmmm. do we have enough units around to kill them too?
[21:02] <Locutus> without too much damage...
[21:02] <Tamerlin> How do you know what it is made of?
[21:03] <maq> says it at the bottom when you put the cursor over the army
[21:03] <MartinGuehmann> And as we have just two units I have the full info.
[21:03] <Tamerlin>
[21:04] <MartinGuehmann> I like now to move the full stack back, in the meantime I posted a screenie
[21:04] <maq> k
[21:04] <Locutus> cool
[21:04] <Tamerlin> OK
[21:05] <MartinGuehmann> OK, I move it one square North
[21:05] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[21:05] <Tamerlin> Done
[21:05] <Tamerlin> GoodSight
[21:06] <MartinGuehmann> I would say SW so that we can open the goodie hut
[21:06] <maq> i agree
[21:06] <Locutus> CtP1-DG is now starting, I will be less active here from now on
[21:06] <Tamerlin> Agreed
[21:06] <Tamerlin>
[21:06] <MartinGuehmann> On the risk that we are armbushed by the Barbarians
[21:07] <MartinGuehmann> So SW?
[21:07] <maq> yep
[21:07] <Tamerlin> Yes
[21:07] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[21:07] <MartinGuehmann> Ok, next units: move back the units West of Linz, we won't reach the Barb anyway.
[21:08] <maq> yep
[21:08] <MartinGuehmann> Done and grouped into the defender of Linz.
[21:08] <MartinGuehmann> Next unit Bait
[21:09] <MartinGuehmann> Unfortunatly the Celtic size 12 stack folowed Bait so that we can't move SW.
[21:09] <maq> ugh
[21:10] <MartinGuehmann> Posting a screenshot.
[21:11] <MartinGuehmann> So the best way would be to go South again.
[21:11] <Tamerlin> South!
[21:11] <MartinGuehmann> Maq?
[21:12] <maq> lemme see, pic is loading
[21:12] <maq> east would seem better, draw them away from our cities
[21:12] <maq> why is south better?
[21:13] <MartinGuehmann> In the east we have the Celtic cities and I don't want to go deeper in Celtic territory.
[21:14] <maq> ok then
[21:14] <Tamerlin> Done
[21:14] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[21:14] <MartinGuehmann> Now the wounded hopelite near Graz, I would move it back
[21:15] <maq> yes
[21:15] <Tamerlin> Yes
[21:15] <MartinGuehmann> Done and grouped it into the Defenders of Graz.
[21:15] <MartinGuehmann> And grouped also the new Hopelite in H Town.
[21:16] <maq> k
[21:16] <MartinGuehmann> So all units are moved. End Turn?
[21:16] <maq> no more proposals?
[21:16] <Tamerlin> Checking the cities
[21:17] <Tamerlin> All is right, we ca, end the turn
[21:17] <MartinGuehmann> We could give India and Israel 100 gold each.
[21:17] <maq> not unless we need to
[21:17] <Locutus> did we give them gold before? do we need gold for anything else?
[21:17] <MartinGuehmann> Actual Locutus want to make with them peace treaties.
[21:18] <maq> when was the last turn we gave them gold?
[21:18] <MartinGuehmann> We have some gold left now and could spend it as the Chichen Itza needs much less
[21:18] <Locutus> yeah, I'd like that, but only if they're gonna accept them and if we can spare the doo
[21:19] <MartinGuehmann> Because of the wonder race the last time we gave them gold is a little bit ago.
[21:19] <Tamerlin> We already have enough money to rush-buy the wonder so we can give them 100 gold each
[21:19] <MartinGuehmann> So I would give them 100 gold each.
[21:19] <maq> k
[21:19] <Locutus> k, I say give both 100 gold. But I'm not mr money so not my call to make
[21:20] <MartinGuehmann> Of course tone meek.
[21:20] <Locutus> yup
[21:21] <MartinGuehmann> Both accepted.
[21:21] <Tamerlin> Yep
[21:21] <MartinGuehmann> So end turn?
[21:21] <maq> aha
[21:22] <Tamerlin> yes
[21:22] <MartinGuehmann> END OF TURN 108
[21:23] <maq> when can you post a save game martin? or dont you post one until the end?
[21:23] <MartinGuehmann> Of course I can post a save.
[21:23] <maq> k thanks
[21:24] <Tamerlin> Churchill starts building Aristotle's Lyceum... I would also appreciate a save to fix the timeline.
[21:25] <MartinGuehmann> Is comming...
[21:26] <Tamerlin> Thanks Martin
[21:26] <MartinGuehmann> Pressed the submit reply button.
[21:27] <MartinGuehmann> Savegame is now there.
[21:28] <MartinGuehmann> Nice of the Celt that they escorde us to their borders.
[21:28] <MartinGuehmann> Celt -> Celts
[21:30] <maq> k so we ready to continue?
[21:31] <Tamerlin> Speaking of Bait, he should once again move South
[21:31] <MartinGuehmann> Yes
[21:31] <MartinGuehmann> Maq?
