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WP: Defensive and Offensive force planning

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  • WP: Defensive and Offensive force planning

    As we have struck the first blow in Innsbruck (now H Town) and Pressburg, we now face new strategic issues:

    How strongly should we garrison our original empire and newly conquered acquisitions?
    Where should we attack next?
    How large a force should we send to attack?

    My thoughts are as follows:

    Pressburg is vulnerable but much less valuable than H Town.

    H Town is both valuable and vulnerable

    Pedrunnia is also valuable and vulnerable

    Colonia Locuta is less vulnerable and valuable

    Mapfipolis is slightly more vulnerable and valuable.

    My suggestions are as follows:

    Pressburg: 3 defenders... 2 (1W or 1H & 1A) when conquest distress subsides, 1 being transferred to H Town. Build units for H Town, ASAP. Then assist in building an offensive stack, noted below. Then build up to 4 defenders, 2H & 2A.

    H Town: 10 defenders (5H & 5A) Build units to achieve, ASAP. Then build an offensive stack, also ASAP, noted below.

    Pedrunnia: 8 defenders (4H & 4A) Build units to achieve, ASAP, then build 1H & 1A and a Setttler, to move SW.

    Colonia Locuta: 2 defenders (1H & 1A) growing to 4 defenders (more if German relations grow strained.) Alternate between assisting Pedrunnia in garrisoning and self-garrisoning. Subsequently a social improvement... settler, perhaps?

    Mapfipolis: 6 defenders (8 if German relations grow strained) 3H & 3A. Optioned improvement when finished.

    Attack stack: 6H & 6A, built in H Town and Pressburg.

    At size 6, send a sortie north to probe Austrian defenses further and possible take yet another prize. In the event of a poor city site, we'll disband the town and make our choice: probably an escorted trip south towards Pedrunnia.

    The army should have returned by the time the rest of the army is conscripted, and it can press on Graz.


  • #2
    well, we need to keep up happiness as well as attack so that means dividing our forces......

    i'd agree w/ u except some of the H Town and Pedrunnia garrison should make up the "sortie"


    • #3
      Pedrunnian troops would have to travel a large distance before reaching the area in question.

      We should also not sacrifice defense to attack... Build a garrison, then build to attack.

      Attacking puts us at risk... We can build in strength from Pressburg and H Town, and overwhelm Graz. We should not risk H Town to do so.



      • #4


        • #5
          I like to use 66% of troops for defense against barbs etc, and the other 33% for pure attacking. The central cities don't need as many troops defending (2 units: hoplite/archer) and the external cities 3 or 4.


          • #6
            Well i would like to tidy up Wess sooner rather than later. If we can bump up Empire happiness a bit we could take a risk and take two units out of H town to attack Wess with. I guess the overall thing would be to consolidate now and build up for Graz and then see how weakend Austria are after that(the graphs should tell us), if they are still strong we should attack some more! But i agree with all your troop build up ideas, just that i'd prefer to get Wess out the way now........although leaving it untill it is big enough to keep(size2+) might be a nice idea - it would be another city after all and it would deny anyone else settleing space nearby. So now i'm undecided?????? If we left Wess to build up so we could attack and keep it would that give us enough time to build the forces we would need to defend our other cities and Wess once we had it, and leave us with a decent size attacking force for Graz
            'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

            Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


            • #7
              Better to wait til its two... then we get 740 shields worth of prize.


              • #8
                oh btw, i forgot to mention that u can have a "home guard" army to temporarily up hapiness, hunt barbs, follow intruders, ect

                and exporing units/ stacks are always important


                • #9
                  I like your plan except by leaving in Pressburg only 2 units (1W + 1A). Give H Town the power to defend Pressburg and cintrol a possible attack.
                  "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                  Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                  Kill all and you are a God!"
                  -Jean Rostand


                  • #10
                    no, that would leave a very unhappy Pressburg

                    and i have a feeling that your not taking about my plan

