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  • #16
    Nomination's for government position opened!

    As from today, the 12th of February, the nominations are opened, they will last till Saturday the 15th.

    We, the citizens and voters of our beloved Apolemuria, should expect some interesting nominations. The big question in the moment will the struggle between the APP and WP continue into our government? WIll this struggle tore our nation apart? We will have to wait and see. Our reporters are trying to get as much information as possible.

    Stay tuned and get the latest news, JUST ON THE LEMURIAN HEROLD!
    Last edited by Gilgamensch; February 13, 2003, 06:03.


    • #17
      WP falling apart?

      The Lemurian Herold interviewed Mr. Dale, chairmen of the WP and had some interesting responses. During the interview, when being asked for WP official rules for the upcoming nominations and elections said, that their will be no official rules regarding the voting, "It's a democracy, and as such we vote for who we want.". Although this would allow the members of the WP to vote as they want to , he said at the same time, "We can't have too many peace-nik hippies in there.". This leaves a lot of disputes open, internally to the WP, as well to all citizens, of how they want to pursue their aims.

      Mr. Dale further mentioned, that they will try to "get as many government positions as possible", even if it just in case that member's of the APP will not be able to be elected into government. The attitude between the WP and the APP can only been seen at a low point of relationship. Using terms like "God-damn pot smoking tree-hugging hippies!!!" doesn't really help to improve relations between our two parties. If the WP will fail their main goal, to get elected into all offices, this could lead to a possible disaster.

      While being asked for the aims of the official plans, regarding our future, his reply doesn't leave a lot of open possibilities to argue about. The stand of the WP is already described by it's own name, therefore it wasn't unexpected to receive as a statement, that the "the ultimate goal still remains of domination through steel." The way how they want to achieve those goals re yet to be determined. Their was not further indication about the claim for the "axis of evil", which he was throwing in, in the last statement. Does this mean, that the WP, is out, trying to find or even create more enemies?

      When trying to find out more about the official party policy, the reporters have been defused into a completely different direction. Mr. Dale only indicated the upcoming election of the new chairmen for the WP and that he might not re-run for this position. This leaves room for a lot of speculation. Does this mean that the WP, doesn't agree anymore with their own chairmen?

      Furthermore in the news

      The buildings the WP planned are not for the WP, but for the ex-chairmen of the WP. Those buildings will have black marble's from Germany all over the floor and Thai-slaves as servants.

      Stay tuned and get the latest news, JUST ON THE LEMURIAN HEROLD!
      Last edited by Gilgamensch; February 13, 2003, 06:03.


      • #18
        Apolemurians short of revolting!

        To prevent our nation to be thrown into anarchy, our President Pedrunn is trying to buy us out, with some generous offers. It is still time to decide, which offer we want to go for. We should still keep in mind, that the conflict we have been drawn into will eat a lot of our valuable resources.

        Dear citizens, don't forget that it is our community paying the ultimative prise for. So consider carefully. It is our blood, our money, our food and our pride, so make sure, what is your desire.

        Stay tuned and get the latest news, JUST ON THE LEMURIAN HEROLD!


        • #19
          War Party implodes!

          With no official chairman to hold the party together the WP supporters wander of in the eight known directions, like so many lost cattle.

          CoT, the only former member who decided to opt for the nineth direction(he got confused over empire settings and didn't move), was heard to mutter things about 'the horror of war' and 'all that tragic destruction'.

          Later it was alleged by an unnamed source, that the APP had introduced traces of strong hallucenagens into the water supply at the WP headquarters. Which would go some way in explaining thier lack of focus over leadership changes? More news as it breaks.........
          'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

          Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


          • #20
            All is not quiet on the Lemurian Front

            An unknown source has revealed the drug rumoured to have been ingested by the WP members, the so-called potent hallucinogen, would be simply known as THX.

            More seriously, this same source has stated the WP implosion would actually be the result of the power greediness of its members.

            The Lemurian Herald would like to remind its readers that the increasing number of informations spread by unknown sources is worrying and would rather suggest our nation is facing slanderous campaigns led by ennemies of our state.
            "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


            • #21
              Interview with MrBaggin, the new chairman of the WP

              The Lemurian Herald was able to interview the new chairman of the WP, MrBaggins. Although he hasn't been officialy confirmed yet as the chairman, there is little doubt that he will be able to aquire this position.