[21:31] <maq> theres a squae of neutral terrain in celt territory
[21:31] <maq> square
[21:31] <maq> or we can just go south
[21:32] <Tamerlin>
[21:32] <maq> lol
[21:32] <maq> yeah just go south
[21:32] <Tamerlin>
[21:32] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[21:32] <maq> k
[21:32] <Tamerlin> Done
[21:33] <MartinGuehmann> I think we should now move the units near Graz back into the town.
[21:33] <maq> yeah me too
[21:33] <Tamerlin> yes
[21:34] <MartinGuehmann> Done and all grouped, I also groped the new hopelite in MP into the defenders.
[21:35] <MartinGuehmann> So moving Goodsight, SW and open the goodie hut?
[21:35] <maq> yep
[21:35] <Tamerlin> Send in the barbs!
[21:35] <maq> its money
[21:35] <Tamerlin> 313 Gold
[21:35] <MartinGuehmann> Done, yes we got 313 Gold.
[21:36] <maq> yep, i got a strange msg lol but its gold yeah
[21:36] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah you forgot to /reloadslic
[21:36] <maq> k
[21:37] <maq> whats next?
[21:37] <MartinGuehmann> Now we have the for size Barbarian killer stack, I think they need some restoration before they kill the next Barb.
[21:37] <MartinGuehmann> Of course near Linz.
[21:37] <maq> i agree
[21:37] <Tamerlin> Send them back to Linz?
[21:38] <maq> or we could just move the injured hopelite back
[21:38] <MartinGuehmann> Yes, and doen and grouped them into the defenders stack.
[21:38] <maq> oh ok
[21:38] <MartinGuehmann> So, all units are moved, anything else left?
[21:38] <Tamerlin> Of course, exchanging a healthy Hoplite against a wounded one.
[21:39] <maq> ive moved my 4 stack back to linz now...
[21:39] <maq> i wouldve said replace that hoplite but its too late now
[21:39] <MartinGuehmann> I did it as well.
[21:39] <maq> no big deal
[21:40] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah as Pedrunns deligate you should start the sentence with ORDER: if it is an order.
[21:40] <maq> oh ok
[21:40] <MartinGuehmann> OK anything else left?
[21:40] <maq> nope not on mine
[21:40] <maq> how mant turns we playing?
[21:40] <maq> many*
[21:40] <Locutus> diplomacy
[21:41] <Tamerlin> OK, reality fixed here! Checking the cities.
[21:41] <MartinGuehmann> We palyed tree turns.
[21:41] <Locutus> mutual tresspass agreement to india and isreal. request first, meek
[21:41] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah diplomacy, Locutus do you think we should spend more mony now.
[21:41] <Tamerlin> We can end the turn
[21:41] <maq> no i mean how many are we going to play tonight?
[21:41] <Locutus> how happy are those civs?
[21:42] <MartinGuehmann> I hope some more turns.
[21:42] <Tamerlin> Still discontent
[21:42] <MartinGuehmann> They don't like us.
[21:42] <Tamerlin> 3 others at least Maq...
[21:43] <MartinGuehmann> Locutus?
[21:43] <maq> ok ive got enough time, just wondering...
[21:44] <MartinGuehmann> In the meantime Tamerlin anything in the cities to change?
[21:44] <maq> turambar is online
[21:44] <Tamerlin> I have forgotten the Farmer in Wels he should be removed now
[21:44] <Locutus> hmmm...
[21:45] <Locutus> what personality are they?
[21:45] <Tamerlin> India: Evil Genius
[21:46] <Tamerlin> Israel: populist Zealot
[21:46] <MartinGuehmann> For the farmer I would say let them there so the city grows next turn.
[21:46] <maq> sent turambar a PM
[21:46] <MartinGuehmann> Good, maq
[21:46] <Tamerlin> Martin, will not change next turn in both cases...
[21:47] <maq> 1 farmer seems enough in wels IMO
[21:47] <MartinGuehmann> Then it will take two turns.
[21:48] <Tamerlin> ORDER: remove one farmer in Wels
[21:48] <maq> not my decision tho
[21:48] <Locutus> offer mutual non-tresspass to Israel - let's see if they bite...
[21:48] <Tamerlin> It will take two turns wether we let the second farmer or not Maq...
[21:48] <Tamerlin> Done and accepted
[21:49] <Locutus> goody, if martin gets the same result, repeat for India
[21:50] <MartinGuehmann> Done for the farmer. Now do diplomacy.
[21:50] <maq> they accepted on mine
[21:50] <maq> anything else after diplomacy?
[21:51] <MartinGuehmann> Israel rejected.
[21:51] <maq> :O
[21:51] <maq> did u request first?
[21:51] <MartinGuehmann> Yes
[21:51] <maq> strange
[21:52] <Tamerlin>
[21:52] <maq> i guess we have to use your save tho so...
[21:52] <MartinGuehmann> So should I give them 100 gold instead?
[21:53] <Locutus> hmmm...
[21:53] <Locutus> all 3 of you try india now
[21:53] <maq> they accepted me
[21:54] <Tamerlin> Accepted
[21:54] <MartinGuehmann> Rejected.
