We are currently researching drama to gives:
- Theater building (+2 happines)
- Entertaner Specialist (+1 happiness)
But I believe we should change the reseach from Drama to Trade. Therefore granting us with:
- Caravans (eneables trade)
- Roads TI (1/3 move cost)
- Bazaar building (+10% Gold)
- Appian Way Wonder (eliminates distance unhappiness)
I think we could use the roads to make our units move faster inside our empire therefore improveing our defense. And sure Caravans are necessary to start trade to gives us gold. Rather then the prior happiness of Drama.
This poll expire in 3 from today (29/02/03)
- Theater building (+2 happines)
- Entertaner Specialist (+1 happiness)
But I believe we should change the reseach from Drama to Trade. Therefore granting us with:
- Caravans (eneables trade)
- Roads TI (1/3 move cost)
- Bazaar building (+10% Gold)
- Appian Way Wonder (eliminates distance unhappiness)
I think we could use the roads to make our units move faster inside our empire therefore improveing our defense. And sure Caravans are necessary to start trade to gives us gold. Rather then the prior happiness of Drama.
This poll expire in 3 from today (29/02/03)