              In his interview, MrBaggins, expressed some changes to the outlines and rules of the WP. Espacially with the upcoming elections, which the WP want's to dominate, he wants to introduce new party-rules. His view of the party, he decribes as: "A political party, by definition, is a group of persons organized for the purpose of directing the policies of a government". He does not want to undermine the rights of any party member, but he wants to enforce a solid part-line. Any member not following those orders, will be forced to leave to another, or a new political party.

              MrBaggins want's to strengthen our core cities to win the "Economic war… the most important war we will fight."

              For the relation towards the APP, he doesn't see any need to change. "As long as the APP does not become directly harmful to our nation", he welcomes "healthy democratic decision making of the great nation of Lemuria".

              Asked about the war-planes about Austria, he expressed that we should continue our mission and "conquest of all viable territories." With our other neighbours, he wants to continue with "peace and friendship", but restricting it to limited gifts only.

              Stay tuned and get the latest news, JUST ON THE LEMURIAN HEROLD!


              • #22
                Community Meeting for the future (Game Chat)!

                May I have your attetion, please!!!

                Pedrunn, The Leader of Lemuria, is recruiting all the citizens of our beloved empire to decide the plans for the future of our nation in the usual place: the Lemuria channel of the apolyton chat room at 19:30 on february 16 (sunday).

                He request all ministers to antecipate the guidelines here.
                Those who dont show up will suffer in the hands of our leader and feel sorry for life!!!

                May I have your attetion, please!!!
                Last edited by Pedrunn; February 14, 2003, 17:06.
                "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                Kill all and you are a God!"
                -Jean Rostand


                • #23
                  Lemurian Herold, editorial

                  In the interview with MrBaggins happened a mistake. We would like to inform our readers, that:

                  MrBaggins didn't want to enforce strick part-rules:

                  For better understanding we will include the letter received from MrBaggins:

                  I cannot describe the fury I felt when I read your libelous misquote in the Lemurian Herald.

                  I spoke nothing of force within the party... but of freedom.

                  I DEMAND that you retract the quoted paragraph and include the entire paragraph as below in the retraction

                  "A political party, by definition, is a group of persons organized for the purpose of directing the policies of a government. As such, a political party needs to organize the voting of its membership to this end. This ultimately should entail a debate and ultimately some form of vote, if there is disagreement.
                  This will form party policy. We will not enforce this voting, but encourage in the strongest fashion, voting according to this party policy. We would ask that any member who does not agree with party policy abstain rather than voting against it, to maintain party strength and unity.
                  Should a member consistently not agree with party policy, they are free (and encouraged) to leave to another, or a new political party."


                  One remark though, as we still have freedom of press, the Lemurian Herald will not surrender to force.

                  We just do include this in the editorial, as the mistake was on our site.

                  Stay tuned and get the latest news, JUST ON THE LEMURIAN HEROLD!


                  • #24
                    SCANDAL IN THE ELECTIONS!

                    Today Senior Justice Gilgamensch has refused to accept the nomination of prominent APP member and Second Secretary of that party, Tamerlin for Ministry of Domestic Affairs. The election ballots printed today only list the name of WP-"Chairman" (as like our interested readers might remember, the recent elections inside the warparty can hardly be called correct) mrbaggins who backs the senior justice on his unlawful decision. the app has already announced, the party is planning to go the court against this coup d'etat. according to their prime secretary Zaphod Beeblebrox the senior justice Gilgamensch is required to print new ballots and that the extra expanses for this shall not be taken out of our nations goldchambers but of the personal wealth from Gilgamensch. Meanwhile several hundreds demonstrants, some of them open sympathizing with the app, some of them expressing, they were not even app-sympathisants but "deeply concerned citizens" have amassed before the prime court protesting against the Senior Justice's decision. Yet undocumented rumours report, the government is amassing special military forces in the capitol. How will this crisis end? Can it be solved peaceful or will our nation finally fall into rebellion and dictatureship? Stay tuned!


                    • #25
                      Letters to the Editor...

                      Dear Editor,

                      I write in regards to your comments on the War Party election of MrBaggins as chairman. As outgoing Chairman I would like to express my anger about the Lemurian Herald's Editor's implications that the recent election of MrBaggins is corrupt and incorrect. As MrBaggins was the only War Party member wishing to run for Chairman, there was no need to run an election poll. I know the Lemurian Government is forced to run a poll in the event of only one candidate, but the War Party is not so constricted by its constitution. So basically, instead of filling the forum with ANOTHER thread for a pointless issue of running a poll for one candidate, MrBaggins was sworn in unopposed.