[21:54] <Tamerlin>
[21:54] <maq> indeed
[21:55] <MartinGuehmann> Meek, Request first and offer second. That was I did.
[21:55] <maq> same here
[21:55] <Tamerlin> same
[21:55] <Locutus> methinks Martin has defected
[21:55] <Locutus> he's working for the Austrians...
[21:55] <Tamerlin>
[21:55] <maq> :O
[21:55] <Tamerlin> He is a double agent
[21:55] <MartinGuehmann> So should I give to both 100 gold?
[21:56] <maq> can we spare it?
[21:56] <Locutus> hmmm....
[21:56] <MartinGuehmann> Yes.
[21:56] <Locutus> very well, let's give them 1 more chance...
[21:56] <Locutus> or do you guys disagree?
[21:56] <maq> nah
[21:56] <Tamerlin> Tell us where you have hidden the money now Martin...
[21:56] <maq> that means our saves are different again tho
[21:56] <maq> lol
[21:56] <MartinGuehmann> So I do it now.
[21:57] <maq> yep
[21:57] <Tamerlin> I agree to give them 100 gold but I won't agree another time...
[21:57] <MartinGuehmann> If you want to know it Chichen Itza costs now something like 2500 and we have something like 4100
[21:58] <MartinGuehmann> Gold was given to both civs.
[21:59] <MartinGuehmann> So end turn now?
[21:59] <MartinGuehmann> maq, Tamerlin?
[22:00] <Locutus> I won't make the offer another time, Tam
[22:00] <maq> oh well, plenty to waste
[22:00] <Tamerlin>
[22:00] <maq> i say we kick their ass *shakes big stick*
[22:00] <Tamerlin> Done
[22:00] <Tamerlin> Yes
[22:00] <maq> yeah
[22:00] <Tamerlin> yes
[22:00] <maq> yep
[22:01] <MartinGuehmann> Yes to what, to end turn?
[22:01] <maq> yeah
[22:01] <Tamerlin> Yes
[22:01] <MartinGuehmann> END OF TURN 109Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
Transcript of 15th Turn Chat Part 3
[22:01] <Tamerlin>
[22:02] <MartinGuehmann> The Germans finished the Appian Way.
[22:02] <maq> yes
[22:02] <Tamerlin> New settler in Pressburg, yes for wonder
[22:03] <maq> someone started building pyramids too
[22:03] <MartinGuehmann> And Mehemet will finish the Pyramid soon.
[22:03] <maq> mehmet
[22:03] <maq> yeah
[22:03] <Tamerlin> yes
[22:04] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah the settler in Pressburg is finished and far away from possible settling locations.
[22:04] <Tamerlin> I think we should take some time to look at the various armies in our cities and think about the oragnization of an attack on Wien
[22:05] <maq> what about near that square of grassland south west of pressburg?
[22:05] <maq> on the austrian border
[22:05] <Tamerlin> The settler could be send between Pedrunnia and Linz near the Potatoe
[22:05] <maq> we could send a large army and settle a new city at the same time
[22:06] <Tamerlin> we don't have a large army
[22:06] <MartinGuehmann> Well I would send the settler to H Town first there we have a big army for its protection.
[22:06] <maq> we have enough to defend it
[22:06] * The-Gingerbread-Man has joined #lemuria
[22:06] <The-Gingerbread-Man> Are you still going here?
[22:06] <The-Gingerbread-Man>
[22:07] <maq> take a few from each city
[22:07] <maq> upto you two
[22:08] <Tamerlin> We should better stage an attack on Wien IMO
[22:08] <maq> where would the settler go then?
[22:08] <maq> theres another good settling spot near essen
[22:09] <Tamerlin> Near the Potato site between Pedrunnia and Linz
[22:09] * Nimrod has joined #lemuria
[22:09] <Tamerlin> Hi Nimrod
[22:09] <MartinGuehmann> Hi Nimrod
[22:09] <Nimrod> halo
[22:10] <maq> yeah but we own that territory already, we can settle there later
[22:10] <MartinGuehmann> I think North of Wels there is no room for our settlers.
[22:10] <MartinGuehmann> So the next step would be to move it to H Town.
[22:10] <maq> yeah
[22:10] <Tamerlin> yes
[22:10] <MartinGuehmann> There we could give the settler an escord and decide then.
[22:11] <Tamerlin> Yep
[22:11] <maq> k
[22:11] <Tamerlin> Done
[22:11] <maq> yep
[22:12] <MartinGuehmann> And which parth you used for the settler?
[22:12] <maq> south east i did
[22:12] <MartinGuehmann> Probably the path given by the game?
[22:12] <Tamerlin> same
[22:13] <MartinGuehmann> Done and grouped the new Hopelite in Wels into the defenders.
[22:13] <maq> k
[22:13] <Tamerlin> done
[22:14] <maq> yep
[22:14] <MartinGuehmann> Now I have Bait, the only possible move I see is going South with this escorde.
[22:14] <maq> yeah
[22:14] <Tamerlin> Agreed
[22:14] <MartinGuehmann> Done, now we have Goodsight.
