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Directory of Lemuria
Important Threads
Constitution & FAQ ---By Pedrunn
Government Announcements ---By Pedrunn
Lemuria Café ---By Frozzy
Call to Power II Democracy Game Internet Directory ---By Frozzy
Lemurian History ---By Pedrunn
Court of Lemuria: File Cases Here ---By H Tower
Court of Lemuria: History ---By H Tower
Lemuria Saved Games
Return to topLast edited by Frozzy; February 1, 2003, 03:58.
Pre Game (October 22nd 2002)
The Early Days
Welcome! ---By MarkG
First Quick Question Thread ---By Pedrunn
Citizen Registry ---By Locutus
Game settings
Map Settings ---By Turambar
Map Settings: Diversity ---By Locutus
Map Settings: Humidity ---By Locutus
Map Settings: Temperature ---By Locutus
Map Settings: Good Presence ---By Locutus
Map Settings: 'Continentiality' ---By Locutus
Map Settings: Land Mass---By Locutus
Map Size ---By Locutus
Barbarian Setting ---By Martin Gühmann
Number of Civs ---By Locutus
Pollution & Bloodlust ---By Locutus
Difficulty? ---By Turambar
Democracy game: what mod should be used? ---By Centrifuge
map settings current results ---By Gilgamensch
Map Type ---By Locutus
Map Setting Finalization: Continentality ---By Locutus
Map Setting Finalization: Number of Civs ---By Locutus
Map Setting Finalization: Temperature ---By Locutus
Map Setting Finalization: Diversity ---By Locutus
Map Setting Finalization: Humidity ---By Locutus
Map settings: maximum number of cities threshold ---By Gilgamensch
Map Setting Finalization: General ---By Locutus
Empiral Matters
What shall we be called? ---By Turambar
How shall we call our government ---By Gilgamensch
Parties ---By F-PRO
What shall we call our leader/... ---By Gilgamensch
What shall we be called ---By Gilgamensch
National Flag ---By Immortal Wombat
Is only one election enough to decide a government position? ---By Pedrunn
How will bills become laws? ---By Frozzy
If a tie happens should we have a run-off poll? ---By Pedrunn
How long should a term be? ---By Locutus
How many consecutive terms a citizen should able to run for the same officer? ---By Pedrunn
AMENDMENT: How to decide if an impeachment should occur? ---By Pedrunn
Flag poll (modem user warning: lot's o' big graphics) ---By Locutus
Democracy Game: government positions ---By Locutus
Government positions ---By Lemmy
Government Positions (Final) ---By Pedrunn
Who should control the unconventional units? ---By Pedrunn
Who should control the empire sliders? ---By Pedrunn
Government positions/candidates ---By Gilgamensch
Should the president name cities? ---By Pedrunn
Who should name the srmies (final) ---By Pedrunn
Who should control what to research ---By Pedrunn
The Court ---By Locutus
Who should control the empire sliders? (final) ---By Pedrunn
Who should control what to research (final) ---By Pedrunn
Constitution Article: Poll Scheme ---By Pedrunn
Article: The Executive Branch ---By Pedrunn
Article: Government Changes ---By Pedrunn
Lets vote the constitution!!! ---By Pedrunn
How should the president play the game? ---By Pedrunn
RESOLUTION: Ratify The Excuititve Branch. Government Changes and Bill of Rights ---By H Tower
RESOLUTION: Ratify the Polling and Court Articles ---By H Tower
What shall be our name (final) ---By Gilgamensch
Newspaper ---By Frozzy
So, when we will start the game? ---By F-PRO
How long does a turn takes ---By Pedrunn
Thank you, Lemurians! ---By st_swithin
So when do we start? ---By H Tower
$mini-game: Will we have one too? ---By F-PRO
Really joining now... ---By Darkness' Edge
When do you come here? ---By Locutus
Return to topLast edited by Frozzy; February 1, 2003, 03:59.
