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ELECTION: Term 3 Judge Position

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  • ELECTION: Term 3 Judge Position

    ELECTION: Term 3 Judge Position

    Dear Apolemurians,

    this election is to vote for a new judge, who will serve a three month term.

    The only person running for this office is H Tower.

    Therefore the poll will be only a Yes/No/Abstain-poll, with the meaning:

    Yes = You want H Tower to become a elected judge
    No = You reject H Tower as a judge
    Abstain = You don't care.

    This poll will expire in 5 days on the 20th February 2003, 14:00 GMT.

    In the name of our constitution and the name of our people, Senior Justice Gilgamensch
    abstain/don't care

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    H Tower,

    was an excellent jusdge already, therefore my vote.

    By the way Gilgamensch the name Apolymuria for our civ was rejected in favour of Lemuria.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • #3
      H got the vote.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #4
        thank you everyone who has already voted for me. To those who have not voted, I will tell you that I am politically neutral, and will not take sides with any party, but will do my best to decide fairly in every case, making my choice based upon facts, rather than doing what is best for a party. Now I'm not saying that the candidates a candidate of either party would do such a thing, but you can be 100% proof positive that I won't.


        • #5
          remind me on the judges job....


          • #6
            Article III: Judicial Branch: The Court

            1. Purpose:

            (a) The Court is constituted to rule upon: contested disputes involving legal interpretation, validity of polls and elections, violations of the Constitution, or any other legal dispute involving the game.

            2. Construct of the Court

            (a) The Court is composed of 3 Judges who will serve a three month term of office. There is no limit to the number of terms a Judge may serve.
            (b) Each Judge has to be elected by the people in a seperate election poll. Every month one of the Judge positions shall be open for election. This positition shall be the one of the Judge who has reached the end of his term.
            (c) When the election of a Judge position starts, the Judge who enters the last month of his term becomes the Senior Justice.
            (d) Paragrah 2(c) only applies to regular elections at the end of a Judge's term. It does not apply to elections that take place to replace impeached Judges. The replacement for an impeached Judge shall serve for the remainder of the term that their predecessor served. If the Senior Justice is impeached, the new Judge shall become the Senior Justice. If another Judge was impeached, the Senior Justice shall keep his position.
            (e) A Judge may not serve in other governmental posts.

            3. Cases

            (a) The Court can only rule on cases filed. A case may be filed by any citizen who is not a Judge, by publically notifying the Senior Justice. This case must involve a dispute that the Court is empowered to rule upon.
            (b) The Senior Justice will either accept or deny the case. This decision cannot be appealed. If the case is denied, the Senior Justice will publically inform the filer of the case, explaining the reason for the denial.
            (c) If the case filed deals with the constitutionality of a poll, the judges may make an immediate ruling without the use of a public hearing if all the judges agree with the ruling. The ruling may be challenged by either the owner of the thread or the person who filed the case. A public hearing will then be commenced to hear the case.
            (d) Upon acceptance the Senior Justice is to open a thread with the description of the case. A public hearing will be held in that thread lasting three days.
            (e) After three days, the thread will be closed and the Senior Justice will organize the Court's ruling. At least two Judges must vote on any ruling that is made. Any ruling is immediately official and final as soon as two Judges have voted in favour of it.
            (f) The only possibilty of an appeal is a Resolution poll put up by the citizen that filed the case, the respondent or by a Minister or by the President. In that case, the current verdict is placed on hold until after the appeal is voted upon. The ruling of the Court can be declared void by means of a Resolution poll.
            (g) If a ruling is declared void by appeal, a new public hearing will be held in accordance with paragrahs 3(c), 3(d) and 3(e), with the exception that the public hearing may be closed in less than three days if the Court deems this appropriate.

            4. Rights and responsibilities

            (a) The Court may make its own rules of procedure and enforce them upon citizens who are before it, so long as such rules are in accordance with the constitution.
            (b) The Court will keep a record of all disputes, issues, and hearings before the Court. The Court will also keep a public record of the Constitution in its current form. The Court may appoint a Clerk of the Court to keep these records.
            (c) If the Court rules that the actions of certain Citizens are in violation with the Constitution or other rules of Lemuria, it may hand out punishments to these Citizens if it deems this appropriate. The Court will determine for itself what kind of punishment is applied, the punishment must fit the crime. However, no punishments may permanently affect a Citizens participation in the Democracy Game, the Court may not dismiss active members of government (although it may start up impeachment procedures as described in Article V) and the Court may not alter the Constitution (although it may start an Amendment poll, as described in Article IV Subsection 3-IV).
            (d) Punishments the Court may hand out include but are not limited to: warnings, impeachment procedures, barring Citizens from specific or any government offices in future elections, banning Citizens from the Democracy Game, declaring resolutions void, closing threads or polls, deleting or editing posts or threads, declaring polls invalid. Punishments which require action from the CtP2-Democracy Game forum moderator must be approved by this moderator, who shall offer an explanation to the Court if approval is not given.
            (e) The Court may issue an injunction to halt any aspect of the game for up to 72 hours if at least two Judges agree to do so. Injunctions may only be issued for good cause. An injunction may only be continued beyond 72 hours if all three Judges agrees to do so. An injunction may be overturned at any time by a majority of the Court.
            (f) The Court is responsible for organizing elections. It shall post election polls and nomination threads whenever this is needed, as defined in Article IV and Article V.


            • #7
              so its like the judicial in a normal gov, "the cop"


              • #8
                If chose you as the the namer of one of our cities how could i not choose you here

                Welcome back, H!
                "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                Kill all and you are a God!"
                -Jean Rostand


                • #9
                  Originally posted by HuangShang
                  so its like the judicial in a normal gov, "the cop"
                  well, except that in a democracy "the cops" are part of the executive branch, yes


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
                    H Tower,

                    was an excellent jusdge already, therefore my vote.

                    By the way Gilgamensch the name Apolymuria for our civ was rejected in favour of Lemuria.

                    I couldn't remember, as there was a lot of problems with it and read shortly before the same, so I used it as well......

                    I will not change it, but will keep it in mind.


                    • #11
                      H is top dog in my books, u got my vote
                      All rise of the honourable Miggio, for 2 months at least.


                      • #12
                        Election is over.

                        Congratulations H Tower, or better to say, welcome back to your office


                        • #13
                          You're in my office I've never held the low man's post before

                          Wow, not a single dissenting vote I won't let you guys down