[22:15] <maq> erm i cant go south, theres a celt settler there lol
[22:15] <Tamerlin> SE
[22:15] <Tamerlin> Goodsight SW sorry
[22:15] <MartinGuehmann> In my game there is the settler SE SE of Bait.
[22:15] * Nimrod has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:16] <Tamerlin> I also have a celt settler, expell?
[22:16] <maq> we cant expel it in their territory :\
[22:16] <MartinGuehmann> Tamerlin you can't expell it is in Celtic territory.
[22:16] <Tamerlin> I was joking...
[22:16] <maq> lol
[22:16] <maq> ok leave it there
[22:17] <maq> goodsight move east
[22:17] <Tamerlin> East?
[22:17] <maq> its less unknown
[22:17] <MartinGuehmann> I thought we rather wanted to explore the unknown tereitory.
[22:17] <maq> west lol
[22:17] <Tamerlin>
[22:17] <Tamerlin> Order?
[22:18] <maq> move it directly west
[22:18] <maq> yes thats an order
[22:18] <MartinGuehmann> Done, and grouped the new archer in Linz into the defenders.
[22:18] <Tamerlin> Martin, did you moved Bait South...
[22:19] <MartinGuehmann> Yes
[22:19] <maq> are we gonna move 4 back out of linz?
[22:19] <Tamerlin> OK, I fix reality
[22:19] <maq> how can u move bait south?
[22:20] <MartinGuehmann> I wouldn't do it we won't reach the Babrbs this turn.
[22:20] <Tamerlin> I think we should rather think about building two armies and attack Wien, there is no settler to the South in Martin's game
[22:20] <MartinGuehmann> Becuase no settler is there.
[22:20] <maq> poop well i have a settler
[22:22] <Tamerlin> Reality fixed...
[22:22] <maq> where did u move it
[22:22] <maq> the settler?
[22:22] <Tamerlin> South
[22:22] <MartinGuehmann> OK, screenshot posted.
[22:23] <MartinGuehmann> So I think we should move two units from MP to Pedrunnia to bring some units to the front.
[22:24] <Tamerlin> I would take four units from MP garrison
[22:24] <MartinGuehmann> Or better to have an escort available for the settler in LC next turn
[22:24] * The-Gingerbread-Man has quit IRC (Quit: )
[22:25] <Tamerlin> Where do we send it?
[22:25] <maq> move 6 3a 3h from MP up the river?
[22:25] <maq> that leaves 3 in MP
[22:25] <maq> thoughts?
[22:26] <Tamerlin> I would take out 2H and 2A...
[22:26] <Tamerlin> That would leave enough units to defend against a reasonable force
[22:26] <MartinGuehmann> Well six units is a lot
[22:26] <maq> yeah but its building more
[22:27] <MartinGuehmann> So I think we should take then the 6 units.
[22:27] <Tamerlin> Order?
[22:27] <maq> upto you two, i think six
[22:27] <MartinGuehmann> So six
[22:27] <maq> ok ORDER: move 3h 3a
[22:27] <Tamerlin> Is it a thought or an order?
[22:28] <MartinGuehmann> I hope to CL.
[22:28] <maq> an ORDER
[22:28] <maq> ok so move west twice
[22:29] <Tamerlin> Done
[22:29] <MartinGuehmann> Done, anything left?
[22:29] <maq> not on mine
[22:29] <maq> any diplomacy?
[22:30] <MartinGuehmann> I think we should give them one more turn and then ask.
[22:30] <maq> k
[22:30] <maq> end turn?
[22:31] <MartinGuehmann> Tamerlin?
[22:31] <Tamerlin> I agree with you Martin and end turn
[22:31] <maq> k
[22:31] <MartinGuehmann> END OF TURN 110
[22:32] <Locutus> did you do diplomacy?
[22:32] <MartinGuehmann> No, we wanted to give them one more turn.
[22:32] <Locutus> that's a bad idea. oh well...
[22:32] <Tamerlin> Bismarck nearing completion of Chichén Itzà, we have preferred to wait for the next turn (now) Locutus
[22:33] <MartinGuehmann> In my game too.
[22:33] <maq> yeah
[22:33] <MartinGuehmann> I would say rush buy it.
[22:33] <maq> last turn for me this one :\
[22:33] <maq> i agree
[22:33] <MartinGuehmann> Tamerlin?
[22:33] <Tamerlin> Order: rush-buy Chichen-Itza
[22:33] <maq> k
[22:33] <MartinGuehmann> Done.
[22:34] <Tamerlin> Done
[22:34] <maq> yep
[22:34] <maq> do you need a delegate for MoD still to continue? ive got to go in a little while
[22:35] <MartinGuehmann> Tamerlin is next on Pedrunn's list so we have one.
[22:35] <maq> ok good
[22:35] <Tamerlin>
[22:35] <maq> youll be controlling the whole civ next
[22:35] <Tamerlin>
[22:35] <MartinGuehmann> The Germans learnt that they shouldn't move their settlers so near MP
[22:35] <maq>
[22:36] <Tamerlin> Expelled, gently though...