Term One
Term One Government
Judges: H Tower (SNR), mapfi, Gilgamensch
President: Pedrunn
Minister of Dip, Sci and Trade: Immortal Wombat
Minister of Defense: Maquiladora
Minister of Infrastructure: Ískallin
Minister of Domestic Affairs: Wise Ass
Court Nominations ---By Locutus
Term 1 Senior Justice ---By Locutus
Term 1 Two-Month Judge ---By Locutus
Term 1 Three-Month Judge ---By Locutus
Nominations for Term 1 Executive Branch Positions ---By H Tower
Term 1 Minister of Infrastructure ---By H Tower
Term 1 Minister of Diplomacy ---By H Tower
Term 1 President ---By H Tower
Term 1 Minister of Defense ---By H Tower
Nomination Extension for Minister of Domestic Affairs ---By H Tower
Term 1 Minister of Domestic Affairs ---By H Tower
Official Polls
What about the PW rate? ---By Pedrunn
Choose your preference on the Sliders ---By Pedrunn
Where do we go now? I ---By Pedrunn
Where do we go now? II ---By Pedrunn
Science Slider! ---By Pedrunn
Our first City name ---By Pedrunn
Attitude towards Austria ---By Immortal Wombat
What shall we research? ---By Immortal Wombat
Unofficial Polls
Where do we go? ---By Frozzy
What shall we research after ballistics ---By aleion
Name our Capital ---By Locutus
The Court
Case 001: Unconstitutional Elections ---By H Tower
Case 002: Legality of Diplomatic Poll ---By H Tower
Empire Discussion
The strategy for next turns ---By Martin Gühmann
Where are all the goods? ---By Pedrunn
When will the end of the term be? ---By Pedrunn
Orders for 3780+ ---By Pedrunn
The Austrian Rankings ---By Pedrunn
Turn Chats
First Lemuria Chat! ---By Pedrunn
First Lemuria Chat Report ---By Pedrunn
Return to topLast edited by Frozzy; February 1, 2003, 04:00.
Term Two
Term Two Government
Judges: mapfi (SNR), Gilgamensch*, Frozzy
President: Pedrunn
Minister of Defense: Maquiladora**
Minister of Dip, Sci, and Trade: Locutus
Minister of Infrastructure: Ískallin
Minister of Domestic Affairs: Wise Ass
Nominations for Term 2 positions ---By mapfi
Term 2 President ---By mapfi
Term 2 Minister of Domestic Affairs ---By mapfi
Term 2 Minister of Infrastructure --- By mapfi
Term 2 Minister of Defense ---By mapfi
Term 2 Three-Month Judge --- By mapfi
Term 2 Minister of Dip, Sic, and Trade ---By mapfi
Nominations for 2 month Judge term ---By mapfi
Term 2 Two-Month Judge term ---By mapfi
Minister of Defense resignation ---By Maquiladora
Nominations for Minister of Defense ---By mapfi
Term 2 Minister of Defence (Election II) ---By mapfi
Official Polls
Attitude toward Austria ---By Pedrunn
Do we go to war with Austria? ---By Maquiladora
Final City Name Poll ---By Pedrunn
Science Tax ---By Locutus
The PW rate ---By Pedrunn
Diplomacy: Non-trespassing treaty ---By Locutus
Peace Treaty ---By Locutus
Final Final City name poll ---By Pedrunn
Next item to build ---By mapfi
War Policy ---By Turambar
Second Warrior move ---By Pedrunn
Peace Treaty now ---By mapfi
Settling at the potato ---By mapfi
Unofficial Polls
Who should choose temporary ministers? ---By J Bytheway
The Court
Impeachment of Judge Gilgamensch ---By mapfi
Case 006: Validity of President's City Poll ---By mapfi
Empire Discussion
Orders for 3860+ ---By Pedrunn
Will we be permitted to retreat ---By Pedrunn
Empire Expansion ---By Wise Ass
Exchange Map Proposal Rejected ---By Pedrunn
Exchange Map propsal accepted
Turn chat improvements ---By Turambar
Delegates ---By Locutus
Diplomacy for next turns ---By Locutus
Settling Location ---By mapfi
Domestic Affairs Announcements ---By Wise Ass
Alteration of Article V ---By J Bytheway
H Tower's Constitution Review ---By H Tower
Don't let absences slow the game! ---By Pedrunn
Another Amendment ---By J Bytheway
War Party
Membership and Philosphy ---By Dale
The Party for War! ---By Dale
Chairman Elections ---By Dale
Debate on Austria ---By Dale
Turn Chats
Chat for 3860+ ---By Pedrunn
Chat for 3720+ ---By Pedrunn
Chat for 3620+ ---By Pedrunn
Chat for 3420+ ---By Pedrunn
Lemurian Herald
Now Recruiting! ---By Frozzy
Apolemurian People's Party
Main Thread ---By Zaphod Beeblebrox
* Gilgamensch retook his position after being impeached in Term 1/2
** Maquiladora resigned from his position as Minister of Defense in Term 2
Return to topLast edited by Frozzy; February 2, 2003, 00:10.