                      Maybe if our government wasn't so embroiled in this type of red tape we would have a more efficient government.

                      Yours sincerely,



                      • #26
                        A GOOD DAY FOR LAWYERS

                        Even though we have just begun researching Jurisprudence the lawyers are already taking over our beloved nation. Two new cases have been filed over the "State Of The Empire"-address by our President Pedrunn and over the disturbance of Mr Baggins's election rallies. Furthermore there are talks about a public investigator fully working on trying to enforce our laws. Opinions between important members of the judicial system as H Tower (former and soon-to-be-again judge), mapfi (soon-former judge) and Locutus (MoDST and also the nation's executioner) are heavely divided.

                        Stay tuned!


                        • #27
                          Community Meeting for the future (Game Chat)!

                          May I have your attetion, please!!!

                          Pedrunn, The Leader of Lemuria, is recruiting all the citizens of our beloved empire to decide the plans for the future of our nation in the usual place: the Lemuria channel of the apolyton chat room at 19:00 on february 19 (Wednesday).

                          He request all ministers to antecipate the guidelines here.
                          Those who dont show up will suffer in the hands of our leader and feel sorry for life!!!

                          May I have your attetion, please!!!
                          "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                          Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                          Kill all and you are a God!"
                          -Jean Rostand


                          • #28
                            President's Farewell Speech!

                            In a few hours the new President will be announced! But before that I want to thank all the citizens who were under my leadership in this great walk. I almost dont believe it has been eight weeks ago the time I launched the game we are currently playing. Since that day strategies, oppinions, discussions and many other relation among me, the ministers and the citizens have been done. Many of those who arent even playing the game with us but has left footprints in this forum. Several others continued to plan the evolution of our people until today. And many other have caught the boats already on its way. But for me these differences dont really matter we all tried to do the best fot the community as a whole. Reaching a good empire size with several units, military victories, five well-grown cities along with the 72 turns we have played together during game chats.

                            For the coming President I hope he is determined to keep this boat moving. If possible do a even better job than me not that i didnt my best after all i really tried to keep a rate of two chats a week even in the past weeks when i couldnt set a specific time because of a certain time instability in my personal life but this didnt kept from doing my job with the help of the delegates mapfi, J Bytheway and mrbaggins, and a unique enthusiasm as you all know i was the governor that most posted official polls and empirial discussion threads. Not to mention the postings in the other ministers thread and the Lemuria History.

                            But this speech is not a good bye from the community but a new beginning since I am leaving my position as a President to be the next Minister of Defence in which I will try to do the best I can. Trying not to make the mistakes done by the previous Ministers of Defenses. I know i wont be perfect since no one is. But I will try to Discuss every little strategy plan and other citizens oppinions to come up with the best plan towards the next military events including the outcome of Austrian war. Since as a former President I lived the consequences of these mistakes during the game playings. Including more discussions and more guidelines for the President. Due to this experience, I will do all I can to be the best Minister of Defense ever. But only the weeks to come can tell me if I reached my objective.
                            So ...
                            "Lets move on! And keep our civilization becoming greater and greater!!!"

                            Former first Lemurian president and new minister of defense
                            Last edited by Pedrunn; February 20, 2003, 10:56.
                            "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                            Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                            Kill all and you are a God!"
                            -Jean Rostand


                            • #29
                              The New Milenium Party!

                              The minister of Defense, Pedrunn, once again tries to garantee the security of all Lemurians. He is extremely fiscaliziling the trading of alcohol. for the end of this milenium. A Lemur citizen can only by drinks with alcohol in case he is not using anyweapon in the great party in the Lemuria Cafe. Or the person will be arrested and will be forced to volunteer for the Army trainement.

                              He made clear this prevention measure is to prevent the chaos that can reign in our beloved empire.

                              But the investigations of this newspaper find out that this is actually a way of recruiting our growing empire that more than ever needs the Weapons and Men to keep growing. We shall garantee the people the exercise of their Democracy rights to choose if either the person want or not to join the army.

                              When we tried to ask him about the reason behind the measure was true he clearly said "Bull****!" and in anther try he shouted "Men! Bring that reporter to be in the front line of the Lins attack..."

                              That all for now. I give your more news about the forcing of citizens to join the army tomorrow after my unit over hill infantry attack training
                              "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                              Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                              Kill all and you are a God!"
                              -Jean Rostand