[22:36] <maq> lol
[22:36] <MartinGuehmann> I would do it we could do it this turn, so I would suggest a sandwich strategy.
[22:37] <MartinGuehmann> Move one hop out of Pedrunnia to the settler and one from CL and it shouldn't escape.
[22:37] <maq> if it gets stuck theyll send units after it
[22:38] <Tamerlin> Good move Matin
[22:38] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah but that needs some turns and then it is expelled.
[22:38] <Tamerlin> Martin...
[22:38] <MartinGuehmann> So one unit NW of CL
[22:39] <MartinGuehmann> and one unit E of Pedrunnia
[22:39] <MartinGuehmann> both Hopelites.
[22:39] <MartinGuehmann> maq, Tamerlin?
[22:39] <maq> yes
[22:39] <Tamerlin> yes
[22:40] <Tamerlin> Done
[22:40] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[22:41] <maq> next?
[22:41] <MartinGuehmann> And group another in Graz into the defenders.
[22:41] <Tamerlin> IMO, Bait should be moved West and then West next turn
[22:42] <maq> isnt that where the 12 stack is?
[22:42] <Tamerlin> No more stack following me in my game
[22:42] <MartinGuehmann> I can't the size 12 stack is there and a settler is South
[22:42] <MartinGuehmann> I can move it SE
[22:42] <maq> in might be in the fog somewhere, its somewhere west tho isnt it
[22:43] <Tamerlin> I suppose you can't move SW
[22:43] <MartinGuehmann> No I can move SE, SW is the size 12 stack's ZOC
[22:44] <MartinGuehmann> I should read more carefully next time: can't instaed of can
[22:44] <MartinGuehmann> So SE?
[22:44] <Tamerlin> If we south we will sooner or later enter the German territory but we need to go West at some time, I would say south
[22:44] <Tamerlin> if we go south... sorry
[22:45] <MartinGuehmann> There is a settler I can't
[22:45] <Tamerlin> Stand still, the settler will move
[22:45] <MartinGuehmann> So Soth-East?
[22:45] <Tamerlin> I would say Stand still for this turn, Maq?
[22:45] <maq> i agree
[22:45] <MartinGuehmann> No, not with the size 12 stack West of the warrior.
[22:46] <Tamerlin> OK, SE
[22:46] <MartinGuehmann> maq?
[22:46] <maq> ok
[22:46] <maq> im not moving anymore but i see what ur saying now
[22:46] <MartinGuehmann> Done.
[22:46] <MartinGuehmann> So moving Goodsight, West?
[22:46] <maq> i would say yes
[22:47] <MartinGuehmann> Tamerlin?
[22:47] <Tamerlin> ok
[22:47] <Tamerlin> yes
[22:47] <MartinGuehmann> I am doing it.
[22:47] <MartinGuehmann> Goodsight moved west.
[22:47] <Tamerlin> Nothing new to the west
[22:47] <MartinGuehmann> OK I have now the new settler in CL
[22:48] <Tamerlin> Yes, where to send it?
[22:48] <Tamerlin> To the South, in the Grasslands explored by GoodSight?
[22:48] <maq> ok
[22:48] <MartinGuehmann> I would send it to the South with the hill region, so that we have the region under controll
[22:49] <MartinGuehmann> At least it should go South.
[22:49] <MartinGuehmann> How many units use we to secure its path?
[22:49] <Tamerlin> The problem is the hills will not allow for a quick Growth... 1H and 1A
[22:50] <maq> yep
[22:50] <MartinGuehmann> Yes but I don't want to see the Germans there.
[22:50] <Tamerlin> True
[22:50] <MartinGuehmann> So the cities needs some farmers then.
[22:50] * changes topic to 'CtP1 Democracy Game'
[22:50] <MartinGuehmann> OK one hopelite and one archer
[22:50] <maq> hmm
[22:51] <maq> yeah
[22:51] <MartinGuehmann> And I though we are playing a CTP2 DG game.
[22:51] <Tamerlin> We could use this new city as a settler factory and settle the lands explored by GoodSight
[22:51] <maq> yeah no wonder im lost
[22:51] <Locutus> oops, wrong channel name
[22:51] <Tamerlin>
[22:51] <MartinGuehmann>
[22:51] * changes topic to 'CtP2 Democracy Game -- Turn Chat NOW!!!'
[22:52] <Locutus> I guess I no longer need to tell you the CtP1DG ended now
[22:52] <MartinGuehmann> OK I take 1 A 1 H and 1 S stack them and move them one South
[22:52] <maq> how many turns did u play?
[22:52] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah Locutus that was a short chat wasn't it.
[22:52] <maq> lightweights
[22:53] <Locutus> yeah, missed some important orders
[22:53] <Tamerlin>We should explore the lands north of GoodSight, we could have some surprises.
[22:53] <Locutus> no, you guys are just slow
[22:53] <maq> true lol
[22:53] <maq> i wish it could be played in a window
[22:53] <Locutus> you played like, what, 3 turns in 4 hours?
