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RESOLUTION: Should we Research Trade?

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  • RESOLUTION: Should we Research Trade?

    We are currently researching drama to gives:

    - Theater building (+2 happines)
    - Entertaner Specialist (+1 happiness)

    But I believe we should change the reseach from Drama to Trade. Therefore granting us with:

    - Caravans (eneables trade)
    - Roads TI (1/3 move cost)
    - Bazaar building (+10% Gold)
    - Appian Way Wonder (eliminates distance unhappiness)

    I think we could use the roads to make our units move faster inside our empire therefore improveing our defense. And sure Caravans are necessary to start trade to gives us gold. Rather then the prior happiness of Drama.

    This poll expire in 3 from today (29/02/03)
    Yes! :b:
    No! :q:
    Abstain! :confused:

    The poll is expired.

    Last edited by Pedrunn; February 27, 2003, 00:18.
    "Kill a man and you are a murder.
    Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
    Kill all and you are a God!"
    -Jean Rostand

  • #2
    Roads are becoming increasingly important for the MoDA to have. I say Yes.


    • #3
      Happiness will become important once we grow. But roads and trade are more important now IMHO. Research trade.
      If something doesn't feel right, you're not feeling the right thing.


      • #4
        Oh.. you mean CHANGE from Drama now?


        Finish Drama... then get Trade

        We have no capacity at the moment to build roads or caravans. Not to mention not enough viable goods to make trade worthwhile now.

        We will and do have an immediate need for entertainers. Anyone who was at the last game saw the issue that war discontent caused us. We need a per city way of dealing with happiness. For this we should get Drama, ASAP.

        I agree the next one to go for after that is Trade. But not instead of Drama. Trade has little benefit to us 'NOW'.



        • #5
          Originally posted by MrBaggins
          Finish Drama... then get Trade

          We have no capacity at the moment to build roads or caravans. Not to mention not enough viable goods to make trade worthwhile now.

          We will and do have an immediate need for entertainers. Anyone who was at the last game saw the issue that war discontent caused us. We need a per city way of dealing with happiness. For this we should get Drama, ASAP.

          I agree the next one to go for after that is Trade. But not instead of Drama. Trade has little benefit to us 'NOW'.

          I agree here we need to finish Drama now. Most of our cities need a lot of turns to grow, because I gave our people more food to make them more happy, but actual this was only needed in two cities, so entertainers give us the ability to let our cities grow and make them happy. So Trade should be researched after Drama.

          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


          • #6
            It is not clear wether the poll is about researching Trade after we have discovered Drama or whether it is about changing from Drama to Trade.

            I need more details from Pedrunn before voting.

            I would vote no if the poll is about changing our current research field while I would vote yes if it is about Trade as our next research. Moreover, Trade being a prerequisite for Monarchy I can not agree more.
            "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


            • #7
              Cahnge from Drama to Trade now. I made it clear in the first post
              "Kill a man and you are a murder.
              Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
              Kill all and you are a God!"
              -Jean Rostand


              • #8
                I can only 2nd/3rd Mrbaggins/Martin.

                We would loose research (I think) and we would loose the possibilties of entertainers.

                Also as already mentioned we don't have the resources to use trade. Even as it would be nice to have roads, we don't have the PW's.


                • #9
                  Thanks for the precision Pedrunn, unfortunately I disagree with you, we need Drama and Trade as one of our goals is also to reach Monarchy as quick as possible. Drama would help us manage our cities and bring our people some happiness in this time of war and sorrow.
                  We must research Drama and then Trade...
                  "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill

