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Lemuria Saved Games
This is a sticky topic.
Let's try again...
Year: 1200 BC
Turn: 140 (Start of Tturn)
Gold: 2502
PW: 713
Cities: 10
Population: 61 (659,573)
Empire Happiness: 73
Public Works: 80%
Science Tax: 60%
Pollution: 485
Government: Monarchy
Researching: Geometry (11 turns)
Rations: 2/5
Workday: 5/5
Wages: 1/5
(Happines in brackets)
1. Pedrunnia (73) - Mounted Archer (10 turns)
2. Colonia Locuta (74) - Caravan (11 turns)
3. H Town (73) - Theater (20 turns)
4. mapfipolis (73) - Caravan (13 turn)
5. Pressburg (73) - Mounted Archer (10 turns)
6. Graz (74) - Hoplite (7 turns)
7. Wels (73) - Mounted Archer (16 turns)
8. Linz (74) - Shrine (3 turns)
9. Maquiladad (74) - Mounted Archer (34 turns)
10. Wien (74) - Hoplite (1 turn)
Austria - War (Despise)
England - None (Dislike)
Scotland - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Germany - War (Despise)
Thailand - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Celtic Emp - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Israel - Withdraw (Dislike)
India - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Coffee from Linz to Maquiladad for 50 Gold with 1 Caravan
0 Caravans available
Hoplites: 47
Archers: 43
Warriors: 3
Mounted Archer: 1
Samurai: 1Attached Files
I have waited for the orders of the various ministers with the hope of fully playing the current turn after Settler's crash. Without any order I have decided to retake Wombatoon and stop the game until the next Turn Chat. I was planning a Turn Chat monday but it is now too late to organize one and the next Turn Chat will be organized by our next president.
Here is the latest Savegame:Attached Files"Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill
Year: 1040 BC
Turn: 148 (End of Tturn)
Gold: 3146
PW: 525
Cities: 12
Population: ? (768,850)
Empire Happiness: 73
Public Works: 10%
Science Tax: 60%
Government: Monarchy
Researching: Geometry (2 turns)
Rations: 2/5
Workday: 5/5
Wages: 1/5
(Pop in brackets)
1. Pedrunnia (8) - Theater (2 turns)
2. Colonia Locuta (7) - Hoplite (2 turns)
3. H Town (10) - Archer (1 turn)
4. mapfipolis (5) - Hoplite (1 turn)
5. Pressburg (7) - Hoplite (2 turns)
6. Graz (11) - Archer (2 turns)
7. Wels (4) - Archer (4 turns)
8. Linz (6) - Archer (2 turns)
9. Maquiladad (3) - Archer (3 turns)
10. Wien (5) - Archer (2 turns)
11. Wombatoon (2) - Archer (1 turn)
12. Pilsen (4) - EMPTY
Austria - War (Despise)
England - None (Despise)
Scotland - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Germany - War (Despise)
Thailand - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Celtic Emp - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Israel - Withdraw (Dislike)
India - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Coffee from Linz to Maquiladad for 50 Gold with 1 Caravan
Coal from mapfipolis to Maquiladad for 90 Gold with 2 Caravans
0 Caravans available
Archers: 47
Hoplites: 48
Warriors: 2
Settlers: 1Attached Files
Year: 980 BC
Turn: 152 (End of Tturn)
Gold: 4688
PW: 224
Cities: 12
Population: ? (800,985)
Empire Happiness: 73
Public Works: 0%
Science Tax: 60%
Government: Monarchy
Researching: Iron Working (2 turns)
Rations: 2/5
Workday: 5/5
Wages: 1/5
(Pop in brackets)
1. Pedrunnia (8) - City Wall (2 turns)
2. Colonia Locuta (7) - Ardher (1 turn)
3. H Town (11) - Theatre (4 turns)
4. mapfipolis (5) - Archer (1 turn)
5. Pressburg (7) - Shrine (3 turns)
6. Graz (11) - Archer (2 turns)
7. Wels (5) - Hoplite (2 turns)
8. Linz (6) - Academy (7 turns)
9. Maquiladad (3) - Hoplite (3 turns)
10. Wien (5) - Archer (2 turns)
11. Wombatoon (2) - Archer (2 turns)
12. Pilsen (4) - Hoplite (1 turn)
Austria - War (Despise)
England - None (Despise)
Scotland - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Germany - War (Despise)
Thailand - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Celtic Emp - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Israel - Withdraw (Dislike)
India - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Coffee from Linz to Maquiladad for 50 Gold with 1 Caravan
Coal from mapfipolis to Maquiladad for 90 Gold with 2 Caravans
0 Caravans available
Archers: 54
Hoplites: 57
Warriors: 1
Settlers: 1Attached Files
Year: 930 BC
Turn: 157 (End of turn)
Gold: 6743
PW: 224
Cities: 12
Population: ? (840,325)
Empire Happiness: 73
Public Works: 0%
Science Tax: 60%
Government: Monarchy
Researching: Feudalism (6 turns)
Rations: 2/5
Workday: 5/5
Wages: 1/5
(Pop in brackets)
1. Pedrunnia (8) - Academy (1 turn)
2. Colonia Locuta (8) - Archer (1 turn)
3. H Town (11) - Academy (5 turns)
4. mapfipolis (5) - Hoplite (1 turn)
5. Pressburg (8) - Granary (1 turns)
6. Graz (11) - Academy (3 turns)
7. Wels (5) - Granary (2 turns)
8. Linz (7) - Academy (1 turn)
9. Maquiladad (3) - Theater (8 turns)
10. Wien (5) - Catapult (5 turns)
11. Wombatoon (3) - Hoplite (1 turn)
12. Pilsen (4) - Archer (2 turns)
Austria - War (Despise)
England - None (Despise)
Scotland - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Germany - War (Despise)
Thailand - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Celtic Emp - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Israel - Withdraw (Dislike)
India - Peace/Withdraw (Respect)
Coffee from Linz to Maquiladad for 50 Gold with 1 Caravan
Coal from mapfipolis to Maquiladad for 90 Gold with 2 Caravans
0 Caravans available
Archers: 59
Hoplites: 63
Warriors: 1
Settlers: 1Attached Files