[22:53] <Tamerlin> Hard week-end for some of us it seems... Put me in the lot...
[22:54] <maq> thats why civ2 DG go so quick im sure
[22:54] <MartinGuehmann> Seem lika that so how many in CTP1 DG?
[22:54] <MartinGuehmann> OK let's continue.
[22:55] <maq> anymore orders?
[22:55] * The-Gingerbread-Man has joined #lemuria
[22:55] <MartinGuehmann> We still have the settler in CL.
[22:55] <Locutus> a few monre. something like 5 or 6, I think. Someone decided to build a settler without polling a new city site first
[22:55] <maq> lol
[22:55] <The-Gingerbread-Man>
[22:56] <maq> someone?
[22:56] <Tamerlin> Wasn't it moved?
[22:56] <Locutus> not me
[22:56] <Tamerlin> We should move the Six Units stack to CL...
[22:56] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah Tamerlin don't forget to poll the new city sites for the settlers.
[22:56] <Locutus> I thought we were building a warrior...
[22:56] <Tamerlin> OK...
[22:56] <maq> lol
[22:56] <Tamerlin> Thanks for the reminder Martin.
[22:56] <MartinGuehmann> I gave it a pathed move order so it is now in CL
[22:57] <Tamerlin> Done
[22:57] <MartinGuehmann> So speaking about reaching new city sites.
[22:57] <MartinGuehmann> How many units for the escord of the settler in CL?
[22:57] <maq> can we spare 3?
[22:58] <MartinGuehmann> of -> for
[22:58] <Locutus> depends on where it's going, I suppose
[22:58] <maq> we'll need 3 to garrison anyhow
[22:58] <MartinGuehmann> Yes two Archers and two Hopelites.
[22:58] <Tamerlin> Somewhere in the hills south of our empire... I thought we agreed on 1H and 1A
[22:58] <MartinGuehmann> That's correct three would give the new city a nice kick start.
[22:59] <Tamerlin> 1 more Archer?
[22:59] <maq> 2h and 1a, to keep happiness up
[22:59] <MartinGuehmann> Was this an order maq?
[22:59] <Locutus> 2 units should do then...
[22:59] <maq> im not sure
[22:59] <maq> i dont have the game open it crashed again :\
[23:00] <maq> if we can spare 3 then we should use 3
[23:00] <MartinGuehmann> We have the stck from MP in the city.
[23:00] <Tamerlin> We need units on the Austrian front if we want to attack WSien
[23:00] <Tamerlin> Wien
[23:00] <MartinGuehmann> That's right Tamerlin.
[23:01] <Tamerlin> I think 1H and 1A should do the trick...
[23:01] <MartinGuehmann> So I vote for 1 A 1 H 1 S and group them and go one South.
[23:01] <maq> 3 is maximum for martial law
[23:01] <MartinGuehmann> No it is 4
[23:01] <Tamerlin> I agree with 1H + 1A + 1S
[23:01] <MartinGuehmann> So maq?
[23:01] <maq> ok yeah those 3
[23:02] <maq> is it 4 in despotism?
[23:02] <Tamerlin> Yes
[23:02] <maq> 3 in monarchy i think then
[23:03] <MartinGuehmann> OK stack grouped, so we agree on Soth?
[23:03] <maq> yeah
[23:03] <Tamerlin> Yes
[23:03] <MartinGuehmann> OK the stack is moved, South.
[23:03] <Tamerlin> Done
[23:04] <MartinGuehmann> Grouped the new Archer in H Town into the defenders.
[23:04] * Zephyr has joined #lemuria
[23:05] <MartinGuehmann> And give the wait order to the Hopelite NW of CL
[23:05] <MartinGuehmann> Hi Zephyr
[23:05] <Tamerlin> Hi IW
[23:05] <MartinGuehmann> All units are now moved.
[23:05] <Zephyr> hi
[23:05] <Zephyr> busy tonight
[23:05] <MartinGuehmann> So anything left?
[23:06] <maq> any diplomacy?
[23:06] <MartinGuehmann> Yeah and I must see that waiting was a bad idea.
[23:06] <MartinGuehmann> Locutus?
[23:06] <Tamerlin> Non Tresspass agreement with India and Israel?
[23:06] <Locutus> offer mutual non-tresspass to israel
[23:07] <MartinGuehmann> and the request first...
[23:08] <MartinGuehmann> Rejected
[23:08] <maq> ugh
[23:08] <maq> martin's copy of ctp2 doesnt like him
[23:08] <Locutus> bah.
[23:08] <MartinGuehmann> So anything left?
[23:08] <Locutus> screw them, then
[23:09] <maq> kick their ass
[23:09] <Locutus> try india, while we're at it
[23:09] <Tamerlin> Locutus, you are insisting on the fact the request must always be presented first, why? Is there any effect on the game?
[23:09] <maq> es
[23:09] <maq> yes it does
[23:09] <Tamerlin> :conhused:
[23:09] <Locutus> yes, the AI wants it that way, or it'll reject by default
[23:09] <Locutus> it's a bug
[23:09] <Locutus> I hope...
[23:09] <Tamerlin> OK, didn't knew that.
[23:09] <Locutus> I told you twice already
[23:09] <maq> or a clever "feature" as firaxians would say
[23:10] <MartinGuehmann> OK, anything left?
[23:10] <Locutus> did you try India yet?
[23:10] <MartinGuehmann> No
[23:10] <Tamerlin> You have already told it to me...Not for me Martin...
[23:10] <Locutus> do so now
[23:11] <MartinGuehmann> Rejected
[23:11] <Locutus> one moment...
[23:12] <Tamerlin> This is the first time I have seen such proposal refused...
[23:12] <MartinGuehmann> Well I could treat them.
[23:13] <Locutus> try that on India, yes
[23:13] <Tamerlin> With our pointy sticks...
[23:14] <Zephyr> yay! pointy sticks
[23:14] <MartinGuehmann> Still rejected.
[23:14] <Locutus> offer peace to Israel
[23:14] <Locutus> threaten if needed
[23:15] <MartinGuehmann> Rejected even with threat.
[23:15] <Locutus> k, screw both of them and continue...
[23:15] <MartinGuehmann> You mean another threat?
[23:15] <Locutus>no, just continue
[23:16] <Tamerlin> There is something weird, the difference between your game and ours are really big, even Gilgamensh game (he uses a german version of CtP2) is very different from yours and most of the time our games are following the same path
[23:16] <MartinGuehmann> OK anything left?
[23:16] <Tamerlin> No
[23:16] <maq> german versions are more angry aparently
[23:17] <MartinGuehmann> Well Tamerlin that is the randomness of the game.
[23:17] <Locutus> sh*t happens. no, mapfi's version was fine, maq...
[23:17] <MartinGuehmann> So end turn?
[23:17] <Tamerlin> Yes
[23:17] <Locutus> yup
[23:17] <MartinGuehmann> END OF TURN 111Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
Transcript of 15th Turn Chat Part 4
[23:17] <Locutus> how long do you plan on continuing? (don't worry, I'm not going anywhere)
[23:18] <maq> that was my last turn
[23:18] <maq> im gonna bed g'night
[23:18] * maq has quit IRC (Quit: )
[23:18] <Locutus> goodnight
[23:18] <Tamerlin> Around midnight I guess... cease fire from the Austrian
[23:18] <Locutus> cease fire?
[23:18] <MartinGuehmann> Nothing from the Austrians.
[23:19] <Locutus> ah, ok
[23:19] <Locutus> get it now
[23:19] <MartinGuehmann> Wonder movies are
[23:19] <Locutus> you still have those turned on? disabled them years ago...
[23:19] <Locutus> got old...
[23:19] * The-Gingerbread-Man has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[23:20] <MartinGuehmann> Actual they are fun and that is one thing that is missing in Civ3
[23:20] <Locutus> they're fun...for the first few 100 times... they get old after that
[23:20] <Tamerlin>
[23:20] <MartinGuehmann> Well the German settler escaped
[23:21] <MartinGuehmann> I would move now our settler with the stack one West to cut off its way.
[23:22] <Tamerlin> In my game, one of the Hoplite circling the Settler has been attacked by a Samurai Barb and the settler is still here... ok for the move Martin
[23:22] <MartinGuehmann> So I move it one West no Samurai seen.
[23:23] <MartinGuehmann> So what about the hopelites outside of the cities, should we miove them back?
[23:23] <Tamerlin> Yes
[23:23] <MartinGuehmann> Locutus?
[23:24] <MartinGuehmann> Doing it.
[23:24] <Tamerlin> Was about to give the order...
[23:24] <MartinGuehmann> I thought that was an order.
[23:25] * The-Gingerbread-Man has joined #lemuria
[23:25] <MartinGuehmann> OK, both hopelites are back in the cities.
[23:25] <Tamerlin> It was until you asked: Locutus?
[23:25] <Tamerlin> OK, where can you move Bait
[23:25] <MartinGuehmann> He did not replied
[23:26] <MartinGuehmann> All directions
[23:26] <Tamerlin> It should then move West
[23:26] <MartinGuehmann> Then it is West of the Celtic size 12 stack
[23:27] <MartinGuehmann> so I prefer NW
[23:27] <Tamerlin> I agree, it would give us more possibilities for the next turn
[23:27] <MartinGuehmann> So I move Bait NW
[23:27] <Tamerlin> Yes
[23:28] <Tamerlin> Done
[23:28] <MartinGuehmann> Done
[23:28] <MartinGuehmann> I would move Goodsight now North
[23:28] <Tamerlin> GoodSight should go to the North in order to explore the area we could settle...
[23:29] <MartinGuehmann> So was this an order?
[23:29] <Tamerlin> Orer: move GS North
[23:29] <Tamerlin> Order...
[23:29] <Tamerlin> Done
[23:29] <MartinGuehmann> CTP2 Crashed
[23:29] <Tamerlin>
[23:30] <MartinGuehmann> So I have to restart my computer.
[23:30] <MartinGuehmann> Restarting
[23:30] <Tamerlin> OK, see you soon, don't minf if I smoke a cigarette?
[23:30] <Tamerlin> ok
[23:30] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sun Mar 16 23:30:32 2003
Session Start: Sun Mar 16 23:35:59 2003
Session Ident: #Lemuria
[23:35] * Now talking in #Lemuria
[23:35] * Topic is 'CtP2 Democracy Game -- Turn Chat NOW!!!'
[23:35] * Set by Locutus on Sun Mar 16 22:44:33
[23:36] <MartinGuehmann> OK I am back now.
[23:36] <Locutus> so I read
[23:36] <Tamerlin> Do you have a good save...
[23:36] <MartinGuehmann> I used the fast save it was end of the last turn
[23:37] <MartinGuehmann> I ended the turn
[23:37] <MartinGuehmann> moved Bait NE
[23:37] <Tamerlin> GoodSight North
[23:37] <MartinGuehmann> moved the settler stack West, to block the German settler
[23:37] <Tamerlin> yes
[23:38] <Tamerlin> Hoplites back in Pedrunnia and CL
[23:38] <MartinGuehmann> Yes
[23:38] <MartinGuehmann> I have now the Settler in H Town, how many units do we need for the escort
[23:38] <MartinGuehmann> And moved Goodsight North
[23:39] <MartinGuehmann> Tamerlin?
[23:39] <Tamerlin> OK, as we are closer to the Austrian territory I would send 1H+2A or 2H+2A
[23:39] <MartinGuehmann> Rather 2H+2A
[23:40] <Tamerlin> I agree, where do we send it, to the hills in the south?
[23:41] <MartinGuehmann> First site would be the hills in the South or the site between Pedrunnia and Linz
[23:41] <MartinGuehmann> Tamerlin?
[23:42] <Tamerlin> You don't like the site between Pedrunnia and Linz, too close?
[23:42] <MartinGuehmann> The hills or that site.
[23:43] <Tamerlin> The potato site
[23:43] <MartinGuehmann> potato site, hills it nust go anyway to this direction.
[23:44] <Tamerlin> Ok
[23:44] <Tamerlin> Order: move the new stack SE + SE
Session Start: Sun Mar 16 23:48:07 2003
Session Ident: #Lemuria
[23:48] * Now talking in #Lemuria
[23:48] * Topic is 'CtP2 Democracy Game -- Turn Chat NOW!!!'
[23:48] * Set by Locutus on Sun Mar 16 22:44:33
[23:48] <Tamerlin> Did you have another Problem Martin?
[23:48] <MartinG> OK, CTP2 crashed again. But this time I had an fastsave from just before.
[23:49] <MartinG> So I grouped the settler in H Town with 2 A and 2 H
[23:49] <MartinG> So what's the destination of our settler?
[23:49] <Tamerlin> Yes, Locutus reminded me we should poll the settler's location, though I think we can move it south
[23:50] <MartinG> Yeah.
[23:50] <Locutus> I think we should poll is now
[23:50] <Locutus> the people may want it to go north
[23:50] <MartinG> Here in the chat?
[23:50] <Locutus> or east
[23:50] <Locutus> or west
[23:50] <Locutus> no, end the chat and poll
[23:50] <Locutus> continue in ~3 days
[23:50] <Tamerlin> OK
[23:51] <Tamerlin> Martin, do you still plan to hold the chat Wednesday?
[23:52] <MartinG> OK, first about the poll: Tamerlin you should post the polls about the two settling sites now.
[23:52] <Tamerlin> OK
[23:52] <MartinG> For the chat depends now when my term will actual ends.
[23:53] <Tamerlin> We could move all the units to the exception of the settlers and end the turn...
[23:53] <MartinG> Yes we should do this.
[23:53] <Tamerlin> What is left...
[23:54] <Tamerlin> The reinforcements CL
[23:54] * The-Gingerbread-Man has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:54] <MartinG> Yes, how many units should we leave in CL?
[23:54] <Tamerlin> 4
[23:55] <Tamerlin> 2H + 2A
[23:55] <MartinG> And the rest would go to Pedrunnia.
[23:55] <Tamerlin> Yes
[23:56] <MartinG> OK 4 to Pedrunnia and for stay there. Doing it.
[23:57] <Tamerlin> It seems there is nothing else to move.
[23:57] * MartinGuehmann has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[23:57] <MartinG> So we still have the Pyramid in the build queue. We should remove it.
[23:57] <Tamerlin> Right
[23:58] <Zephyr> nite nite
[23:58] * Zephyr has left #lemuria
[23:58] <MartinG> Done and extended the build queue with Hopelite and an Archer.
[23:59] <Tamerlin> I was about to propose it...
[23:59] <MartinG> And grouped all the remaining new units into the defenders.
[23:59] <MartinG> So all units moved.
[23:59] <Tamerlin> OK
Due to a crash 45 minutes later on my computer I lost the rest of the transscript but that shouldn't be too much, what is missing is that I announced to plan the next chat on Wednesday on 18:00 GMT.
And of course:
[XX:XX] <MartinG> END OF 15TH TURN CHATCiv2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"